Andie MacDowell Is Still Here

On the heels of 66, the longtime actress says she’s proud to be an advocate for aging in Hollywood

by stars_doulikedem


  1. Queen shit. I remember when she was in hair dye commercials and now she’s silver-foxing all over the place !

  2. wifeunderthesea on

    andie and michael keaton were an absolute riot in **Multiplicity**. one of the funniest movies i’ve ever seen.

  3. Significant_Ad7605 on

    She seemed chill (and she obviously looks amazing & not just for her age), but I got the ick after a bunch of entitled press stories popped up about her during the pandemic. Can’t look at her the same!

  4. BlackSheepBoPeepB on

    So elegant and beautiful, not just for her age but any age. What a great role model for women aging gracefully.

  5. Vegetable_Burrito on

    I’m so glad she’s rocking the grey hair. I’m going grey and I absolutely love it. Can’t wait until it’s all grey!

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