
1- My Cousin Vinny- Mona Lisa Vito (my fav movie of all time- would always recommend)

2- The Mask- Tina Carlyle

3- Clueless- Dionne

4- Titanic- Rose Dawson

5- Pretty Woman- Vivian Ward

6- Friends- Rachel Green’s red dress

7- Me Before You- Louisa Clark

8- Gangster Squad- Grace Faraday

9- The Fresh Prince of Bel Air- Hillary Banks

10- Clueless- Cher

11- Clueless- Cher

12- Gilmore Girls- Rory’s dress from S1 E10

13- Family Matters- Laura Winslow

14- The Nanny- Fran Fine (idk if it counts but I love it)

15- Outlander- Claire Fraser

16- H20 Just Add Water- Rikki Chadwick’s dress from S1 E22 (have always loved this one as a kid)

17- Outer Banks- Kiara Carrera

18- Pushing Daisies- Chuck Charles

19- Game of Thrones- Cersei Lannister

20- House of Dragon- Rhaenyra Targaryen

Posted by Original_Training391


  1. Original_Training391 on

    Some “dresses” might be gowns or a skirt and shirt of similar color but they all look like dresses to me lol so I’m sorry if I got some wrong. Also I’m aware this list is random as hell lol and is definitely missing other iconic pieces.

    ^(Worth) mentioning this one from Once Upon A Time.

  2. LoonieandToonie on

    In that red dress Cameron Diaz just looks as hot as humanly possible. It makes me want to pluck my eyebrows that thin too, though that’d be a terrible decision.

  3. That red dress on Jennifer Aniston is stunning and you rarely see her in something that’s not black, grey, or tan

  4. Traditional_Maybe_80 on

    I’ve never been into blondes much, but that look in Cameron Diaz is just otherworldly. I remember even as a baby lesbian being like 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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