How I Met Your Mother 1X15 Part 1

when your Uncle Marshall was 10 years old he read a book called life among the gorillas it was written by an anthropologist named Dr Aurelia burn Holtz Vasquez and it told the story of the year she spent living among the Western Lan gorillas of Cameroon when Dr burn Holtz Vasquez came to the local Community College to give a lecture Marshall the youngest member of the audience raised his hand with a question what advice do you have for a budding Anthropologist so you want to be an anthropologist yep when I grew up I want to go live with the Gill is just like you did what she said next changed his life oh that’s wonderful but I’m afraid you can’t you’ll all be dead by then and if economic sanctions and trade restrictions aren’t enforced the destruction of the rainforest will continue and over a million species will be wiped out so you don’t want coffee I’m saying that the coffee industry is causing irreversible I’m pouring it out okay one cup kid needs to be alert first day on the job and everything still can’t believe you’re going all corporate on us the kid has become the man okay it’s just an internship to make a little money after law school I’m still going to work for the nrdc they’re going to stop global warming well I mean they did their best here’s your sack lunch okay I love you because one you made me a sack lunch and two you laugh every time you say the word sack I love you marshmallow I love you I love you to marshmallow uhoh Ted oh no no she didn’t yeah yeah she did another care package another care package I’d been in a longdistance relationship with Victoria for nearly a month long-distance relationships are a bad idea how many is that so far three and how many of you sent her in the mail or in my mind zero she’s up three zip cupcakes great I bet they’re delicious too Yep they’re delicious damn it I don’t deserve these delicious cupcakes God I hate myself right now God that is so me at 15 Marshall was going to work for a big Corporation Called Ultra cell Ultra cell was most well known for making the yellow fuzzy stuff on the surface of tennis balls I mean this was a huge company so they did other things but mostly they wanted the public to focus on the yellow fuzzy stuff anyway Marshall managed to score an internship in their legal department because he knew someone who worked there go for Barney Mr stensson this is Willis from Lobby security sorry to bother you but we had reports of a Sasquatch Loos in the building Sasquatch that’s right sir oh a Bigfoot we don’t want to alarm you but he’s been spotted on your floor yes look at you you suited in an unmistakably upward Direction whoa that is a buttload of motivational posters yeah hell yeah I got them all teamwork courage awesomeness was one for awesomeness yeah I had it made hey so now that I’m working here are you finally going to tell me exactly what your job is please my dog my dog hey blowman bson this is Marshall these guys are illegal you’re going to be working with them Marshall Erikson nice to meet you nice tie steak sauce oh steak sauce for true though where I don’t I don’t see Marshall sidebar your tie is steak sauce it means A1 A1 get it try to keep up okay ericon let’s get to work it’s 2: a.m. it’s raining outside dingdong what the doorbell oh hello Jessica Alba in a trench coat and nothing else but wait knock knock somebody’s at the back door I don’t have a back door oh my gosh Jessica Simpson what a surprise two jessicas you got to pick one what do you do go right well um I’m engaged so fiance’s out of town what do you do go we’re still engaged even if she’s out fiance is dead hit by a bus what do you do go m

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