pop culture

User in r/NBA lays out how Taylor Swift is responsible for results of Eastern Conference Matchups

User in r/NBA lays out how Taylor Swift is responsible for results of Eastern Conference Matchups

by aprildismay


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  2. ClumsyZebra80

    Excellent conspiracy theory. Absolutely legendary. I’m all in.

  3. msksksnsj

    There is a conspiracy in my country that every time she releases a new album this very famous soccer team doesn’t loose! Is hilarious they photoshopped her wearing their jersey and everything and even the team tweeted about it.

    Sometimes you see men begging Taylor for help

  4. Princessleiawastaken

    Taylor is placing a curse on each city she visits

  5. amomentintimebro

    Incredible incredible work. Now this is a conspiracy theory I can get behind !

  6. well_actuallE

    “I’m sure you will find the evidence indisputable” 😀 well then, I guess it’s settled.

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