
Comedian defends decision to kick ‘breastfeeding’ mother and baby out of show

Comedian defends decision to kick ‘breastfeeding’ mother and baby out of show

by Hanginon


  1. Sensational journalism including “breastfeeding” in the title to attempt to drum up support for the woman. This wasn’t about breastfeeding.

    > “She wasn’t screaming,” Faranda said of the alleged disrupter, her young daughter, Clara, whom she had tried to settle by breastfeeding. “She was just being a baby, she gurgled a little bit, she had a bit of a whinge … nothing loud.”

    So the baby was definitely loud. Also why are you bringing a baby to a comedy show?

    > “The show is strictly aged 15-plus, as clearly stated on the ticket site,” Barker said.

    So, she shouldn’t have brought the child in the first place.

  2. FlipsyChic

    Baby was just trying to meet the two drink minimum!

    Seriously, comedy shows are not for infants, breastfeeding or otherwise.

  3. NotMoose5407

    A baby shouldn’t make it into a club like this, despite the crying it can get loud and potentially dangerous for the child’s hearing. Class act Mommy

  4. Embarrassed-Carob693

    Honestly, I feel bad for the mom. I don’t think most people realize how hard it is to enjoy normal human things after having a child, even if a baby is well behaved.

  5. h0neybl0ss0m29

    Good for him for speaking up on behalf of 700 other people who paid to see the show, considering no children under 15 were supposed to be there in the first place. I wish somebody did that at restaurants where people let their kids run around and scream from the top of their lungs so that no one else can enjoy their meal and conversation.

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