
Dua Lipa on being called the “Vacanza Queen”

Dua Lipa on being called the “Vacanza Queen”

by demimonde9


  1. Special-Garlic1203

    She almost does something but then she just kept talking and ended up totally missing the mark. Don’t put others down that they can’t find the joy in busting their ass to avoid homelessness while you bemoan having to learn to dance so you could be a global popstar. Uplift your own work, do not disparage the suffering working class. This is very basic stuff.

  2. Comfortable-Load-904

    Ah to be rich, I too wish I could jet set on vacation often. Curses for not being born into wealth, I don’t want to be famous though that looks like a drag.

  3. pabollini

    wasn’t she traveling all over the place during covid too??? 💀💀💀

  4. PeaceDry1649

    I get that you miss your family if you’ve been away from them for a while (doing a job you love) but that doesn’t excuse vacationing constantly in a pandemic. People brought it up in 2023 sure but it was mostly a callback because she was doing just this beginning of 2021. I still wear a mask so I’m COVID-conscious now and I want to keep immuno-compromised people safe but even if I weren’t, most people beginning of 2021 would say that we were still very much in the peak of a pandemic. I genuinely think she’s kind but it’s always so wild how privileged people can seem so principled in terms of big-picture things others can do but not in the things they do even if they have decent beliefs.

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