Rachel McAdams – Mean Girl – Crossed Legs 4K

McAdams is kind of queen of both media right now she’s in at some tough customer am I really um it was fun to think of you I mean a lot of people go back and Mean Girls and then when you do the notebook or the vow or these romantic movies that everybody every guy is forced to watch on Valentine’s Day right then we see this other side of you so who before we discuss these are you who the hell am I who the hell are you that’s what I need to know uh I’d love to know she’s not really caring she’s not caring about her Roots no she’s going there she’s a a detective and she has a great name that’s you know Annie bezares that’s short for antigon let’s bring up Greek tragedy and everything that can happen yeah what was it about that char that you said I want to do this there’s a amazing shootout scene which I hadn’t seen you do anything like before but I might be missing something I had a little lady gun in Sherlock Holmes that doesn’t count the lady gun these weren’t lady guns these are not lady guns I could barely get my hand around this gun you’re running and and everything you’re ready you are prepped for any eventuality then you can run and reload person you have anything on you now I don’t see where you put it no they’re there they’re there yeah don’t worry got and C at disguising them um you did you finished True Detective and then you did Southpaw as a movie Moren is a woman who is emotionally connected even though she came up tough in the projects with the Jake Gyllenhaal character so what was the attraction to do that even though you don’t really box in the movie that you trained yeah did you just want to beat the crap out of J CU I guess you didn’t have a shotgun you were just using a regular pistol on this he cast you in Midnight in Paris he didn’t cast you in the Anan new way you switches or anything but there was a problem I I’m getting the feeling that you’re attracted to this kind of I am there’s so into your get this you don’t care about it yeah yeah so um but the rest of the world has right I it’s so it’s so amazing to be you know a part of Rio it was that was another you know one a great treat for me but you haven’t been on before so you don’t really know that it always snippet of Melody that’s in your heart and inside your head we do yeah right I could just keep staring at you until something there must be something you saying in the shower this morning the baressi I love that okay you want do it with me if I could remember it but if you start me the simple baress says that’s your part

#rachelmcadams #celebritynews #celebrity #fashion #legs #crossed

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