5 Ways I Make Sabbaticals Accessible for Black Women 💗

good morning if you’re a black woman who would love to take a career break if you’re a black woman who would love to take a sabatical some time off of work weeks months years but you think it’s not accessible to you you think the money means that you can’t do it this video is for you make sure that you watch this video okay you don’t have to be money doesn’t have to be the reason you think your sabatical is inaccessible it might be something else might just be fear right please watch this video we’re going to talk about ways women in this community make uh take sabatical ways women in this community black women are able to take significant time away from work uh we’re also going to talk about ways that I contribute to that right ways that I help to make sabatical accessible to black women so who am I let me get myself together that Sunbeam was kind of strong so let me move things around a little bit hi welcome my name is Stephanie Perry I’m a house sitter I’m house sitting right now I’m the creator of house sitter school and the co-creator of Exodus Summit and I help black women take a sabatical or career break Bop around the world as a nomad um move abroad all while embracing ease if any of these things sound good to you subscribe to this Channel please this is me leaving you a time time to look for the Subscribe button thank you and then turn on notifications ring the notification Bell so you’ll be notified when I post a new video or when I go live welcome and Welcome Friends hey Vanita Washington hey latata the senior in the senior in Insurance advisor hi Shauna hey Vanessa you know the rules friends you have to say good morning it doesn’t matter or hello if you’re watching right now you have to say good morning it’s the rules okay hey onward hey ra hey Kimberly stanel hey out of many We Are One hi in Miami hey Francis B hey Adrien Divine hey Nelle Gainer oh I forgot to send you a message Michelle hey hey Denine hey Tams Paris hey Sandra hey Janice how’s everybody you have to say good morning and if you’re watching from the future if you’re watching the replay Hello friends in the future I hope it’s wonderful there you have to say hello in the chat okay and the comments you have to it’s what we do I’m house sitting in San Jose Costa Rica for an real life friend uh and this is her dog this is the most you’re probably going to see from um lra she’s a very good girl she’s a very good girl but you know she’s not super cuddly she’s not into all that okay so she’s not going to be all up in my lap like it is sometimes when I’m house sitting and I need to re I need to swing my chair around a little bit because of that Sunbeam I had to readjust let’s readjust beautiful house in Costa Rica with a pool so I’m so spoiler alert one of the ways that I make sabatical accessible to black women is house sitting okay yeah we gonna talk house sitting no question but let’s do things in the order that I wrote them out this is kind of of an opportunity for me to just make sure you know about some resources that exist in this world in the world of black women saying oh you know what I want to take a break some there are resources that um exist and I want to make sure that we point you I point you to that me we me and the other women who are here in the chat right now point you to the resources um that we are using or have used or have created to make sure that black women can take sabatical rest is not just for the rich right doing less taking breaks getting in touch with yourself finding yourself right uh knowing yourself that’s not just for the rich and so we make it our business over here I keep dropping things we make it our business over here to create things that help black women do the thing they want to do and in this space let me do all of this I’m sorry in this space that’s largely take a sabatical or Bop as a nomad live nomadically you know travel full-time or just flat out move abroad okay we’re going to focus mostly on sabatical things today but we’re going to talk about a little bit all of it okay so um let I want to okay I’m going to name out the things that I do I’m going to share what the community is sharing uh so if you’re in the chat right now and you are either on sabatical have taken sabatical or are planning a sabatical a career break sometime when you’re not working if you want to give us a quick synopsis a quick uh few words about how you’re doing it okay if it’s I won the lottery say I won the lottery if it’s I got laid off and took my Severance say that if it’s alimony if it’s I invest and I use no NOP that’s my water oh now I don’t have any water that’s not dog water now she wants to be my friend she over here licking my hand after she drank out of my cup so at some point you probably see me have to get up and go in the kitchen and get some water cuz she just drank out of my cup she don’t even like me like that uh if you want to share how you you’ve taken a sabatical right what thing you’ve done to make it more accessible to you because you’re not a aest right then please share that and we’ll share with each other today um this kind of also will act as a soft launch of my my website um my YouTube channel has existed since 2019 and um I’ve been coaching since 20 early 2020 maybe 2019 and there’s not been a real website for me to point you to vas.com did exist but it was ugly and it wasn’t a website it was just a Blog um but vas.com now exists a little bit so this is kind of a soft launch of my website if you get there and things are not something ain’t working be patient with me okay bear with me on vacars.com I’ve lifted listed out some of the ways five ways that I make sabatical accessible to black women so that’s what that’s what we’re covering today um I also am a speaker at the job job Liberation virtual Summit for black women in today and I do want to go check um check my internet speed so if I share my screen that’ll be a good test of the internet speed for today well I’m it looks fine right now I’m going to be indoors so the sun’s not going to be a problem but let me share my screen do I know how to do it yeah and let’s see what are you looking at okay good we did it we did it now I got to go back and remove my thing I can move it down here how’s that and make it smaller boom you’re look right now you’re looking at my this is my this thing you’re looking at right now is my um vision board okay so my website kind of exists now all right and I on the website I had to list out ways that I make sabatical accessible and so this is what we’re going to talk about today we’re going to talk about house sitting we’re going to talk about Exodus summit we’re going to talk about my YouTu coaching the vacan sabatical fund that actually raises money to send black women on sabatical we’re going to talk about my book Job detox just a little bit okay so yeah vacars.com exists yes it’s been years of me being in business as a coach without having a website so listen let that be a lesson to you you can make money right you can make I just left uh macius Lisbon where have I been over the last few weeks Bermuda Paris Iceland which was awesome right I’ve just done a whole bunch of traveling from a business that supports me from the income from a business that supports me uh without having a real website right just got a website your girl just got a website uh I believe that your business should fund the business expenses right so the website the clients the pay the income from the business should be what you use to build the website I don’t think you should be coming out of pocket unless you sell physical products and you need a website if you’re a coach get coaching clients that money should go to create the website okay so house sitting was the first thing on the list because house sitting is The Equalizer I think in sabatical house sitting is staying in people’s homes and caring for their homes and their pets while while they’re away so that um their pets are cared for and so that you get free accommodation I am in San Jose Costa Rica in my friend’s house I’m in their house I’mma show you the backyard I generally try not to go live from inside people’s from that’s to show you too much of the inside of people’s house but this is their yard I am house sitting uh I’m not paying for this beautiful home right now this house sit is only five or six days but uh there are many longer houss I’ve houseat for 90 days I even shared a six-month house with another house sitter um being able to get free accommodation really frees you up in terms of how much work you do or don’t do right if your sabatical is going to be you working part-time at a less stressful job instead of not working at all right I’m going to leave this stressful job I’m going to work part-time or whatever some some variation and house it so that I get free accommodation I think you’ve got yourself a nice break right sabatical is what you decide it is right for me a sabatical means time away from work where work is not your priority right but if for you a sabatical is time away from this stressful work and doing much less stressful things call it a sabatical call it it’s a career break that’s a career break if you’re stepping away that’s a career break okay hi radiant renewal currently on a house sit in Seattle right there are black women in this community who are who are living out a new phase of Life by house sitting right who are getting to this is Starlet right this is you Starlet I think I think we went over this last time um what over your new name your new screen name your new channel name um uh there are black women who are living out a new way right by house sitting whether it’s for good or for short periods of time right house sitting can be something that you do for a couple weeks here and there house sitting can be a thing that you do for years and years right Nicole Lea just came back from Italy on a house set I think did you share this I don’t think I saw any pictures from you did you share your house sit Nicole honestly housesitting over the past year helped me not helped me to not need to travel on my sabatical which reduced my sabatical expenses right if you can house it and just park yourself somewhere that’s a different environment a different location right you’ve given yourself a good head start on decompressing on your sabatical sometimes sabatical can be really travel heavy travel focused and that’s tiring that wears you out so it can be really nice to have a sabatical where you sit in one place whether that one place is your city or some foreign city right you can sabbatical in your own city house sitting can still get you into a new environment I use trusted house sitters for house sitting I’m going to link you to my new house sitter toolkit which is a free download that gives you not only my affiliate link to trusted house sitters so that you can you register for trusted house sitters and they give me a commission at no extra cost to you which is like thank you Stephanie right uh but the new house sitter toolkit has something that’s really important inside of it it has the letter that I use to get booked house sitting with trusted house sitters I got to go inside the dog drank my water I’m already sweating and that bird I don’t know if y’all can hear the bird but that bird is like I don’t want you to have any peace okay that bird is like this is my show I’ve always wanted to be on YouTube thanks for this opportunity so I’m going to go in okay cuz I just feel really distracted I got to get in the zone we got to get in the zone I didn’t bring my light in here but I think we can do it let me turn on this light oh I don’t have the fan on at all okay if you’re new here listen this is how it goes okay it’s not GNA get any more organized than this okay so so just um bear with me I got to get some water I need the water okay dog drank my water I’ll be right back okay let me get myself back on track okay here we go yeah okay house sitting could you hear it I couldn’t I couldn’t not hear it normally birds chirping doesn’t bother me somebody in the chat is always like there’s those birds are really loud but normally it doesn’t bother me but today that bird was like nobody will hear anything but me that’s all I could hear um house sitting house sitting has made has given me the opportunity Hi Alexis house sitting has given me the opportunity to do less in my life to work less and to see the world house sitting is how I have is one of the ways I have seen the world six continents don’t expect seven unless somebody else is paying for Antarctica I’m not going to Antarctica okay but six continents uh without having a traditional job thank you house sitting right um Venita hi Venita Washington I used to house sit each winter in my own City for five weeks it was wonderful yes oh that’s awesome getting yourself into a new environment even if it’s in the same city will change you I believe you’re a different person in a different place I believe that and that different place can be next door right you get out of the home your home with your stuff you get into a new environment in a new space with a new view new scenery you you can be a different person in a different place so I love that I love that okay no complaints okay a viral nomatic Survivor I’m listening while I’m listening I’m making stairs for the doggy Den it reaches 120 degrees here in the summer a you’re making stairs for a doggy a doggy Den I guess is a thing that goes down underground that’s so cute all right so most houss are pet sits there are some that aren’t pet sits but if you’re going to pay for a trusted house sitter’s membership I think I wouldn’t pay for a trusted house sitters membership if I wasn’t willing to care for not just tolerate but care for a cat or a dog or a rabbit or a chicken or a fish a horse right something doesn’t have to be an in the home pet but if I didn’t like any animals I don’t know that I would get my money’s worth now having said that quite a few women here have done house sits through trusted house sitters that are not pet sits the only time I’ve done a house sit that wasn’t a pets sit was outside of trusted house sitters right it was house sits that people referred me to look at this April just finished a three-week house sit in the San Francisco Bay area we out here okay we’re doing it we’re doing it this has made house sits make sabatical accessible to black women I’m so proud listen I take credit for things you this may be if you’re new we had a lot of new subscribers lately if you’re new you may not know a whole lot about me I take credit for things and I take credit for people’s wins this is why people I ask everybody report back let me know and I take credit for black women there are black women today let me see if I could try to come up with a figure trusted house citers hasn’t told me how many memberships but I know how many I sell I know how much affiliate commission I get every month 2,000 Divi I can’t say I have to say it out loud 2,000 divided by my average commission is 76 or 100 76 is the average 26 black women every month I take credit for 26 at least black women every month starting house sitting which means she gets a free place to stay somewhere for some period of time it might be a long weekend I love that it might be a year I love that I take the credit uh and I am so proud to be a person who has introduced so many black women to house sitting to this way of seeing the world or their own City and getting free accommodation some of these women are using house sitting to take career breaks some of them are just using them to take vacations right to take a pause whatever it is I’m so excited I’m so excited about it I’m so happy for it and then Angela hi Angela Angela is in keto Mexico they’re final finalizing plans for their family trip this this summer and they’ll need a house sitter and y’all are already are y’all on trusted house sitters do you list house on trusted house sitters I think you shared in The Exodus Summit Community one time when you needed a house sitter I think I may be confusing people but I think uh between the Exodus Summit Community and trusted house sitters that is how somebody would house it in Angel’s beautiful home for the dog who shall not be [Laughter] named who is not my friend um I have a lot of videos here on house sitting um normally I just say look for the last live stream with house sitting in the title right so that’s what I’ll say if you’re watching the replay I’ll go back and find one and link to it in the description um but there’s not a whole lot more to tell you except that you pay to get yourself there you get free accommodation only through trusted hous sitters you don’t get paid you get the free place to stay for the length of the house um house sits are for clients who are people so sometimes they have uh sometimes their spouses or families full families and sometimes they don’t mind or they like if their house sitter is also a couple or two people or a family people house sit with spouses people house it with families people house it with their own pets take their own pets on house sits some people do that some people leave the pet at home and get a house sitter in their house while they go house sit somewhere else um I don’t there’s not a whole lot else to tell you except that it gives you free accommodation and you can house it back to back to back Rhonda are you saying Rhonda says she hasn’t paid rent in two years now are you housesitting Rhonda or is this somewhere some other way you know you got to tell me the whole story okay if I can take you got to tell me how much credit I can take right I house sat back to back for the most I’ve done without paying for a place to stay was 11 months right in the in the Gap in the meantime I either go to my parents house or I stay in an Airbnb or used to stay in hostals before covid Airbnb and going to my parents house is the thing I do in between but there was a period where I house sat back to back to back to back to back for 11 months I started in um aiik me right outside of guad lahara I went over to San Miguel de aende and I think I came back towards uh Guan Mexico i h then I moved up to was this the time I went to Austin I can’t remember I think I may have gone straight to San Francisco I may have house had in Austin and then gone to San Francisco or I may have gone straight to San Francisco House s in the San Francisco in San Francisco and Oakland for a few weeks or months went over to the UK and house sat in the UK for months uh went to the Netherlands in Amsterdam that’s one place went to the Netherlands and house sat for a few days and then went home that was an 11mon housesitting trip Nadia may be here Nadia has done extended house sitting road trips in the US maybe abroad too um house sitting is a thing that you can do back toback if either number one your um I lost my train of thought you can do houses back toback either if you are location independent yes that’s what I was saying if you’re location independent because either you have some money saved up or because you work online work from your computer or because you um you can house it back toback what was the second thing I was going to say oh you want to stay in one location you can stay in one location if that location is a location that house sitting is popular in in the UK that’s the UK right house sitting is popular in the UK house sitting is popular in Australia especially well I’m just going to say especially the Eastern side uh Melbourne Sydney uh Gold Coast but even in Perth on the west side west side of Australia house sitting is popular there yeah so house sitting um can be and house sitting is popular in the US in the major cities in the major cities you can house it back to back to backs the Bay Area San Francisco um Washington DC Atlanta New York Chicago Dallas between if you’re willing to go between Dallas and Austin I think you can house it back to back uh yeah and I think the Colorado I don’t know how far apart Colorado Springs and Denver are but I think if you will if you can go between those you can house it back to back as well right uh the Pacific Northwest oh South Florida how did I forget the retirees in South Florida right and Central Florida I may have missed some areas but those are places where even if you need to stay put you can still house it back to back to back to back um it’s freeing being a person who does not have to pay for accommodation when I don’t want to or when I couldn’t when I just did not have it house sitting really really freed me and continues says keep me free right I have um an alert and I just got an alert right now for a beautiful a retreat space it’s a trust I’m going show it to you I don’t know what trusted hous sitters rules are about internet things I’mma show you the basic listing because you don’t need a membership to see the basic listings you only need a membership to see the more to see more but I think I can show you the basics right now there was a house sit in um Costa Rica an alert I just got now I can’t find the alert because I have do not disturb on um and I was like oh too bad those dates don’t work for me jungle and yoga Paradise okay even though okay I think you can scroll without a membership so I’m going to show it to you the dates are June 20th to July 18th uh let me see I have my comment box up so I can’t see this but I think you can see it now I can’t scroll I can’t scroll in Reverse I’m sorry I would like to scroll let me see let me hide a couple of I won’t show you their bedrooms but I’ll show you the bathroom I think people wouldn’t mind their bathroom being on being on YouTube now they have quite a few animals they got three dogs a cat some fish and some chickens they put one chicken but I don’t I’ve never seen anybody have one chicken so I’m assuming they just have some chickens and backyard right so this I think listen me and my home girls if me and my home girls were available we would be on it as I said I haven’t read this posting because I’m not available for the date so I haven’t read it but sometimes they’ll tell you how many people they’re willing to take right one house sitter some will only only have space for one or their pet gets nervous around strangers so they only want one and some are like a family we would love a family family is what you say it is housesitting clients are just people you just have conversations with them that’s what I was saying the new house sitter toolkit my new house sitter toolkit contains the letter that I use to get booked it contains the actual template for the email that I send to get booked to house that is why you want to download this toolkit you can join trusted house sitters directly right but you’ll want to download my new house sitter toolkit because I have that in there here so I’m going to put both links in the in the description and in the chat you can join without me but I think you want that letter because that letter is what gets you booked yeah I just got the alert maybe while I was getting dressed or maybe before I got in the shower so maybe an hour hour and a half ago you got to move fast on these high demand house sits right this I that’s why I teach house sitter school I have a a course a paid course that people can take called house sitter School some people start get up get on the platform and just can’t get booked right there’s some things you got to do you need to have alerts set I know about this house it because I got an alert you have to have alert set you have to be able to move fast you have to have your email template ready to copy and paste so that you can fix some things okay I’m talk I’m spending a lot of time I don’t have a whole lot of time today because I need to go to I need to go stop eat breakfast and get ready for my session in the job Liberation virtual Summit for black women which kicks off today um but I’ve taken this amount of time talking about house sitting because it is that much of a Le playing field leveler right house sitting makes sabatical accessible to black women Celeste says that letter is the truth just swap out the names swap out the city swap out the names it’s ready to go now you can change more because it sounds like me I’ll be like your pet is so adorable and I love to cuddle with right it sounds like me so you want to make sure it sounds like you but it it covers what you need to cover what you need to cover in in an email when you’re applying for a house sit or a message it’s not an email it’s a message what you’re covering is that I’ve read this posting I’m available for these dates I am a trustworthy person even though I may be new on this platform here’s some experience or here’s something that will make you feel more comfortable about me and now let’s talk the actual call to action book me or let’s get on the get on a call those are important things you need to cover in your email in your letter to get booked you got to move very fast that alert listen when I when the alert came out no one had applied now it says four right when the alert came out no no one had applied I would if I knew like when the alert came out I opened it I scrolled to some pictures frankly I don’t think I scrolled past the bathroom photo frankly I got that far and I was like okay so that’s why I don’t know how many chickens and stuff let’s see let’s see if they list if they showed the back the dog is cute I don’t know if people want their dog on on YouTube but the one dog oh oh my gosh the dog gets cuter and cuter oh the cat the cat is cute okay so they didn’t show the chickens I don’t know how many chickens and I’m not haven’t read it but first thing I did was do a quick scroll click on view the dates and saw June 20 to July 18th I’m not available so that was the end of it for me right but if it was you you would then read the entire posting read the sitters reviews at least oh looks like they have one amazing review which is enough enough right read that entire review uh look at the location which is noara Costa Rica which you know I usually just Google closest airport and then I apply and then I go back and double check right after I apply I copy and paste my letter and then I go tell this is the things these are the things that I teach inside of house sitter school and then I go back and um make sure I know how to get to this place then I and is is there Uber or how do people get around in this place or are they giving me use of their car because some hous sitting clients let you use their car right uh in Costa Rica cat what did cat just told me the other day in Costa Rica your insurance covers the car not the driver and so that may explain why in some countries they’re like sure use my car right I had a housesitting client who was my friend in Mexico and she was like use my golf cart oh two client the client in Tampa they lived on a on a a golf course Community kind of not not really it was a town but people got around in golf carts and and cars and they were like here here use the golf cart right Monica Adelina who is retired uses has and continues to house it Nichelle is going through my playlist good Nichelle is Nichelle is a traveler traveler so good house sitting will keep you keep you on the road and halisi says there are more house sits in Portugal than ever before okay so I usually say the UK and not Europe but you know a lot of these places are so closed that whatever but UK is a place where house sitting is a thing that they do you don’t have to explain house sitting to people in the UK right so trusted house sitters is even headquartered in the UK but in a lot of Europe same right they get it they understand it they travel a lot these are people who travel a lot and uh they also I think UK has more pets than average more pets than most people in the world so house sitting is a really popular place in the UK but also other places Nell saying that they cap it five applicants they cap it there is a number I don’t know if it’s five or seven but once that once a house gets to so many applicants new people can’t apply until they weed some people out some clients will just pick from the first five some clients will be like well no to her because she didn’t read the posting she right or no to her because she didn’t say anything you’d be surprised how many people apply for a house sit by saying I’m interested get out of here get out of my face so uh so they either have to pick from that first group of five or they have have to reject some people and then they clear up space for new people to apply which is why alerts are so so crucial so critical um okay house sitting I think I feel like we’ve covered house sitting as much as I can Shauna Shauna Dr Shauna Stephanie you deserve all the credit can’t thank you enough for introducing me to house sitting I don’t it’s been quite a while since we talked Shauna where are you and how are you still housesitting I know shaa house sat in Puerto Rico and Morocco how’s Shauna was like always a few weeks ahead of me when I was going places she would be like oh I just left there and I think you still work I think you still work hopefully not much longer I hope that’s just me saying it I don’t know okay that wasn’t a curse that was a blessing but um for a while everywhere I was going shaa would be like oh I just left there you going to Morocco I just left Morocco on a house set you going to Puerto Rico I just left Puerto Rico on a house set I’m like girl slow down so I can be there with you thank you um Monica Adelina I’ve gotten five star reviews and clients of contacted me to house said oh you’re in Austria a okay right just out here living out here living um house I am so proud to be a person who has introduced black women to house sitting okay because house sitting makes doing less except accessible we’re convinced or we’re told not we’re not convinced we’re told and we’re trained and we’re raised to do more to work harder and house sitting lets us take a break from all of that and re-evaluate it and maybe never return I hope never return to working hard to being exhausted burn out I’m really proud of that okay I’m really proud of it junat says we’ve been invited on the last few house sits in France people like the fact that we’re close by yes right so some people you know people are different people are people some people will post a house sit and let it go and see what happens other people will post a house sit and then look like what house sitters are near me and what house sitters are near me that I might like right people love black women they trust black women in this regard right people trust black women to take good care of their stuff right people around the world that’s been my experience uh and so if you’re in a place and you put your location is in that place people will be you’ll have a good chance of people somebody reaching out to you you may not always have to reach out to people to get clients Barbara Freedom Quest says I need to get signed up you need to get signed up you need to get signed up if you want a house set at all this summer you need to be on trusted house sitters now if you want a house sit next winter you need to be on trusted house sitters before October or by by October before October you got a two-month Gap two-month lead for most house sits most a lot of people don’t book until six weeks some people book very very last minute so I’m not saying it’s too late to book a Memorial Day house it because it’s not too late to book a Memorial Day Weekend house it right everybody there’s always last minute but the if you want the most options if you want to see the most new alerts come on show up on your phone you’ve got a six to eight week lead time so you need to be on there okay I understand hesitating and waiting and being unsure but you have resources you have support you have people not just me women in this chat if you’re in the Exodus Summit Community uh if you’re in Diamond crystals community on Facebook which I’ll put in the description later Facebook cuz I don’t remember it might just be called black women house sitters I don’t remember if you’re in community with with other women who are housesitting they will help you right I have house sitter school which will help you I have a whole bunch of videos which will help you I understand hesitating but when you need something you need it when you want to take a break you want to take a break you need a break by the time black women start to think I want a break it’s actually more more dire more urgent than we know because we’ve been taught to suppress that feeling or that need we’ve been taught to suppress our own needs right and so by the time you recognize the need you’re actually further down is more urgent than you know right other people are told to address their needs earlier recognize their needs earlier what do you feel what do you want what do you think we don’t get that we don’t get that encouragement and so by the time we start thinking maybe I want a break we need a break I’m convinced of that we have a late that our alert system works a little bit later right our smoke detector doesn’t go off until the room is filled with smoke do it do it do it I went live on Instagram just the other day and I yesterday yesterday I did a live on Instagram sitting by the pool and I talked about getting in the water right getting yourself in the best position for something to happen if an angel is about to come and Trouble the water you need to get in the water if the water current can take you where you need to go without you doing a whole lot of work get in the water sure you can walk on the Sandy Beach or you could get in the water and let the current take you get in the Water by that I mean get yourself use the resources that people have put out in the world for you stop trying to do everything on your own own if somebody made something use it I pay for trusted house sitters I could book my own house sets I could call every client I’ve ever had and say here are my dates available are you do you have anything do you know anybody who has anything I could talk to all my friends and family I could get in touch with a bunch of local Realtors right there’s a lot of ways that I could book my own house sits but I pay for my membership to trusted house sitters I get in the water so that I can do less work let the current take me but it doesn’t have the current can’t take you if you’re not in the water the current can’t take you if you’re thinking about it and not doing it right okay all right nurology life says I absolutely agree with you okay thank you thank you I believe that right I believe that you can do what you can a lot of things in life you can do them all on your own but why why are you so convinced that everything has to be so hard Embrace ease that includes house sitting you can’t book a house sit until you until you join trusted house sitters or Join one of the house sitting platforms my my mind my house house carers are the other two bigger platforms and then there are some country specific platforms house hit in Mexico I’m sure there’s like a house hit in Canada I’m sure there different countries have them but I like trusted house sitters because it’s International I only have to pay for one membership fee I only need alerts set up on one site and how trusted house sitters have me booked when I need to get booked we have’t Church get in the water I talked about that yesterday get in the water put yourself in the best position to get what’s coming that house that retreat the that alert get yourself in the water get yourself in position to get what’s coming somebody’s going to book that house sit somebody’s going to be on in on the beach in Costa Rica in a retreat space hopefully with some other some friends or some family some people she loves somebody’s going to book that house set get in the water you can’t get what you want if you’re not in the right place okay get in the water I talked about that yesterday that was what I was thinking yesterday that was what was on my mind yesterday even though I’m house sitting in a house in cat’s house hi cat hey Michaela if you’re here if you’re there uh and I’m the I’m not getting the pool right it was 72 degrees yesterday here even though it’s relatively humid and it rains you know quite a bit this is rainy season I didn’t get in the water but I sat beside the water and we talked on Instagram yesterday about getting in the water cat this this I’m housesitting for cat and the house that I said I wasn’t going to show you because I was outside but then came inside is cat’s beautiful home I used to think that I might like to house it I’m allergic to cats and dogs you’re allergic to dogs you have a dog I deal with lra because she’s short hair and rarely sheds okay so I there lots of people in the world have backyard chickens I think you couldn’t I don’t know that you could house it back to back by only house itting for chickens but you could get yourself in some beautiful this is for anybody this is not for cat this is for anybody who’s the same right can’t deal with pet dander I think you can there are hous hits with chickens in the backyard or on little whatever that don’t have in-house pets that can give you a be they’re usually on a place with a beautiful view it can give you a nice retreat you can look on trusted house sitters and see stuff without having a membership so scroll around see what you can see and see if anything interests you okay housesitting makes sabatical accessible to black women okay glass half full just downloaded my new house sitter toolkit thinking about a local house sit this summer good Nicole got in the hot tub yesterday good good okay so the second thing that I do that makes house sitting accessible to black women is Exodus Summit I co-created with career break coach Rashida da who’s celebrating her birthday today she’s not here because it’s her birthday happy birthday Rashida uh let me put a pin in what I was saying Rashida’s da Rashida DA’s channel is Rashida da Rashida no it’s not it’s Rashida she’s one of those people who gets to get things with just her first name because her first name is spelled differently uh youtube.com rosida hit this button hit this link please subscribe to her Channel turn on notifications because she’s having a birthday party on her Channel tomorrow we’re she’s celebrating her birthday on her Channel tomorrow at 11:00 am eastern time I’m sure I’m pretty sure if that time is not right I apologize okay I’ve done my best okay but Rashida and I um created Exodus Summit first as a virtual event a conference a summit for black women to for black women to come and teach black women how to take a career break or sabatical how to move abroad how to become a nomad and Bop around the world okay we created it for that and then it grew to become more than just one a one time a year virtual event it’s a Facebook Community with 16,000 members 16,000 black women are members of The Exodus Summit Facebook Community uh it’s a YouTube channel called Exodus Summit and most most excitingly it is meetups all over the world anytime you can imagine there is there are women from Exodus Summit meeting up meeting other women in their own town in a new town in a new country Exodus Summit is a way that we make sabatical accessible to black women because we have black women come and teach these things and we have black women forming community and meeting up with other black women to learn to encourage to support to ask questions to answer questions um to teach to share Exodus Summit is right now it is a Facebook community and I know some of us don’t fool with Facebook like that but it’s worth it to be on Facebook just to be a member of Exodus Summit I mean that I mean it because basically that’s the only time I open Facebook every now and then I open Facebook because my mom will be like did you I posted something did you see it and I’ll be like no let me go look at it did you see me I went to a thing and I got dressed up and did you see my pictures I’ll be like nope no ma’am let me go look right but mostly Facebook for me is Exodus Summit I think it’s worth it okay I’m not here to convince you to get on Facebook but I am here to tell you if you’re willing it’s a place that you’ll want to be okay um and this this is a way that we make sabatical accessible to black women The Exodus Summit 2024 the working theme or the working yeah theme is getting black women out of the US before the next president takes office right or before the next inauguration whether it’s the same president or new president um that’s not the theme that’s the subject right well the theme will be a little shorter and better more oomph to it but in 20 in October uh Columbus Day weekend or indigenous people’s weekend 2024 we will bring in black women speakers who will teach you how to get out of the country get you and your family out of the country whether that’s long-term shortterm medium-term undefined term okay how to move move we’re now it is not get out of the country but how to move abroad before the next inauguration but move abroad can be a temporary move or maybe a permanent move uh someone here just said she got residency and I scrolled past it and I forgot to say anything to it TJ secured our temporary Mexican residency visas in Mexico I get the credit thank you TJ and congratulations congratulations now having residency in Mexico means that you have a place where you are legally enter allowed to enter at any time no matter what happens at some point the US Passport may not be as inviting as powerful as it is today right now with the US Passport most countries are like yeah come come come on right and come for 90 days a lot of countries 90 days Costa Rica gives you 180 days on your US Passport right but that may not always be the case I’m convinced we’re we’re one inauguration away from the passport being relatively useless and so I that’s fear-mongering I feel like that may have been a little fearmonger I don’t have any evidence of that but I believe it I believe it but maybe that’s one of the things that maybe we think and we don’t say out loud but I do think that it is important for those of us who want to protect our own peace of mind and like protect our bodies I think it’s important for us to have a place that will let us in getting residency in another country wonderful move and uh Mexico is a wonderful place on its own right Mexico is just a wonderful place to be a resident whether you like beaches or cities or small towns me Mexico is it in Mexico is it so congratulations TJ Nichelle says that’s her goal same president or not be out of the country before January 2025 so that’s what we’ll be focusing on inside of the Exodus Summit Community so make sure that you’re a member if you’re a black woman go ahead and request to join The Exodus Summit Community on strong passports are the the white countries okay European countries have strong passports Canada has a strong passport um and then they kind of trickle down from there Australia has a strong passport right and then they kind of trickle down from there uh Costa Rica has a relatively strong passport is it co where was I one of the countries I was in recently I was like oh this is pretty good you can get anywhere uh anyway uh there I’m sure there’s a website somewhere that lists them out but UK passports Australia US Canada are definitely at the highest end of the spectrum the most countries are like yes come on in without a whole lot of hassle without having to fill out paperwork send your bank statements send your passport a lot of people when they want to travel places they have to send get bank statement Japan Maxine says Japan okay uh a lot of countries have to apply for a Visa which requires sending your how much money do you have in the bank that’s not your business uh who do you know in this country who can vouch for you and you got to send all this stuff off send your passport to them and then just wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and then maybe get a no after all of that I still can’t go right um the US has not dealt with that but on on on the receiving side but we’ve been on the giving side of that and so when the pendulum swings we’ll be on the receiving side of that I don’t want to deal with that I don’t want to deal with that so I would recommend uh those of you who know that there’s a place that you want to spend a significant amount of time those of you who know that there’s a place where you would really love to um move to go ahead and Google how to get residency start working on it because January will be here before we know it okay all right the Third Way so the SEC first way I make house sitting accessible to black women is the first way I make sabatical accessible to house to number one way I make sabatical accessible to black women is introducing you to house sitting number two is Exodus Summit number three is by teaching black women how to make money online that’s really Broad and really general for the most part that means I teach YouTube right I teach black women who have something to say how to start and grow a YouTube channel and then if you want how to connect that channel to a business a coaching business a retreat business a product not product business a um Consulting business a freelance business right I teach that because that’s how I live today right I live today based on my YouTube ad Revenue uh my coaching income the exitus summit income which is a result of having YouTube channels right me and Rashida have YouTube channels which is why exitus Summit tickets sell which is why and we have the Facebook Community which is why I exit a summit tickets sell right so these things are the ways that I live my life without a traditional job and I teach black women how to also do those things without a traditional job when you go to vas.com my soft launch of my website for First Time first website first time having a real website I had a I’ve had a blog vacars.com used to just be my blog but now it’s a website thank you uh when you go to vacars.com you see that I link to my get found on YouTube master class because I think that’s the best introduction to the work that I do in making money online and teaching making money online um my get found on YouTube master class is the same as my YouTube success 5-day challenge same information but it’s taught through the course online course instead of the challenge which is done on Zoom with other people and it’s group coaching and it’s five days okay so it’s the same information but on the website I link to the get found on YouTube Master Class not the challenge uh next challenge is happening June I don’t know actually I don’t know I think it would take me too long to find it I don’t know why I started that sentence I don’t know why I always be trying to tell you when things are happening I don’t know when things are happening I don’t even know what I know what today is because it’s Rashida’s birthday and kimani’s um Summit Kimani and Marissa’s summit starts today that’s the only reason I know that today is May 18th otherwise I wouldn’t know and I know it’s Saturday I I only ever know when Saturday is June 9th YouTube success challenge but I’m doing something uh before then June no May 25th I’m hosting a pitching and collaborations Workshop so if you don’t want to do if you want some group coaching from me uh but the YouTube success challenge is not up your alley because either you don’t want to do YouTube right or you don’t want that for some reason uh come to my pitching and collaborations Workshop it’s happening Saturday May 25th 1 P.M to 6:00 pm eastern time it’s a 5 hour Workshop we’re talk Talking pitching and collaborations my YouTube channel grows for two reasons grow Rose number one because I know how to make videos that the YouTube algorithm recommends to strangers right I make videos that the algorithm recommends to strangers my channel grows that’s what I teach in the get found on YouTube master class and the YouTube success 5-day challenge which is the same thing right but it also grows because of collaborations those are my one two right the two levers that I pull to grow my channel or the onew punch sometimes I be like the onew punch my combo right my two-piece my two-piece is the algorithm on my side and collaborations when you interview someone on your Channel or they interview you on their platform some of your subscribers become their subscribers and some of their subscribers become your subscribers YouTube is not a zero sum game people don’t unsubscribe from my channel to go subscribe to your channel we both grow we grow together through collaborations collaborations can be um collaboration I’m sorry my alerts my my thing my calendar is Going Bonkers right now I don’t know what happened I went over to the calendar and messed something up collaborations can be as simple as one interview a collaboration can be a series of videos Rashida and I collaborated on first She interviewed me on her Channel then we made a series of videos that we split between our two channels and then we made Exodus Summit a virtual Summit a virtual conference which has given thousands of black women the tools to take a career break or move abroad or Bop around as a nomad right collaborations can be something else you can collaborate on books on music on Art you can collaborate in a variety of different ways um but collaborations are a result the collaborations you get are a result of the pictures that you send and your own platform showing up in a way that represents you right for collaborations to work for for for for you for people to be like yes I want to work with you whether it’s one YouTube interview or a virtual Summit right you need to be able to pitch you need to know how to reach out to people who to reach out to what to pitch them and you need to know uh and you need to have a place for people to vet you you need to have a place where people can be like oh here’s what she’s about and that’s not a website as you can tell by the fact that I just soft launched my website for the very first time and I’ve done many a collaboration uh including like YouTube uh uh that press the pr that I had those cons I would consider those collaborations reporters reach out to me or I reach out to reporter orders those are also collaborations that help me grow right so pitching and collaboration is a thing that is important to people who are making money online and I’m teaching this workshop May 25th 1 p.m. to 6 PM eastern time the link is vacars.com pitch I have it somewhere vacars.com SL pitch if you are already in business and already selling something a product a service or something then I would go ahead and sign up if you don’t think that you’re are collaborating with the right people if you don’t think you’re getting in the right places if you’re not able to get put on I would come to this Workshop um some there is a a belief or like a misunderstanding that people have that somebody needs to put you on if only so and so would share my thing if only Tabitha Brown would share my tea everyone would know about it but sure that is a way but it’s so much easier to put yourself on it’s so much easier put yourself on holler at the places that you want to be seen holler at them pitch them collaborate with them and don’t only shoot for the Moon yes we want tap with the brown but we also want to collaborate with people who are right across from us we want to reach up I I wish I could remember who I heard say this the first time might have been is there’s a natural incl inclination to want to reach up when it’s time to think about collaborations but really Reaching Across is so much more helpful because their audience is really targeted and dialed in and Their audience really trust them and when you go there they trust you don’t only reach up sure reach up yes we want to be an Essence magazine I want to be uh a I want AARP right I want that AARP colle collaboration yes we want to reach up but we also want to reach across okay I see listen y’all give me a second y’ I see get the give me the show me the share the link but listen I’m B I’m talking y’all know how I am okay I’m in the zone here’s the link thank you thank you I hope that we’ll see you in the workshop here’s the link um vacars.com Pitch my pitching and collaboration Workshop is May 25th which is next Saturday it’s really soon I know okay it’s a long Workshop if you can come to half of it I think you should be there if you can’t even come to half of the workshop I don’t know that you’re you’re not going to get feedback from me most likely yeah if you can’t even find two and a half hours out of that time to come and then watch the rest on replay then this probably is not going to be the right time for you okay but if you know you can come to at least half I would say first half or second half I don’t know that that’s going to matter the way I set it up if you can come to at least half you can get feedback from me and you can meet the other women in the workshop because we’re going to do breakout rooms a couple of different times and uh you’ll get what you came for okay if you have no time to come don’t sign up because you’re not getting replays unless you’re there only the people who are there are getting the replays because it’s only helpful for them it’s not helpful if you weren’t there if you have not talked and asked questions and engaged in the workshop the replays are not going to be helpful for you okay okay all right so a way the third way that I make sabatical accessible to black women is I teach black women how to make money online right if you are uh a few clients away from saying sayar to that job get the clients stop doubling down on the job get the clients I think uh pitch and collaboration is is a more General thing that I I’m teaching compared to the YouTube success challenge YouTube challenge is for YouTube YouTubers and YouTubers to be but this Workshop even if you’re even if YouTube is not your platform this Workshop if is going to be helpful for you if getting in front of the right people can help you make more money register okay all right thank you kindly okay zel let me in the Facebook group okay once later once you see I’m live once once I’m gone uh I’ll have some time to approve some people into the Facebook group but remember I’m I’m teaching at the summit today job Liberation virtual Summit for black women and it’s Rashida’s birthday so if it takes some extra time to get into the Facebook Community this weekend be patient with us thank you and welcome I do want on one sessions too nurseology life do I do one-on-one sessions I do one-on-one sessions too so when you go to the site if you click on something about work maybe I should let me let’s find it together let’s find it together when you go to that’s my calendar don’t look at my calendar okay when you go to my site learn with Stephanie how sitting get found oh I don’t have a link to my individual coaching but when you go to get found on YouTube there should be a link to individual coaching I know I need to I’ll make it I’ll add it up to the top calendar later but somewhere on here there’s something about individual coaching how do I get more coaching from you challenge oneon-one so it’s on okay it’s it’s hard to get to I do one-on-one coaching if you want to if you want a bundle that includes one-on-one call with me plus this Workshop because you want to work some things out before we get together in the workshop I have a bundle as well and that’s VI cares.com bundle let me give you the link before y’all start yelling at me again right SH now yesterday I was the one yelling on Instagram I felt like I was very yell on Instagram yesterday but today I feel like y’all are yelling at me I feel like y’all are yelling at me today good morning Michelle so the workshop is hi Clarice Clarice is momm wazelle um the workshop is Saturday May 25th 1 p.m. to to 6:00 p.m. eastern time which is I put it wrong on the site and I had to go back and change it 1 pm eastern time means 10: a.m. Pacific right I’m on mountain time right now in Costa Rica but anyway 10:00 a.m. Pacific time um 40 spaces last time on the count calendar the content calendar Workshop we had 32 women uh I’ve opened this up for 40 I must be feeling more rested I believe there will be 40 women in the workshop I believe there’ll be 40 women if you see that there’s only 30 it was because I had second thoughts about if you get there and it’s it’s turned off I had second thoughts but I believe there’ll be 40 women right jul said stop yelling at me Lori said it’s because we love you thank you thanks Lori hi Lori uh last week we spoke with juwel about tiny house a tiny home as a pathway to Liberation for black women if you have not watched that live stream go back and watch it I keep thinking about it I haven’t I need to I’m need to create a real about it and just share it out in the world I haven’t done a whole lot of sharing it out in the world because the weat got away from me but um if so speaking of other ways these is this the the a way that sabatical are accessible to black women or working less can be accessible to black women is tiny homes having a home that is paid for and that is that that frees you up to live your life also fits in this conversation so before y’all yell at me well actually I I’m not going I can’t link to the replay I don’t know that I can link to replay but ju’s channel is m Bohemian Soul you’ve seen her on um HGTV and she was just featured in a black design magazine that I didn’t know existed that I can’t remember on Instagram I mean just featured in the magazine and she shared it on Instagram so her Instagram handle is also miss Bohemian Soul uh so this so let’s add this in okay let’s add this in as a way that radicals or doing less is more accessible than you know for black women okay let’s add tiny homes in here okay I’m going to link to juwels site C let’s see j e w e l yeah let’s add this in as a way that this is more accessible okay I did it I think I did it okay so Jewel’s website is bio. site Bohemian soul on that website you’re going to see the work that does and ways that you can work with her including her um coopera Cooperative communities app juel has an app coming very soon very very very very soon uh for people with land who want tiny homes on the land for people who want to build a tiny home or buy a tiny home or sell a tiny home uh people in the tiny home space to meet other people right to meet the people you need to do the things you need to do to have your tiny home up out in the world right working living to be living in a tiny home yall know what I’m saying all things tiny home Cooperative communities. org but if you just go to that site I’ve already linked to you’ll get there okay but this is cooperative communities. org so let’s that let’s add that in on a way that sabatical or doing less or decentering work is accessible to black women right rest is not just for the rich we can do less too instead of being the people who always support the rich to do less we do the support work so they can do less instead of that being our lot in life please let’s prioritize it for ourselves okay thank you and this is one of the ways that we do that this is one of the ways that that is more accessible for black women some of you have the money and you don’t need things to be more accessible in terms of the price right you need them to be more accessible in terms of the information juwel is helpful with the that with both right juwel is helpful okay and Tiny home in tiny homes are a pathway to Liberation that I think we’re underestimating underutilizing but when I get to see Jewel living her life excuse me living her life life because she’s in a tiny home she’s free juel had a medical a health major health thing happened to her this year I don’t remember how much you’ve shared how much you haven’t shared you know how you see how hard it is for me had a major health thing happened to her this year and she has said her tiny home saved her because if she was in that big old house with that big old mortgage payment her things would be really stressful really hard for her today okay so let’s add that in a way that sabatical are accessible to black women a way that doing less is accessible to black women a way that rest is more accessible to a way that Liberation is more accessible to black women is tiny homes according to excuse me according to that live stream a lot of you are interested in creating some sort of Co-op some sort of tiny home Community whether it’s a compound for you and your family or you and your home girls right I love to see it let’s get work let’s get work on okay yes okay let’s get to work on it I love to see it okay all right so the list is going to be funny then because we’re not on we’re not on we’re no longer just talking about the I was going to say five but now we’re on that would be four that’s number four okay so number five now is the vakarian sabatical fund the fifth way that sabatical are accessible to black women some of you don’t know this and I’m really I really love saying this for the first time every time I mention this for the first time people get really excited a way that sabatical are accessible to black women is the people on this YouTube channel put money together and send black women on sabatical January 2023 we gave $25,000 you heard me January 2023 we gave $25,000 to New Orleans artist Maisha Francis for her sabatical in Rwanda East Africa that’s the thing that we do here we this year we’ we are giving money to uh Creator artist musician author um Alicia renise who is here hi Alicia uh but we’re doing it in we’re breaking it up this time last year it took too long to get the money to Maisha I felt so this time we’re doing it in three payments still $25,000 just broken up in threes so the first third is already in the hands of Alicia renise our your money your M you you you us are sending black women on sabatical a way that we make sabatical access ible to black women is we give them money to take a sabatical there’ll be a time when we’ll be able to send three women per year on sabatical and then three women per month on sabatical right but we’re doing what we we’re doing what we talk right we’re talking we’re walking the talk what do the people say walk don’t just walk the walk talk the talk don’t just talk the talk Walk The Walk we’re walking the talk we’re doing it right I use um the affirmation deck from a couple of different women as like a meditation tool right and I like the affirmation deck from the rest Bishop the nap Ministry nap Ministry uhhuh uh the nap Bishop um rest is resistance is the book I think that may also be the affirmation cards too I don’t have them right here with me and one of the cards says another world is possible and I was like you’re right another world is possible just because the way just because things are the way they are today doesn’t mean that’s how they have to be everything that is in operation today is something that people have set up people have created it everything is created everything has started with somebody’s idea and somebody’s doing so we have an idea where black women can exist and get paid for it we have an idea where black women can get paid to not work and that world is possible if we say so and if we do so and we’re doing that here I’m really really proud of this I’ve named all these things I’m like I’m really proud of Exodus Summit and I’m really proud of house sitting and being the house sitter Ambassador for black women I’m really really really proud of the vacar and sabatical fund uh I’m really really proud of it um we’ve this started just by giving Super Chat money away during live streams right and it grew to something more um one of the women well I don’t want to do that um we we we used to give smaller chunks just one month at a time or maybe two maybe we’ spend a month or two putting our Super Chat money together and giving it to women we gave some money to Farmer C who is uh a black woman farmer in North Carolina we gave some money to my friend Allison who runs the pastry Factory in Columbus Ohio to help her outfit her Bakery she has an actual location we helped her we gave her some money for that we gave some money to imanii who was going who graduated from Community College and was on her way to Brown University we gave her some money to help her get set up in her dorm room or apartment or something we we just gave her money right here have it right uh we gave money um or we give money because another world is possible and the life that we want for black women a lot of that is just behind the door of money right some of it some of it doesn’t require a whole lot of changing of the world it just requires a little bit of money and so we put our money together and that’s the thing that we do here so the fifth way we’re on number five now the fifth way that we help make sabatical accessible to black women is we pay them to take a sabatical um there are three ways let me get the link let me get the link three ways to contribute to the vacan sabatical fund boom because I have a website I think uh uh that’s the right link and there’s about to be a fourth so right now you can contribute to the vacari and sabatical fund with a onetime donation directly to Alicia right I don’t I don’t need to see that right I don’t that doesn’t have to pass through us through me one time direct donation directly to to Alicia uh you can join my monthly patreon that monthly patreon is is specifically just to get money to black women on sabatical right it’s not about getting special access to me right it’s just I want to help send black women on sabatical here’s $3 a month right which is doing really well we’re over $900 we’re close to close to $900 per month from that from the patreon and then merch you know I love some merch right we’ve got these jobs ain’t loyal t-shirts and stickers and mugs and boycott winter and uh this a t-shirt that’s and design that just says this t-shirt gives black women a break right uh the pro the profit from the merch goes to the vican sabatical fund as well uh very soon there’ll be a separate thing that we’ll be announcing very soon there’ll be a separate way a fourth way to contribute to the vacan sabatical fund or fourth way to support black women to send them on Career break okay this is Alicia renice this is our vacari and sabatical fund recipient for 2024 hi Alicia rise subscribe to her Channel while you’re here you can go ahead and click I think you can click on her name and subs and get over to her Channel if not just type in Alicia renise the artist in another window I’ll put it in the description later sorry about that um go ahead and subscribe to her now um that you can buy her there are many many more ways to support Alicia renise you can buy her music you can buy her books many many more ways you can watch her YouTube videos um but these are the ways that we are sending black women on sabatical and Alicia renice is the person who is the this year’s person okay all right where are we 9:21 okay okay and then the final way the fifth not the final the fifth way I want to talk about is just in passing let you know that I have a book called job detox a framework for black women to stop striving and get free which is available for pre-order the pre-order I listen uh the book will be available this summer vacars.com job detox okay if you want to get on the get the pre-order that is that okay job detox is basically my YouTube channel in book form so the things that we’ve talked about the ways that we talk about decentering work in our lives the ways that we talk about about our relationship with work as black women being fruit of the slavery tree right the way that we talk about um us being trained or told or raised as workers first and how to undo that how to unlearn that that is what job detox is about and it’ll be available this summer the site listen the website is funny if it doesn’t say summer 2024 just ignore the date the Shopify and I are having a problem okay Shopify and I are having a little problem okay good morning M good morning virtual creative collaborations good Morning Tia Tia says don’t forget to like the video please if you think there are some black women out there who would like to hear about how to make how to create a sabatical and an accessible way hit the like button on this video that is a thing that you can do that can help tell YouTube that this video is one that it should share with more black women thank you and you can also share it directly share the video hit the share button share it directly with a black woman you know who would want this information thank you all right can we get an audio book too yes sometime before the year’s out there’ll be an audio book as well yes um um dates are really funny this is the first book that I’ve self-published first book first my first book except for like one book that I did as a project long time ago uh my first book and everything is just timelines are funny now I understand why Publishers will be like coming winter 2028 I’m like girl timelines are funny in this space hello Mrs Robinson she says glad I caught you live you’re changing lives including mine hi I’m so glad thank you for giving me the credit or some of the credit thank you friends I have a um text alert that I send out I send out a text alert before I do a live stream a lot of times I hear I’m glad I caught you live but you don’t have to try to remember or try to catch me live I will send you a text alert before I do a live stream if you would like to start receiving that text alert I’m going to tell you how to get it once I figure it out let me let me keep scrolling there it is if you want a text reminder 10 minutes before I do a live stream text the word YouTube to this phone number 888 403446 5 888 403 4465 okay thank you that way you don’t have to remember I’m not in the business of remembering things anymore okay I’m 49 and 56 I’m almost 49 and 11 12s I’m not trying to remember stuff anymore let the alert alert you just like I have alert set up for trusted house sitters set up an alert if you want to make sure you join you you’re here for the live stream okay thank you thank you okay and then the another way that uh sabatical are more accessible to black women which is something that we touched on earlier is there are people people who will answer your questions who will give you support who will give you a help you organize a plan where you see no plan those people are called coaches okay and my career break coach bestie is Rashida da career break coach Rashida DA has a group coaching program called from burnout to Bliss where burnout from burnout to Bliss roll call if you’re from burnout to Bliss student or alumni please say hey in the chat roll call please uh from burnout to Bliss is a group coaching program for uh black women who are wanting to plan their sabatical or their move abroad who want coaching from Rashid da who want Community with other black women who are normalizing this way of living their lives right who want information who want resources who want plans right or someone to review their plans from burnout to Bliss is that we don’t have to start from zero we don’t have to start from zero when you attach yourself to somebody who’s already done the thing it’s really get a coach it’s really simple get a coach you don’t have to always have all of the answers get a coach you don’t have to do it alone you don’t have to um you don’t have to keep hesitating and putting it off because it’s hard right and it’s stressful and I’m already tired and I don’t have time for this and I don’t have I need a break but I don’t have time to plan a break I don’t have time to figure out the money for a break you don’t have to keep repeating that cycle just get help get support go to group coaching in from burnout to Bliss and then go from burnout to Bliss okay get in the water if there’s a thing that you know that you want for your life but I don’t know how to do it I don’t know if it’s going to work I don’t even know if it’s possible that is why you get a coach those are the reasons that you get a coach or I’m afraid and what are people going to say and then how do I go what do I do after that so many questions my stomach is in knots that’s why you get a coach okay you’re convinced that you have to figure these things out on your own but you don’t I promise you you don’t you don’t have to figure these things out you get a coach and you go to group coaching okay so roll call okay hi from burnout to Bliss juel Pearson Miss Bohemian so I your government name listen I can’t stop I can’t stop using people’s government names okay Miss Bohemian soul is a student in from burnout to Bliss yes cat from rebloom room from burnout to cat don’t quit her job cat R cat left her job in the winter right from burnout to Bliss success story a success story Jess says don’t reinvent the wheel what are you doing there’s already help out there get help Chelsea Hi Chelsea Chelsea smart from burnout to Bliss student s Tom 146 I don’t know who this is hi s Tom 146 for Burnout to Bliss student okay where she is a CO a coach a teacher a mentor a guide a community Builder it happens to be her birthday she’s not here because she’s out celebrating her birthday in Edinburgh Scotland Edinburgh yeah uh she’s out living her life uh and that’s how she knows how to help you live your life Rashida’s been traveling since so we got we got to Bermuda on April 1 she had so yeah we got to Bermuda on April 1st so she left me rashita lives in Mexico City she grew up in the bay in the in California I’m not really sure where in California tell the truth I think the bay area but maybe not California is a mystery to me Californians grew up in the in California but she now is a resident of Mexico and lives in Mexico City she left Mexico City to arrive in Bermuda on April 1st is May 18th she’s still traveling she’s still bopping okay okay is it affordable Tia says is it affordable she’s got a payment plan if you don’t see it on that site because I don’t know some people put the link make it a separate link for the payment plan if you don’t see the payment plan on that site holler at it email her seriously I’m sure there’s some sort of contact me thing on there email her holler at her uh but there she does have a payment plan because we don’t want she does not want money to be the reason you don’t do it rest is not only for the rich okay thank you yes yeah she’s out there living oh okay s Tom I don’t post much here but I met you at the Houston Meetup last year okay good right from burnout to Bliss I hope that from burnout to Bliss is helping you get closer to your thing whether it’s a move abroad or a sabatical or a move or a Bop around as a nomad okay Bay Area okay I don’t know California is is a mystery it’s bigger than you think it is all right bigger than I think it is so these are ways some of the ways that sabatical go from oh would must be nice to I’m on it I’m on a sabatical right black women go from must be nice or o I need it but I don’t think it’s possible to oh yeah yeah yeah I’m on sabatical I’m on Career break I’m out okay I’m going back in three months I’m going back in 12 months I don’t know when I’m going back these are the ways that we do that okay house sitting the Exodus Summit Community and resources Jewel and the tiny house resources tiny house living as a pathway to Liberation making money online uh the book with just okay whatever the actual vacari and sabatical fund from burnout to Bliss coaching these are ways that sabatical are more accessible to black women not more accessible to black women use a couple of these use a couple of these and get yourself from must be nice to oh yeah it’s me I’m that girl you’re the people who are out on sabatical or who have taken it and come back or never coming back uh are not any more deserving I feel like I have to say this all the time because there are people who really believe that that’s for them sure that’s good but that’s for them that’s not for me I have XYZ reason why this is not for me but once you hear from enough people hopefully you’ll see it’s for you too I made $22 hour um I was in Kimani Dr Kimani and Marissa Price’s um job Liberation virtual Summit for black women happens today starts at 1 my time which must be 3 pm eastern time today and uh which is why I want to I’m going to be wrapping things up a little earlier than normal I think famous last words but I think uh and I’m speaking at the summit and I was in her live stream yesterday when she was just telling people it’s time to register today’s last day to register so on and so on I was on in the chat in the live stream and somebody was like but I do this kind of work or I don’t have a degree I think she said is it for me I’m like girl I was a pharmacy technician I made $22 an hour I worked night shift I took a year off from work right if it’s something that you want instead of saying I can’t have it because XYZ we and that’s a way that we’re taught right we’re shown that some things are only for certain people instead of that we find ways to make it work for you housesitting is a way that I’ve made things work for me so that I didn’t have to put off the things that I wanted travel free time make these things work for you so bundle some of this together bundle some of it together get coaching get in the Exodus Summit Community maybe you do want to start a YouTube channel or grow an online business so that it can support you or maybe you don’t pick and choose maybe you want a tiny home so that you can have less of your cash tied up in your house and more of it to just blow blow right I’m going to go on the Ritz Carlton Cru right I W to do this I want to do that there are there is your way there’s no one way there’s no one way but there is a way that you can make it work for you is it too late to attend the summit today so Veronica I believe I asked the clarifying question yesterday and my the answer they told me was if you don’t have a ticket already you cannot attend live but you can watch the replays okay go to job Liber go to my link and see if it if just in case that changed but I asked them yesterday because I know how things work and sometimes people wait till the last minute and they don’t know you can’t register on the day of but my understanding was that you couldn’t register on the day of but click on the link I I made a short link for you Vic caras.com.ar okay Sandra is housesitting taxable you don’t get paid to house I don’t house hits through trusted hous sitters are unpaid you get free accommodation so there’s nothing to deal with try something different we’re taking leaps this year right try something different something different so uh there’s a there are people who talk to the dead and not talk to the dead people who talk to the dying and talk to the very old right people talk to people who are hundred years old or people who talk to people who are uh on their on their last days and they ask them what you did right and what you regret and there’s always the what a regret of the dying is always not trying right I regret not trying you don’t regret the things you do even if you do them and oh that didn’t work we regret the things we don’t do I’ve heard that from enough old people and they ask our old people I’ve heard that from enough old people to believe them I believe them when they say that you don’t reg regret the things that you do even if they mess up you regret the things you don’t do which is why I’m a 50-year-old person working on some things that a lot of y’all did at 20 okay because I don’t want to continue to regret the things I didn’t do I I am at a person I talked to rashne on her Channel glamazini I had terrible internet the day that we talked but we did a live stream on her Channel which started out just being about gray hair right and my resistance to having gray hair even though I love natural I love my hair I love my natural hair and I wear it in its own as it as it looks I am really resistant to gray hair and we talked about my when I look in the mirror with gray hair what I see what I hear in my head is where did the time go right but what I then have to remind myself is I’m still here and quite likely there’s going to be a whole lot more time that’s going to pass so either I could say I didn’t do it it’s too late where did the time go or I could say I don’t want to still be saying that in 30 years years I don’t cuz in 20 in 20 or 30 years I’m G look back and be like girl I was so young remember when I was 50 I went to Fiji look how young I was that’s how it’s going to go because that’s always how it goes it’s always how it goes I look at videos for myself from 2019 when I started this channel I’m like oh my gosh look how young I was it was just five years ago but I was 40 five and did not think I was young I was already thinking where did the time go I don’t want to like it’s it’s I don’t I’m not alone in this I know I’m not alone in this all I want all I want is for us to be able to get to our last day and be like did it maybe it worked out maybe it didn’t work out but I did it instead of I wish I regret not I could have been I could have done I could have tried that is so sad to me when I hear those words those words bring me to tears when you hear those from people that really wrecks me even though I wish I had more time or where did the time go wrecks me even though it’s a thing that I think I’m working actively working to not th think or hear those words anymore in my head because this I’m still here there’s still more time and when I’m 75 I’mma be like oh look how young I was at 50 look at that look at me look at me y’all look at me guaranteed that’s a guarantee that’s how we are that’s how humans are am I alone in this arleene Timber Henry says be bold and courageous life is short do stuff that matters do stuff that matters life is short and it’s also long it’s really strange about that’s a really strange thing about life yes it’s short right I’m already like where did the time go but it’s also long it’s too long to be carrying regrets it’s too long to be in situations that we don’t like it’s too long to be in toxic and harmful situations yes but it’s also too long to be in situations that are just okay I’m here life is too long for that do stuff that matters thanks Arlene do stuff that matters make that your if you don’t have a theme for this year make that your theme do stuff that matters live your life you got to live it okay [Laughter] okay I’m not ready okay I’m not ready I’m not ready for gray hair I talked to to Rashi on her Channel her channel is glamazini I was going want to look for it and then I quit because I thought it would take me too long but her channel is glamazini let me just put her channel in here you’ll see it the listen I had terrible internet that day but the conversation was good just be patient watch that video when you have some patience pack your patience slash [Music] Glam a m a z i n i g l m a not g l m i glamazini yeah yeah yeah I’m pretty sure yeah right so we had a nice long conversation about it she’s a life coach certified life coach or I think she’s about to finish her certificate I certified life coach which I am not all right don’t come to me for that I am not um and she we had a nice conversation she kind of coached me through she’s in life coach and she’s also a person who has has done therapy like she’s done the work and so she knows things she knows therapy things and she kind of Life coached me on that video and You’ be surprised that the the conclusions that we came to the I’m G tell you the conclusion was not get okay with having gray hair we came to a different conclusion through her life coaching abilities right I want to get older but man I don’t want to look older I’m already like oh time for a brow lift I remember when my eyebrows used to be up here time for a brow lift right used to be up here now they’re down here everything is falling everything is falling gravity that you girl right stuff used to be look like this now it looks like this time keeps on ticking time keeps on ticking okay okay okay all right so yeah shivia hi if I didn’t get your name right I’m sorry shivia depressed hi even now I’m 29 like where did the time go I’m ready to take another sabatical live overseas for a while good I just joined the Facebook group good welcome can’t wait to connect with others welcome welcome yeah I I don’t I don’t feel like I’m alone in the world at being like H where did the time go a lot of it is because we set these arbitrary deadlines right some deadlines are super arbitrary uh but others are other sometimes it’s because you look in the mirror and you’re like oh I’m getting older I’m aging okay okay girl my beard is super gray I have a I have a beard beard I have a I grow hair from here to here right I have a beard beard if I don’t put um makeup on cover up on you can see this the only place the real makeup that I wear so it looks like I only wear eye makeup I don’t usually wear Foundation but I Do cover this right here right I got a beard beard and it is super gray now even my nose hairs are gray i’ be like oh it’s something up my nose no it’s a gray nose hair time is funny time is funny see Nicole Nicole say she can’t be bothered to die I wish I it would be nice if I had never started I think things would be better for me I think my life would be better if I had never started but actually I don’t know if that’s true cuz then I would just feel I don’t know if that’s true cuz I do like diam I do I don’t know I did say you don’t regret the things you do you regret the things you don’t do how does dyeing your hair fall into that conversation I don’t know the answer to that Lamar Mar says pour ourselves into living now thank you like let’s get this back on track okay cuz I’m about to take us down a road we did not come here to go down okay let’s get this back on track solo 60s solo Mystic traveler is marah and she says pour ourselves into living now okay thank you thank you okay I’m past the plucking listen I have a full-on beard it’s whatever it’s whatever if you spend three days with me you see me go from person with no beard to a full bearded person because I’m not I’m not shaving every day I’m not doing that I’m going every three four days so you see it you see the transformation you see the actual beard appear and you’re like oh she do got a beard I just you know try not to put it on YouTube too much yeah what is going on here I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bring bring us down this path let’s get back on the path sabatical accessible to black women should be okay should sabatical should be a thing that black women prioritize in our lives because the black women I know who have taken sabatical have loved it and it has changed them okay I’m not saying take a sabatical because you might like it I’m saying take a sabatical because it will be the best thing you’ve done one of some of your like parents or whatever right it’ll be one of the best things you’ve done might you may you may find that you’re sabatical especially when you’re talking talking about things that you’ve done for yourself is the the only real thing you’ve done for yourself that’s what you might find so dive in dive in make it accessible if there’s a reason you can’t do it find the alternative or find the find a solution solve the problem or Circle navigate the problem get in if you get in community with enough black women who have taken sabatical you’ll find a solution to that Pro you’ll find their solution right and you’ll be able to work it into yours that’s why you’re invited to the Exodus Summit Facebook Community Exodus Summit is a Facebook community of 16,000 black women who are on this path on this journey some are further down the line some have already done it some are wanting it dreaming about it some are actively planning it so join the exitus summit Facebook community so that you have the support the resources the tools that you need to do it okay we’re gonna do it okay make it accessible to you instead of saying oh it would be nice or I don’t know how I don’t know how how would I do that right the things we talked about today some of these are the how for you right and then there are some more hows that you need to find uncover by being in community with people who have normalized taking a sabatical when you’re in community with people who have normalized a thing you get a whole lot of good resources you get a whole lot of good tips help support information okay so do it please please okay rest is not just for the rich what they need it for de unlearn deconstruct decolonize no let’s see unlearn what else do we want to say unlearn unlearn viewing yourself as the support person for the rich right we see our we really do see ourselves as workers I don’t care I don’t care you you do you do you view yourself as a worker undo that start to see yourself as a whole person not just a worker see if that doesn’t open up some things for you okay all right friends thank you very much for joining in today I’ve linked to everything in the description if I haven’t already I’ll go back and do it later today uh so everything that we’ve talked about today you’ll have access to in the description um house sitter toolkit get it start housesitting um Exodus Summit join it the actual Summit is in October but there are meetups happening all the time when you join Exodus Summit go straight to the events go straight to events look for a Meetup near you or start a meet up near you um tiny homes get resources from juwel um making money online get resources from me if you want to join my workshop on next Saturday on pitching and collaborations go to vicarius pitch join us um my book Job Liber job detox a framework for black women to stop striving and get free coming soon um career break coach Rashida DA’s program from burnout to Bliss join it um and the V vacan sabatical fund send black women on sabatical $3 a month right now is the minimum right $3 a month and you get to feel the full Pride the full pride of giving black women a sabatical right yeah like I take credit for things you get to take credit you get to take credit for sending a black woman on sabatical and for all the good stuff that comes in her life after right I feel like that that’s how it works right I told you we gave a couple hundred dollars to some women I feel like we get to take all the credit for Ev not all we get to take credit for all good things that come down the line in their lives we helped immani move into her dorm room or her apartment okay everything good that happens to immani went to Europe this this year or last last semester okay we get some credit for that even though she we she didn’t ask us for a dollar for it I don’t know where that money came from we still get credit cuz we helped her move into Brown University okay take the credit $3 a month to feel that good okay thank you all right thank you everyone for joining in hit the like button before you go thank you for joining in uh and thank you for always as always being so gracious and kind to me thank you as always for being so wonderful to each other thank you as always for uh making this a place that people love to come back to again and again and again right because some of y’all don’t come here for me because you don’t you don’t care about what I’m talking about right some of you have zero interest in house sitting but you’re here because you’re interested in the other women in this community so thank y’all for that thank you for making this a place look look lra petsitting petsitter client quick quick shot of her thank you for making this a place that people love to come to again and again and again I’ll see you again next Saturday 10: a.m. eastern time if not before then oh and I’ll see you at on Rashida’s birthday party tomorrow on Rashid D’s YouTube channel okay have a wonderful weekend some of you I’ll see in The Summit in just a few minutes uh see you guys thanks for being here bye

5 Ways I Make Sabbaticals Accessible for Black Women 💗 | If you think a sabbatical or a career break is out of reach for you because you don’t have the money for it, watch this video. We’ll share how Black women in this community have afforded to take a career break or a grown up gap year without having a trust fund. And how I help. Rest is not just for the rich.

🏡 Download your NEW HOUSE SITTER TOOLKIT: https://housesit.vaycarious.com/toolkit
🐱 Join TRUSTED HOUSESITTERS: https://trustedhousesitters.pxf.io/DVDeGo

👯‍♀️ ExodUS Summit Facebook Group for Black Women Planning a Sabbatical or a Move abroad: https://exodussummit.com/community

📚 Pre-order your copy of Job Detox: A Framework for Black Women to Stop Striving and Get Free! https://jobdetox.myshopify.com/

📺 Register for my Pitching & Collabs Workshop May 25, 2024: https://vaycarious.com/pitch
📸 Take my Get Found on YouTube Masterclass: https://vaycarious.com/getfound

All about Jewel’s work in the Tiny House Movement: http://bio.site/msbohemiansoul and

Subscribe to my YouTube channel @StephaniePerry Thank you!


  1. Good afternoon Stephanie, currently in the hospital,😢😢😢, but on the road to recovery, working isn't for the weak ..I ve learned my lesson.
    Resting, resting and recuperating, a break is much needed God will surely sit you down , when need be
    Peace and blessings
    Denise ❤😊❤

  2. Watching the replay. Spending my weekend with the grandbabies but taking a break from the heat. I’m counting down my date to early retirement but still need a sabbatical before that date.

  3. Hi all. Thanks SP… listening from future. Just finished 1st house in Atlanta.
    Wonderful experience!
    I’m a new FT RVer needed cool-off time indoors. The pet therapy was great. Felt like Goldilocks who found a paradise.

  4. Hello Everyone! I reduced my expenses significantly in 2017, by buying a tiny condo (no mortgage) and not carrying any other debt. I saved a large portion of my income, and in 2023 I retired. My cost of living is very low, and my savings including cash, IRA, 401k, and eventually social security, will cover me including travel! I do plan to start house sitting in 2025.
    I may work for my spiritual community for pay someday, but I have no plans to return to a regular 9 to 5.
    I volunteer a lot now with my spiritual center, which helps to keep my brain active and my soul in a harmonious place.

  5. Good morning ! Talk about timely! I was just asking myself how to have this conversation with work about taking a break …lease is up for given 60days notice form the landlord 😅it seems like all signs are pointing to go -but I’m scared it won’t be approved

  6. Good Evening, I thought I was the only one who says, "I want to travel to all 6 Continents" 😂😂😂 Who wants to fly to Antarctica😂😂😂 Nope. Although, saw a YouTube video on travel to Antarctica and started considering all 7 Continents. 😂😂😂😂

  7. Buenas Noches, watching the replay. Thank you Stephanie. I understood the assignment and obtained my Temp residency this week in Mexico. Yes you definitely DESERVE the credit!

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