Are these movies terrible, or was there just drama on the set? | “Gigli” “Don’t Worry Darling”

say something about jeie is bad it it’s a bad movie but it’s also it’s not like a special kind of bad where yeah it should disqualify him from like any future it’s it’s just a bad movie right there’s a lot of bad movies and there are worse movies than jie quite frankly well I think it’s a case where it’s more like um don’t worry darling where it wasn’t just that the movie was bad but also that everything around the movie all the drama that surrounded the movie overshadowed it and like you don’t see Olivia wild doing a whole lot right now so definitely

Martin Brest’s directing career ended because of “Gigli”, which is a real bummer because “Midnight Run” and “Beverly Hills Cop” are awesome. Gigli was mangled in post-production against the director’s will for a variety of reasons, some of which likely had to do with buzz around stars Ben Afflekc and Jennifer Lopez. Olivia Wilde got the same treatment for “Don’t Worry Darling”, though in that case, the “Booksmart” director’s career seems to have been cut short because of drama of her own making.

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