#Female Instagram Models

Hozier Lyric Analysis Deep Dive But it’s a Zoom Meeting

Its like a ‘facetime with your friend’ vlog but instead its a zoom with your annoying professor who doesn’t actually know what they’re talking about, bad audio quality included! Join me as I ramble about my thoughts and feelings on Hozier’s WIldflower and Barley, Too Sweet, Wasteland, Baby!, All Things End, and Unknown/Nth

all right let me just share my
screen okay all right hope you guys can
see that um yeah hey uh
so I want to do a hose your lyric Deep
dive um on a few songs and this is the
best way I could think of doing it is by
sharing my screen on a zoom meeting um
so we’re just going to lean into that
Vibe and
welcome um my name is Megan I’m kind of
exhausted um I should be going to bed
instead of doing this but I’ve been
doing nothing but work on my Master’s
thesis and presentation for a month now
and I want to do something for me um so
that’s what we’re going to do
so yeah I mean should we just get into
it I mean I’ve got my I’ve got my dirt
scented candle going it does smell like
dirt I highly recommend it I’m covered
in dirt for my horseback riding lesson
earlier still haven’t showered bad idea
for my skin but here we are anyway um
and my apartment is not covered in dirt
just cleaned it for the first time in a
few weeks uh because again Master’s
thesis but any who what I’m trying to
say is we’re going to look at some
unreal unearth lyrics as well as some
unheard lyrics from that little little
thing you put out so you know agenda
yes unreal
unreal on
earth oh Lord I’m tired on earth oh my
cat has joined the meeting hey BB come
here yeah meow come here no okay you can
come in later um and unheard yes okay I
think the song I want to start with is
wild flowers and barley because honestly
it’s underappreciated yes to Sweet is
the Banger of the year um it has been on
repeat will be on repeat and I do want
to get to two sweet but first I want to
talk about wild flowers and barley for
multitude of reasons that we’ll get into
okay let’s do this H there he is
beautiful man a hot take not a hot take
actually I hate hate this album cover
like why I mean I get it but the mouth
it’s just a little too mouth I don’t
know uh not a fan personally okay who
your wild
flowers and barley barely
barley I don’t want the French
translation um that’ be fun in my
limited French knowledge going through
hos your French
translations um okay first off do love
the unheard album cover um it’s giving
everything it needs to give it’s it’s
dirty it’s beautiful he’s one of the
most beautiful men I’ve ever seen um hot
actually took me a while to like grow
into that pinion I’ve been listening to
hoser since I was 12 um I’m 24 now so
that is half my life that’s crazy um I
still vividly remember the first moment
that I heard my first song by him which
is work song shout out to my friend
Maggie um who showed it to me on the bus
in middle school um yeah changed my life
but oh by the way my credentials for
this deep dive are that I’ve loved him
since I was 12 years old um I’ve been to
four concerts with him I will be seeing
him again in May which I’m very excited
for um and yeah that’s all you need to
know I am an original hos your Stan and
yeah I was saying I did not I found him
like attractive when I was young but I
didn’t get like The Thirst but I don’t
know if it’s she like something about
being your 20s and you’re just really
into like the beard and the long hair
and the man bun Vibes but he’s really
been doing it for me lately um yeah
moving on so let’s talk about the
feature on this song Allison Russell I
had the pleasure of seeing Alison
Russell live before she ever even
collabed with josier um I saw her live
at this festival called Catbird which is
in Upstate New York it was first and
only time ever happened was last year
and she was on like the secondary stage
so like wasn’t you on the main stage and
she’s actually the only actor we saw at
the second stage stage cuz yeah we were
basically just at the main stage all day
but we had a little bit of a break
before some of the bigger acts came on
in the evening sorry if you hear noise
in the background it’s my cat playing
with her tunnel um ducky ducky we’re
we’re doing something right now okay
anyhow um yeah so we just wandered over
the main stage and you know we get up a
little closer and I just hear this like
powerful just clear voice she is just so
unbelievably talented in person and her
music was just like so Soulful and so
like you could just tell she really
cared about what she was singing about
and also just so original like not like
things I’d heard before and like all
those things are what I love about
Hosier so I just really loved to hearing
her live um and so when she covered
taking me to church I didn’t even listen
to it for a while I like saw that hoser
like reposted it and was like oh my God
amazing and I was like cool love it
that’s awesome that she’s also Hosier
fan because obviously she is um um but
then I was like okay wait she is his
opening act for the concert that I’m
going to see in May that’s really
[ __ ] sick um and then she’s featured
on a song with him like yeah and the
song was kind of everything that I
wanted to be based on the title and the
feature and it’s just I don’t know it’s
just of course Bittersweet song mostly
sweet but like you get this little like
gut punch at the end okay let’s get into
it all right Wild Flower and barley um
loving the barley Vibes um I am a soil
and crop science Master student so give
me that agriculture give me that Flor
culture um yes please and thank you
um okay let’s go line by line or
whatever we’ll see what I feel like
doing um Springtime in the country each
time I’m shocked by the Light the world
line fellow and you are apart from me
okay also I know we’re on Genius lyrics
and we can just like look at what other
people think no we’re going on what I
think thank you um he’s evoking
obviously this like
very I don’t know is this the world is
becoming new again we have Springtime
obvious theme of rebirth um in the
country very specific type of Springtime
I don’t know if you’re a Suburban kid I
don’t know if you’re an urban kid I
don’t know if you’re a Ral kid um all of
these spring times have very different
Vibes and I’m I’m more of a Suburban kid
I’ve mostly grown up in suburbs suei um
but now like kind of moving into like
agricultural work and stuff like the
time that I spent outside doing field
work in the spring last year like truly
nothing like it to just be like
surrounded by the growth of fresh like
crops sorry I probably sound insane but
yeah Springtime in the country I don’t
know it’s giving green but also the
golden light that he mentions and the
world line follow like that means to be
empty you know a fallow field is in
between growing Seasons um it could
evoke you know emptiness but it also
evokes opportunity um but then he says
you are apart from me so it’s like okay
are you apart for me for now like are we
talking like kind of a pany Vibe um or
is it like the world is fellow because
you’re AP part from me and you’re not
coming back um but it’s also Springtime
so we’re expecting growth so I don’t
know um everything in my vision is
movement in life Riverboat wheelbarrow
Wild Flower and barley so everything
that he’s
seeing is movement in life sorry I’m not
very good at literary analysis at least
verbally um but he’s seeing Beauty and
movement in life in the mundane so a
river boat floating by in the river a
wheelbarrow probably laying AB bandid by
the side of like some Barn
um and each little wild flower and like
The Barley blowing in the breeze I don’t
know how much barley has grown if it’s
springtime like it’s probably just looks
like grass at this point but he’s
finding the beauty in it anyway um and I
really love this line I can smell summer
on its breath as someone who’s currently
like so deeply craving summertime um
because we have a very bipolar spring
here like it it’s going to be 27°
tonight but it’s going to be 80° on
Monday next one nope this Monday this
coming Monday supposedly um I’m very
excited for summer and just the Beauty
and the joy and the freedom that comes
with summer so I don’t know this lyric
of like it’s
springtime but you can feel like the
coming like I don’t know joy of the
summer I don’t know I just love that
line um low and harrowed lie the fields
and the Heart of
me every in my vision departure and
death Riverboat wheelbarrow Wild Flower
and barley so this is opposite to what
he just said everything my vision is
movement in life and now everything my
vision is departure and
death so he’s kind of got two different
things going on like is he talking about
maybe like when he had his lover and
like after he lost his
lover I don’t know here’s my um my
moment of honesty
despite being a deep Hosier
Stan I often cannot understand the man
on my first like 50 listens through of a
song um I’m bad at memorizing lyrics
that is a fundamental truth about me and
also like he’s Irish um
so even though he’s beautiful his voice
is beautiful his lyrics are beyond
beautiful I don’t know what he’s saying
sometimes I’m just vibing um so doing a
deep Dive In lyrics like this is
actually very enlightening for me
sometimes and actually helps me
understand the song better like
literally when I’m listening to it
understand it finally I’m sure other
people can relate thank you very much
um yeah so again we’re
seeing we can see both this hope this
beauty in the countryside but also he’s
seeing departure and death in the same
exact things um I don’t know death on a
riverbat like you know someone’s Flo
away from you death in the wheelbarrow
like the sad abandoned wheelbarrow I
don’t know also all things die which is
like the natural course of things like
you know he’s kind of talking about the
changing the season summertime from
Spring like no matter how beautiful the
moment is like it’s gonna it’s going to
change um yeah and then we get our
chorus this year I swear it will’ll be
act buried in actions this year I swear
it will be buried in words like
and also I did not know that this is
what the homies in the background are
singing the healers are healing the
diggers are digging the Earth so then we
have the contrast again of like hope and
life and happiness and then death and
like digging and bearing um interesting
but these two lines this year I swear it
will be buried in actions this year I
swear will be buried in words really
makes me think of kind like the New
Year’s resolution Vibes and also like as
summer comes up like you know we all had
summer Bucket List when we got out of
school and all these things we want to
do like I swear like this is going to be
our summer oh my God like so exciting um
but then we also all know how that goes
like we all know that this year does not
end up buried in actions I I find buried
in words to be really interesting it
makes me think of like honesty or
like truly expressing yourself through
words but again if we’re saying if is
kind of an ironic statement like things
aren’t going to happen I’m not going to
end up saying the things that I really
mean I don’t know just found that
interesting and
then this is I I want some input on this
um so come close to the
surface oh sorry some close to the
surface some close to the casket I feel
as useful as dirt put my body to
work so when he says some is he talking
about like the actions and words are
close to the surface and close to the
casket also when he says some are close
to the surface and some are close to the
casket is that like like is the casket
also close to the surface or those again
we’re we’re talking about contrast here
so like maybe some of the words and
actions like are close to the surface
they’re about to bloom I don’t know
blooming seems to be like a theme of
unreal on Earth um and some are close to
the casket so they are not happening
they are literally on death store the
edge of their graves if you will um yeah
I don’t know interesting um and I feel
as useful as dirt put my body to work I
as a soil scientist I don’t know loving
these lyrics um maybe not the way
they’re intended but to be as useful as
dirt usually like is said in a negative
connotation also like don’t get me start
on the difference between dirt and soil
but I feel it’s useful as
dirt maybe to the average person means
like I’m [ __ ] I don’t I’m not useful
like I cannot do anything but in the
context of like agricultureal and
growing like kind of you know he’s
talking about Springtime in the
countryside like dirt soil but dirt is
what grows everything without soil dirt
we would not have Agriculture and
therefore would not have civilization
and therefore
like dirt soil is the most useful thing
like and we can talk about hydroponic
agriculture another time I have
complicated feelings on that um but so I
don’t know if he’s but then he says put
my body to work so maybe he is
recognizing that dirt is a very useful
thing and also to put my body to work
like maybe he means like you know the
diggers are digging um we’re burying
things but also it gives you know it
gives sexy it gives like I am yours to
be used I don’t know I find sex in a lot
of hosier
lyrics and that that can mean a lot of
things um but I find this to be a very
sexual statement um and to be followed
by Ms and O’s maybe maybe it was
supposed to be sexual statement um and
now the scene changes no longer
Springtime in the country Springtime in
the city so like I said earlier
different types of spring times um
different amounts of excitement
different I just different feelings in
the air um the canal banks are empty
again the grass crying out to be heated
by bodies honestly I don’t know what he
means by the canal banks are emptying
again I don’t know when they were full
um what were they full of I don’t know
what city are we in sounds European if
there’s a canal
um yeah but the grass crying out to be
heated by bodies
the streets for the laughter of young
women and men
like I don’t know this is that he’s
painting such a beautiful like
romanticized picture of that like early
spring early summer when everyone is so
excited to be outside again and just
wants to go like lie in the grass of
their lover in the shade of a tree in
the park the streets for the laughter of
young women and men like I don’t know it
just feels like such a celebration of
finally being outside again and the
world coming alive again like both
culturally and physically um and then we
have canal boat and trolley wildf flower
and barley so you know kind of again
setting setting more of a city scene
than riverbat and wheelbarrow um but
still the Wild Flower and barley is
there maybe kind of like evoking the
fact that like you know spring is it’s
everywhere I don’t know sorry not deep
thought there um then we have the chorus
again twice fun um you know my thoughts
that but then we get the outro um
which is where like the kind of
Bittersweet Vibes come in um but we have
kind of like a difference in the music
I’m not a musician I could not tell if
it was a key change I could not tell if
it was a Tempo change I could not tell
you what happened but there’s a
different vibe um and also lyrically
there’s a different vibe he says
Springtime for my
window another month has not much longer
now which we’re at the end of the month
and it’s kind of how does this happen
genuinely how like it is what day is it
it is April 24th as I’m recording this
it was just April 4th like yesterday so
I just love that he recognizes that
another month has not much longer now
just this time flies um and also
Springtime for my window feels like he’s
very much like watching Springtime
happen from the window as opposed to
being out in the country being out in
the city as it happens and I think this
probably ties back to like that like
Duality we saw in the beginning of like
it both seems to be talking about a
lover that has been had and a lover
that’s been lost and perhaps he’s
watching Springtime happen from his
window because he’s still so steeped in
that loss
and in that sense he’s also experiencing
another loss cuz he just celebrated how
beautiful spring can be and how like
enriching and emotional Springtime can
be but then he’s having that taken away
from him also by the loss of his lover
um and also time is flying
and we can all just relate to that that
kind of the you know this year will be
buried in actions will’ll be buried in
words and suddenly another month has
gone by and spring times has come to
Summer and then all of a sudden Summers
fall and where do the year go and we
always you know as we all get older
especially we just all lament that
constantly as each year is
proportionately less of our lives
like the passage of time is terrifying
um and sometimes it’s comforting you
know it’s sometimes comforting when
maybe you’ve lost a lover and you know
time does heal but even in the beginning
of losing a lover it can be terrifying
you’re like like wow it’s already it’s
been a month without you it’s been 2
months without you and it still hurts
and how can this much time without you
have passed um anyhow and he says the
sun hesitates more on each even
darkening so to me I take that to mean
it’s becoming more summer now so the sun
is hesitating in the evening so the sun
is staying out longer we’re getting
closer to the summer solstice so it’s no
longer Springtime but it’s growing into
something else um which
um and then would all things God allows
remain above ground like grief and sweet
memory Wild Flower and barley so
honestly the way this is phrased very
poetic loving it but I think it’s open
for interpretation so would all things
God allow so the word would almost feels
like he’s beseeching like please like
hey God can you please do this um but
also could be a question
of like is this something that could
happen like would all thing God’s God
allows remain above
ground so because earlier we were
talking about like buried and digging
and I he might say the word yep he says
um so potentially talking about death um
but also like I don’t know if we’re
talking about literal death like that’s
the loss that he’s feeling in here or
like just you know the death of a love
like that love is now buried um not the
person but like their love together is
gone um like grief and sweet memory Wild
Flower and barley
and I don’t know I think maybe
Springtime hurts so much because of that
loss like maybe it’s not the loss that
he’s working through necessarily during
the Spring but
it’s the the memories of Springtime with
his love
that makes Springtime so Bittersweet now
that that love is not in his life
um and I find it interesting that all
things God allows remain above ground
like grief and sweet memory almost
saying that like God has purposely kept
grief and sweet memory in the world also
the word grief and sweet memory like to
me are like synonyms like we only grieve
I heard once someone say that grief is
love that has nowhere to go
and that love is largely built on sweet
um yeah I don’t know it just I find that
last little chunk so interesting and
says so much and also I have no idea
what it means
um I’m open to thoughts on that and
let’s move on um so now that we’ve done
Wildflower and barley I want to get to
of course of course we’re going to do
two sweet um also shout out to genius
sponsor me
um now
this I will say I find it fascinating
the way that hosier’s marketing team has
just like ramped the [ __ ] up because two
sweet became so popular I’m so glad it’s
popular so happy makes me deeply happy
um it is amazing and iconic and but it’s
also so fascinating to see how like I
think in their push to make the song
even bigger they’ve like totally ramped
up you know they’re like this song can
go number one and I’m so glad it did um
because it’s been a long time coming so
that you know take me a church happened
so glad it did but like he’s had so many
other songs that deserve to be number
one but I can see why this is very radio
um where was it going with that oh yeah
I just find his marketing team
um too sweet let’s [ __ ] get into it
um again I don’t want to know what
anyone else has to say about this these
are my thoughts um oh I think I want to
preface this whole song with
like I I want to know why other
people like love it obviously it’s like
a banger like musically sonically so
just like
intoxicating but in the terms of like
relating to the lyrics there’s like two
camps you can be in you can be Hosier in
this case where someone is too sweet for
you you’re the dark one you’re the
you’re the whiskey neat you’re the
coffee black you’re the bed at
3 or you’re the two sweet and like you
kind of like that someone is recognizing
that you’re too sweet for them
like you know what I’m saying and
because I I asked the largely cuz like I
also I don’t know which one I am in this
case hold on I want to blow my dirt
candle because it’s a
little I love it have you guys ever been
on um on the Avatar ride at Disney World
sorry that’s very Niche um but if you
have you’ve been on that ride the part
where they fly through the forest of
whatever that planet is you know how
they have like smell a vision at Disney
um this candle smells like the forest
part of that ride um and I remember that
Forest part of the ride blowing my mind
when I first the only I’ve been on like
twice in my life but blew my mind so
when I found this candle um at this
little shop in Geneva New York um the
brand is burn and Bloom candle Co um is
there earn candle Moss dense fog damp
Earth minerals and ozone um and it
smells like all those things I cannot
highly recommend it enough if you like
hoser if you like dirt um this is not
sponsored um but the best smelling dirt
you ever smell in your life thank you
um I had a thought yeah I don’t know if
I want to be too sweet or if someone if
I want someone to be too sweet for me
because I don’t know I’ve definitely
experienced that like someone you like
have a crush on but you don’t want to
like ruin them not ruin them but like
you feel like you pursuing them would
have a negative impact on their life
because what you want is a little too
chaotic for them or yeah I’ve just
experienced that recently honestly and
so I both can relate to the like someone
else being too sweet but also I think
generally I’m the two sweet one like I’m
I’m not a coffee black I’m not a whiskey
neat I am a bed at three but I try hard
not to be um but I’m definitely not an
early bird
um speaking of that did not know that
this was the first line I just Mumble
along and I I knew the second line it’s
10:00 before I say a word we’re learning
together it can’t be said that I’m an
early bird same josier same um and I
also don’t like speaking before 10
o’clock if you try to speak me to me
before then you’re not getting my best
self um yeah so I just want to hear
other people’s takes on if they want to
be too sweet or if they want other
people to be too sweet for them that
being said let’s dive back in um it
can’t be said that I’m an early bird
it’s 10:00 before I say a word
honestly as like a professional Night
Owl I think 10 o00 is is week sauce um
if he said like 11 o’clock I would have
been like damn but I guess maybe other
adults 10 o’clock is late fine um baby I
can never tell how do you sleep so well
I’d also love to know that I’ve not been
able to fall asleep lately but it might
be the stress of my Master’s thesis just
maybe um you keep telling me to live
right to go to bed before the
daylight this the you keep telling me to
live right this I wonder if part of this
song is
like maybe the reason we all love it is
because it’s kind of a rejection of
Wellness culture I recently listened to
a really interesting like video essay
I’m sorry I have no idea who like
honestly wait so check my YouTube
history um I’m about to be exposed oh my
um it’s nothing shocking nothing
surprising welcome to may we don’t talk
about the fact that I watch The Gabby
show we don’t talk about that um where
is this video oh the Pilates princess to
diet culture pipeline by Jordan and
Teresa um plugging that video very
interesting basically talking about how
like the wellness culture is just diet
culture repackaged very interesting um
yeah like I was saying like I wonder if
the love of this song where like Hosier
is rejecting Wellness culture basically
is also like a reflection of all of us
being so fed up with Wellness culture
especially like the fact that the song
like BL on Tik Tok is interesting
because Tik Tok is very much full of
like the platies princess like the It
Girl the like you know you want to be
the clean girl then like you have to
wake up at 6:00 and then you have to go
to the gym you have to drink your green
smoothie and then you have to go to bed
before the sun is down and then yeah you
can’t have your coffee black you you
have to have your matchy and you can’t
you can’t have your whiskey neat you got
to have to your mocktails like maybe
this is a rejection of it and we’re
loving it um yeah I have lots of
thoughts on that but let’s get back to
it um you keep telling me to live right
to go to bed before the daylight but
then you wake up for the
sunrise as a night owl I’ve also always
wondered this it’s like we’re going to
get the same amount of sleep why are you
like making this a moral issue like why
do people think they’re better than
other people for like being awake during
the daytime that being said mornings are
wonderful and glorious but like I don’t
need to be up at 4:00 a.m. to experience
that also like you know mornings are so
peaceful and quiet um so is 3 in the
morning have you ever been the only
person awake in your house at 300 in the
morning and you’re just like doing a
little thing uh beautiful
um but then you wake up for the
sunrise you know you don’t got to
see I
I it is is the person doing it because
they enjoy it or because Wellness
culture has told them they need to do
these things they got to go to bed
before the sunrise but then wake up
before the sunrise like you know you
don’t got to pretend baby now and then
don’t you just want to wake up dark as a
lake smelling like a bonfire lost in a
haze yes I do I do want to wake up dark
as a lake there’s something about that
like post late
night like especially like a post like
late party night when you wake up and
you just kind of Revel in like the
debauchery of the night before that
might sound a little something but
like you know that moment when you first
wake up and you’re stretching and like
all the memories of the night are
flooding back to you yes I do want to
wake up as dark as a lake and I always
want to wake up smelling like a bonfire
because that is my favorite scent um I
need a bonfire candle to go with my dirt
candle and most bonfire candles do not
do what I need them to do
um like roasted marshmallow sh no I need
I just need a bonfire in my house at all
times thank you um and lost in a haze
honestly I’ll be real I don’t like being
hung over um I get that anxiety I get
that hang pression um but the Vibes
loving it if you’re drunk on life babe I
think it’s great like
like that’s a lyric that I did not
understand for little as like I
literally could not audibly understand
it but once I got it I was like oh yes
you’re drunk on life that is great oh my
God but like have you ever been drunk
have you ever consumed alcohol and like
been drunk on life and drunk on alcohol
at the same time it can be fun um if
you’re you know 21 and up whatever um
but while in this world
see yeah it’s kind of the like while
you’re alive why don’t you take
advantage of that like it’s kind of
like I don’t
know you can sleep in your dead Vibes
like you’re taking so much care of your
body and like denying yourself so many
Pleasures like for what we only get you
know as an agnostic and we we know hoser
opinions on like religion well do we we
we’ve heard some of them um
like there is nothing after death in my
opinion um so like why why deny yourself
pleasure while you’re in this world um
and then he tells us how he finds his
pleasure in this world I’ll take my
whiskey neat my coffee black and my bed
at three rant um a lot of people think
that the lyric is my coffee black in my
bed at
3 no he’s not having coffee
like cuz he’s means 3 in the morning
obviously I mean unless he means like my
coffee in bed at 3 p.m. because I’ve
been in bed all day but like no it just
yeah I just it bothers me and no he
three things he wants neat whiskey black
coffee and to go to bed late this whole
song is about going to bed late um so
and my bed not in my bed thank you ran
over um you’re too sweet for me you’re
too sweet for
me I I kind of like that implies that
like you might be too sweet for me but
you’re not too sweet for someone else
like that’s a good thing I guess um but
also okay this makes me think of when
guys I don’t know people experience this
on the dating apps or like in real life
um where guys are like you look like
trouble which all I’ve learned is that
guys that say that to you they’re
they’re trouble they will hurt you break
your heart be a douchebag um
but yeah but you’re too sweet for me I’d
much rather hear that but also at the
same time it’s like a dare almost to be
like different like to change yourself
for a man and don’t do that um simply
literally do not do that
but I guess yeah I don’t know and again
he says whiskey neat coffee black beted
at 3 you’re too sweet for
me God damn I both I both want to be too
sweet for someone and and not because I
I want some I need a boyfriend so badly
but yeah I don’t know to be too sweet
for someone also just as a romantic
thing um and also H the bells in the
song Ding Ding Ding I it’s giving like
Western standoff maybe that’s just me
but the Vibes of this song are just so
interesting and fun yeah loving that um
and yeah the vocals are Heavenly I love
all of his background vocals ever on a
song the closer to gospel it is honestly
the better as someone not raised to the
church shockingly Love Gospel Vibes and
I love the way that he pulls from that
in his music um I aim low I am true and
the grounds where I go I work L like
it’s giving like I run myself into the
ground Vibes but also like he knows that
he’s ending in death and like we said
earlier like you got to Live While
You’re Alive you got to why deny
yourself Earthly Pleasures when this is
your only chance to be on earth um not
sure what’s like up with I am low I am
true like I should we
ask nope annotation wait wow
wow that’s so deep deep I aim low yeah
that’s what it means
um aim low not to please others but to
do what is easiest to best for his
individual life oh like instead of
Aiming High
oh interesting part habits possible even
validation for others oh
interesting yeah I guess it like goes
for it’s easy but he goes for what he
wants yeah see I don’t I don’t care I
don’t want other people’s opinions okay
where were we
um I work late where I’m free from the
phone I find that’s interesting cuz like
as someone I don’t know I like find
myself very productive at night and like
less likely to be on my phone I don’t
know if it’s because like my phone’s not
blowing up there’s AR there not other
people like to interact with on the
phone and that’s where you find your
freedom um I don’t know I just thought
that was an interesting line oop sorry
um and the job gets done yeah job gets a
lot easier when you don’t have your
phone [ __ ] distracting you um but
yeah working late but you worry some I
know do you think like the lover is
worried because he’s not on his phone as
I’m like what are you up to like oh
you’re working late right you’re working
late or is she like worried because he
works too hard he works too late or is
she worried that he’s cheating I don’t
know or I don’t know but who wants to
live forever it’s probably more that
like you work too late you work too hard
it’s bad for you um yeah who wants who
wants to live forever no thank you um
I’d like to take a big nap um at the end
of my life that sounds really nice
um okay oh these two oh these lines you
treat your mouth as if it’s Heaven’s
gate and the rest of you like you’re the
TSA this is a little silly line but this
is like a hard line just like you treat
your mouth as if it’s Heaven’s Gate
like as someone who like does try to
care of her body like I don’t inhale
things that’s my you know I never smoked
a cigarette never smoked weed never did
nothing harder um you treat your mouth
as if it’s Heaven’s Gate it’s also food
and drink
like I don’t
know I
just both like yeah your body’s a temple
but also
like the mouth is also a gate to
pleasure and again we’re not denying
ourselves pleasure in this life so yeah
it’s like you cannot reach heaven
through denial and you also
can’t reach me heaven through your mouth
but you can reach pleasure through your
mouth I don’t know loving it and the
rest of you like the TSA I just that’s a
silly lyric
like obviously it’s giving like Heaven’s
Gate like it’s hard to get through I
just like I just think it’s silly lyric
and also like heaven contrast with the
TSA heaven and hell yeah um I wish I
could go along as in he cannot oh he
wants to go there’s Heaven’s
Gate okay I mean like yeah
but also like he wishes he could go
along with the Vibes and he can’t
because oh oh guys guys this part
this you’re as bright as the morning as
soft as the rain pretty as a Vine as
sweet as a grape like I want to I I am
those things but also like I want
someone to tell me I’m as bright as the
morning and as soft as the rain and as
pretty as a Vine and as sweet as a grape
I thought grape was a silly rhyme but
also like I guess it kind of goes with
the wine the drinking Vibes um and then
this is a lyric I could not audibly
understand for a while if you can sit in
a barrel maybe I’ll wait as in like cuz
he takes his whiskey neat Whiskey’s made
in barrels so if like Hey cuz you’re
sweet like grape to Wine to like sitting
in a barrel like so if you were like
less sweet which is what happens when
like alcohol is made like the sugars
become alcohols so if you could go sit
in a barrel and he’ll like wait until
you’re not so sweet anymore lyrical
genius um thank you um yeah and again
we’re back to the
and back to that bit again like honestly
this is revolutionary
um yeah and I think I am as bright as
the morning and so are you but also
like can we be sweet and spicy at the
same same
time that’s to be explored later okay
how about we do I don’t know what other
songs I these are the ones that I had
planned but there’s just so many options
too many
options oh let’s let’s do Hosier
discography Hosier
discography um songs we’re not going to
do the obvious ones because
why would I do that
um oh I love I’m just we’re not going
through it cuz to no but I love that
almost it’s just like made up of song
lyrics like amazing um I love this
because it’s about
sex um a lot of people have done a lot
of unreal on Earth already because of
like all the Illusions to Dante so I
don’t know if necessarily I’m going to
get there right now God Li strike oh I
don’t know oh there’s so many options
this isn’t even all of
it oh oh oh oh oh oh oh guys oh oh um we
don’t even need to do this whole [ __ ]
song um but there’s only one lyric that
needs to be talked about and it lives in
my head rentree it is my Roman EMP
Empire it is all the things the kids say
these days um truly shook me to my core
the first time I like really absorbed
the lyric and it continues to like
change meaning to me to this day um the
first verse of the last song on this
album Wasteland
baby in this song Wasteland
baby all the fear and the fire of the
end of the
world happens each time a boy falls in
love with a girl and we don’t need to
talk about the rest of that verse
just all the fear and the fire of the
literally so if the world was ending the
amount of fear and like pure Hellfire
that would break out all that happens
each time a boy falls in love with a
girl and the first time I like absorbed
that lyrically and like truly understood
what he
meant it it like obviously we know we
know hoser is a lover boy like who
writes love songs like hoser in the
modern day like the fact that love can
come from a man that is like this
powerful and strong to like make him a
poet like this that’s revolutionary but
so my first time I absorbed this I was
like oh holy [ __ ] like
boys can feel this like strongly and
deeply about a woman and
like they just have this like Hellfire
burning in them when they fall for her
and I just thought was the most romantic
thing and like kind of made me see boys
in a more human way like I don’t know
you forget that boys fall in love too
cuz sometimes they never do but also you
know when you see true love real love
like you forget that boys are capable of
that too and so to imagine them having
all the fear and the fire of the end of
the world inside them when they fall in
love with a girl oh so romantic but
then after I got my heartbroken um the
lyric kind of changed for
me because
like now I feel like not that I’ve been
in love since my last time my heart was
broken but all the fear and the fire at
the end of the world that will be
happening within me the next time a boy
falls in love with
me God willing in the creek don’t rise
um but like because the last time a boy
fell in love with me and the time before
that and every time before that it ended
with me getting really hurt um so yeah
the next time a boy falls in love with a
me there’s going to be a lot of [ __ ]
fear and fire enough to you know fuel
the end of the world um
yeah but then he says happens great
happens sweet happily I’m unfaced here
too which is
like almost like the love like
overpowers the fear and the fire or like
makes you like blind to or just makes
you comfortable within the fear and the
fire which is
just happily he’s happily experiencing
all the fear and the fire that in the
world yeah Wasteland baby I’m in love
with you
like I think he’s calling his baby
Wasteland but also like I don’t know the
idea of being in love with a wasteland
like not as a human but
like I don’t know to find beauty in your
surroundings kind of back to the Wild
Flower and barle thing I don’t
know all the things Yet to Come are
things that have passed like the holding
of hands like the breaking of glass like
the bonfire that burns that all words in
the fight fell
to I don’t know cyclical nature of
time I don’t know the world has end I
don’t know maybe the world the world
ends for everyone eventually death but
people’s worlds have ended whether it’s
through deep tragedy that that we’ve
seen in the past or that we’re seeing
today people’s worlds have
ended and yet the world has gone on you
know enough so that psychical nature of
things is cyclical
like you know there always has become a
time again when we hold hands with
someone we love and then there always
comes a time when the world shatters
around us
um and all the things Yet to Come are
things that have passed both comforting
and terrifying right that like
there is nothing new but there also
there’s nothing new like there is no
unique Human Experience and yet also
every person’s every waking moment is
has never happened before um yeah I
don’t know like a bonfire that burns
that all words in the fight fell
to like a bon like the bonfire that
burns that all the words in the fight
fell to so the words in the fight fell
to the bonfire that burns
I guess all things
end guys guys wait sorry love you
Wasteland baby
um uh yeah yeah so this song um yeah so
the first time I heard this I was
sobbing I was drunk um but yeah I like
came home from a night out and I was
like oh my God it’s almost midnight
we’re going to listen to the EP
um wait
was this
on the EP or theum I don’t care um first
time I listened to it I sobbed
because it just resonates so deeply
especially like in the healing from the
breakup even though this song came out
like a year after that breakup like a
lot of healing had to happen Okay um but
this whole album has been very healing
for me frankly
um this
song yeah it was my top song for 2023
obviously will be one of my top songs
for all all all of time all of time um
again this like gospel chorus Vibes that
happen in it revolutionary um yeah a two
ton weight around my chest feels like it
just dropped a 20 story height that that
feeling when a love comes to an
end it’s both like a vacuum and like a
two-ton weight just drop 20 stories
um but then he like recognizes if there
was anyone to ever get through this life
with their heart still intact they
didn’t do it right I feel like this kind
of thematically connects to
um what song were we just
analyzing can you tell I’m
tired what and mow and barley Wast I
don’t know the end he loves talking
about the end okay oh we’re talking
about too sweet right how like
if you go through life denying yourself
Pleasures you’ve not lived a pleasurable
and good life if you go through life
avoiding the pain and loss of heartbreak
that means you’ve never experienced the
pain and loss of heartbreak and thus
also have not experienced love like to
have your heartbroken you must have
loved to better have loved and lost than
to never have loved at all true facts
fire um but yeah it honestly those lines
are just so comforting if there was
anyone to ever get through this life
with their heart still intact they
didn’t do it right it’s just like
so comforting to know that you’re doing
life right if you had your heartbroken
um and then the last time I felt your
weight on my chest you said we didn’t
get it right but love we did our best
which kind of like
evokes a mutual ending um which is its
own form of Bittersweet like yes there’s
something to be said for like a fiery
and passionate breakup or like one
person wrong is the other or one person
blindsides the other and just like we’re
breaking up you’re out of my life
now yeah this you the last time I felt
your weight on my chest so they’re
either hugging or lying at one on top of
the other or whatever like shoulder on
head nope head on shoulder um we didn’t
get it right but love we did our best
which means like they tried but then
they recognized they weren’t right for
each other which is like oh my God its
own form of deeply heartbreaking like
yeah crazy um and we will again and
that’s crazy cuz they don’t mean we as
in like the two people that like did our
best but like they’re going to try their
best again even if with someone else
also mly terrifying we will again as in
we didn’t get it right that means
there’s always the potential of not
doing it right again which is is the
terrifying part of looking for love
again um
yeah but that’s what the song is about
is all the reasons why you should try
again um moving on in time and taking
more from everything that ends honestly
when I listen to this are here taken
from incorrect apparently um taking more
from any everything that ends moving on
in time so yeah eventually you heal you
move forward in time and taken more
from everything that ends so we keep
getting more out of things that have
already ended which is true y’all ever
been broken up with and you’re like oh
my God they were the love of my life how
could this end and then like hindsight
it’s 2020 and you’re like oh yeah we
weren’t meant to be together um and I
was too blinded I love to see that
and but so you learn and you grow from
the things that end um also my nail
polish is peeling I literally painted
these tonight and it’s already peeling
and I’m mad about it okay moving on
um all things end all that we intend is
scrolled in sand so you know the best
laid plans nope um everything you plan
with your lover everything you plan ever
in life it’s just a
plan everything can change at any moment
um the world could end at any moment um
so and that sand that we scrw our plans
and just will slip right through your
hands the sands of
yeah and just knowing that everything
will end should not change our plans
when we begin again I’ve had debate with
about The Vibes here before where
someone else I think they just didn’t
give this
part basically he’s saying
that whether things end through a
breakup or death
like that should not
change our ability or desire to seek out
love because everything will end either
through breakup or tragedy or death or
what have you but that does not mean
that we shouldn’t Al if you can hear my
neighbors I don’t know if you can I can
at all hours they like to talk and laugh
I’m so happy they enjoy their lives so
much much but
also yeah um so if you can hear them
just ignore them listen to me instead um
yeah there’s no reason I mean there is
every reason you know to be afraid to
love again and begin again because it’s
going to end out of their way but hoser
is laying down the law he’s saying no do
not let that keep you from seeking out
that love and joy because it is worth it
even if changes and ends yeah we do
again uh this just heart-wrenching
gut-wrenching oh my god I’ve never known
a silence like the one Fallen here never
watched my future dark in in a single
tier I know we want this to go easy by
being somebody’s fault but we’ve gone
long enough to know that this isn’t what
we want and that isn’t always bad so
this is this is showing what the breakup
was like it was kind of mutual if not
fully Mutual it was watching a
relationship just slowly fall apart even
they sounds like they were trying they
were trying we’ve gone long enough to
know it’s not what they want it’s
just they’re different people and they
don’t belong together and that’s no
one’s fault and
even even in a Messier
breakup like people can be at fault if
they cheat if they lie if they steal if
I don’t know people can be at fault but
I don’t know as a like deeply hopeless
romantic I do you know the right people
are going to find each other and treat
each other
accordingly can you know treat one as
the other wants to be treated
like we want this to go we want this to
go easy by being somebody’s fault it is
easier when you have someone to blame
when you are able to mad at someone when
they give you that reason they give you
that cheating they give you that lying
it is easier to be rageful and vengeful
and to blame them for the breakup and
all the pain that ensues but I don’t
know it is partially almost more painful
to know that you tried and it didn’t
out but Al and also because that rage
and anger is not going to heal you it’s
not going to get you to where you need
to be and so even if you think it’s
going to be
easier it isn’t actually um but yeah
they’ve gone long enough to know that
it’s not what they want
godamn and when people say something is
forever either way end yep through
breakup or death either way love will
end um and heart-wrenching in different
ways yep chorus again don’t change your
plans just because something will end
and like yeah just because something
will end does not mean you should not
begin it in so many ways but we’re
talking about love here and we began we
began again uhhuh and then I’ll think
yep slips slipping through our hands
won’t change our
plans I think where’s that lyric change
oh built on
Sand I found that lyric changes you know
fun interesting we love it when we
change a little like lyric here and
there um and it’s giving like pillars of
salt pillars of sand Viva Lita Vibes
um but I think it’s kind of like showing
like because earlier it was scrolled in
sand so you know the best laid plans we
we write out our plans in sand and the
waves might come and wash them away slip
through our fingers but even the things
that we build not just our plans that we
write out but like the world that we
build around us and the relationshipss
we build even those things are built on
Sand they can so easily be like knocked
over like a sand castle you know just
eroded away by time um can come tumbling
down at any second um yeah I just find
that lyric change fascinating
um yeah I don’t know should I do one
more song or should I leave it there um
oh oh I know okay this will be the last
song oh here it is perfect um I don’t
know if I have the energy to talk about
the song right now but I’m gonna try to
do it justice because again this is a
song that wrecked me like the way that
he just dropped this almost entire song
oh okay so so for those of you that
don’t know that you if you do not know
Jos Y and Drew Dro this song on Tik Tok
because he’s a mad man a wild man
absolutely wants to rip out our souls
you know well well before the album came
out he just dropped this song on Tik Tok
and again if we’re talking about my
previous breakup this song might I don’t
have good luck with long distance we’ll
just say that and this song the first
lyrics being you know the distance never
made a difference to me wrecked me
immediately immediately wrecked um but
then and we’ll get to these later but
when he officially released the song on
and dropped this
Absolut I didn’t think the song could
get better and then he dropped that
bridge and yeah we’ll get there okay so
again you know the distance never made a
difference to me I’ve heard other people
like analyze the song and they’ve talked
they talked about like the emotional
distance between them which like sure
maybe that’s what he’s talking about but
as a like person who sworn off long
distance um I hate to be that person but
I have
um you know the distance never because
the real love will
overcome this is kind of in contrast to
All Things end but like they’re in
conversation with each other but you
knew you know that distance never made a
difference to me but that’s also like
that means the lover the distance did
make a difference to them which is like
heartbreaking um I swam a lake of fire
I’d have walked across the floor of any
sea which is giving physical distance
not just emotional distance physical
distance um you know they would he would
have gone through
hell can you hear my
neighbors well
hope hope they’re enjoying it um I
walked across the floor of any sea
ignored the vastness between all that
can be seen and all that we believe okay
maybe we are talking about emotional
distance based on like that you know
ignored the large
between reality and what we want to
believe um which you know he talks about
Scarlet Flags red flags you know you
build this image of your person in your
mind and sometimes it’s a little bit
easy to ignore the difference between
reality and that image that you’ve built
but also physical long distance um but
so I thought you were like an angel to
me it’s emotional long distance fine
um so he basically builts this Angelic
image of his lover in his head even
though there’s apparently a vast
difference between the angel he believes
them to be and the angel that they are
not um and there’s also the angel that
he believes them to be and like the
angel he wants them to
be yeah moving on um funny how true
colors shine in darkness and secrecy if
there were Scarlet Flags they washed out
the mind of me like I just pure poetry
literally you could you can read this
like a poem like it is a poem put to
music I say that all the time about his
music but yeah it’s just I love I’m
loving the color imagery but so true
colors shine in darkness and secrecy so
like we have some we have some opposites
going on you can’t see colors when it’s
dark silly Hosier um but yeah in
darkness in you know deception in
secrecy and this is the best most poetic
way to say it red flag like we talk
about red flags all the time and he says
if there were Scarlet Flags they were
washed out in the mind of me like I also
ignore red flags sometimes josier um I
don’t recommend it but yeah Scarlet
Flags sounds way more romantic than red
flags um where blind and light Shone on
you every night and either side of my
sleep where you were held Frozen like an
angel to
me where a blinding light Shone on you
every night see part of me wonders if
that’s like
he’s partially so enamored with them
because the sex is so good sorry I see
sex and I your song suei
like you know why is he saying the Blind
and light sh on them every night because
what happens at night sexy time um and
either side of my sleep see what’s going
on there like in his dreams and in his
hours yeah basically he was Blinded by
the Light same
um at all times either side of my sleep
yeah dreams in reality where you were
held Frozen like an angel to me see
that’s like the image in his mind of
this person perhaps they’ve changed over
time if the image is
frozen but yeah he still sees this
person like an
angel even if reality is darker than
that um
oh this [ __ ] again on the list of things
that wrecked me um it’s not the being
alone it’s not the empty home you know
I’m good on my
own you know it’s more than being
unknown so much of the live in love is
the being
unknown I don’t
think I’ve ever felt so I’m like kind of
tearing up right now
like as some this is my first first time
living alone like I’ve been living alone
for like two years right now but like
after graduating college after getting
broken up with like this is the first
time in my life that I’ve like truly and
fully just been alone a lot of the time
and I have wonderful friends and I you
know go to school and I go to work and
all this stuff but
like I’m also so alone like and I have a
lot of friends that are like in
long-term relationships and like living
with their Partners at this age and one
thing I just realized is like life is
like logistically no it’s just life is
hard when you’re alone if you live with
even like I don’t want a roommate God I
don’t want a roommate I want a boyfriend
and I’d like to live with a boyfriend
like the joys of living alone is you can
do whatever the hell you want whenever
you want but the tragedy of living alone
is like you have to do all the you have
to cook and you have to clean afterwards
you have to do all the laundry all the
time no matter what no one else is
around to help you with that you have to
clean the whole apartment which for a
control freak and neat freak like me
like is great like no one else is making
a mess I’m also allowed to make as much
of the messes I want but also like no
one is around to help you with
that any who that is not the point of
this rant um but yeah just saying my
alone credentials are High um it ain’t
the being alone ain’t theempty home it’s
it’s not physically being
alone he’s f on his own even though I
was just complaining about being on my
own I’m fine I am fine on my own
actually I’m just
complaining it’s more the being
it’s it’s not being able to Bear your
soul to another
person and feel truly seen because we do
put up a front so constantly which is
like the one interesting thing about
being alone is that like I only feel
like I’ve like truly gotten to know
myself when I’m alone cuz I’m not trying
to please anyone else and whether it’s
at work whether it’s my
friends whether it’s on a date like we
put on a mask so often to avoid being
hurt or to fit in and that is fine that
is human that is The Human Experience it
like that is normal but like i’ you know
I’ve also feel like I’ve come to learn
like who I am
unperceived and I hope to one day have a
love where I can truly be myself in like
I I guess it’s impossible to truly be
unperceived when you are perceived or
you know to act the same way that you
would but I want a love that is damn
close to that
so and only that love is going to truly
know you in the deepest way possible you
know friends can know you deeply family
can know you deeply but like love has a
different way of knowing you and yeah so
the only person that can ever know you
almost as deeply as you know yourself is
that love so to exist in a state without
that like to not be witnessed in your I
know you know it’s not to be or not to
be that is a question it’s like oh I
think therefore I am I don’t know
sometimes it you know it Shing or cat of
love if I’m not
witnessed am
I but so much the Liv in love is being
unknown I don’t know and then this this
goes hard um you called me angel for the
first time my heart leapt for me you can
smile now I see its pieces stuck in your
teeth his heart leapt from him and the
lover ate it and it’s in their teeth um
that goes hard um and what’s left of it
I listen to it tick every tedious beat
pain pounding heart ouch hurt sad
because of lover lover took heart and
ate it it’s still kind of there but it’s
[ __ ] up um and it
hurts crazy um going unknown as any
Angel to me as in like he keeps calling
them Angel he’s been called Angel he’s
not a religious man that we know of like
so both like they are not an
angel and also it’s heart his heart is
still unknown in the same way that he
does not know any
Angels crazy okay here’s the bridge that
ruined me
um to still like
carry to still carry love for someone
who’s hurt you deeply is so beautiful
so painful and just to have that
recognized in this way just insane do
you know I could break beneath the
weight of the goodness love I still
carry for you so he’s talked about this
person eating his heart he’s talked
about darkness and secrecy he’s talked
about he was willing to walk across a
lake of fire for this person yet they
did something to prevent him from doing
that slash show him that he should not
do that and yet he still carries so much
goodness for this person so much love
for this person that he could still
break beneath the weight of it it’s
like you’re breaking your own heart
because of the image you have of someone
oh I recently heard something like that
like I’m not going to say this well but
the expectations we have for someone the
images we build up in our heads of them
are not that person they never will be
and sometimes they just really are not
so we cannot put any weight
into the images we have of people in our
heads and
yet the amount of weight that we do put
on those images what breaks our hearts
like often times the loss of a love is
not just the things that you experienced
with that person that you’re losing but
also like the future you imagine with
them and I don’t know so you’re not only
over what you lost in the moment what
you could have had I don’t know where
I’m going with that but basically holy
[ __ ] that goes hard um I still carry for
we don’t know how long it’s been but
he’s still carrying this deep and heavy
goodness for this person and he also
like still sees the good in this person
that he once called Angel no longer cees
to be an angel yet he still sees some
good them no matter what they’ve done no
matter what they hurt him like
forgiveness that’s crazy or maybe it’s
not forgiveness maybe he hates himself
for how much he still sees the good in
this person crazy um I’d walk so far
again we’re walking across lakes and
seas Lakes of fire that is um just to
take the injury of finally knowing you
so this is like flipping cuz he’s
talking about the pain of being unknown
but also the pain of not truly knowing
another person
great that’s insane
like I I felt that I relatable
um when you meet someone and you fall in
love with them there’s like this pain
that you don’t know who they were before
the moment that you met them whether you
met them when you were 12
and there’s just those 12 formative
years that you didn’t get to know them
but there’s still that that time that
you lost that you can never truly
understand their backstory no matter how
much they tell you you weren’t there for
it you weren’t experiencing the same
and or if you meet them when you’re 24
and you’ve missed 24 years of what makes
them that
person it’s yeah you truly never know
the person you’re with um but also take
the injury of finally knowing you that
like he knows it’s going to be painful
perhaps because it ruins the image that
he’s built in his head of that
person but
like maybe he understands that you know
this person’s already hurt him but he’s
willing to be hurt because he loves them
so much I don’t
know sorry I’m getting worked up
um again and then we go back into the
chorus and the the final lines
um Vib twitch he goes talking about how
he wishes to be known how he wishes to
finally know them but
then there are some people love who are
better unknown like is that like little
bit of
acceptance that like understanding that
this person’s hurt you and your life is
actually better off without
them there are some people love who are
better unknown it’s simple straight
facts just
truth and
I don’t know I remember I I’ve
also the loss of someone you also don’t
know what the rest of their life is
going to be and I struggle with that I’m
sure other people struggle with that and
it sounds like hoser struggling with
that relatable king um it it’s hard to
not know who they are now or who they’re
going to be it sounds like he might have
never known them but to also lose the
opportunity to watch them be themselves
and become themselves like that is
really hard but also sometimes it is
better not to know
um yeah so I probably should stop there
it’s been like an hour that I’ve been
ranting at you about hos your lyrics um
the good news is there are a lot a lot
more hoser songs that I could go into
depth um about all of them in fact so if
that’s something you want to see let me
know if you have any song
recommendations from hoser let me know
not like I know all of them
um but yeah if you want me to talk about
any specific ones or if you have General
song recommendations I’m a music fiend
even if I’m not very educated about it I
love music so I guess my music wreck of
the week would be oh what song has been
shall we shall we share the screen and
look at my Spotify last thing I swear
okay let me just share my screen again
and oh yeah
um can I share wait can I share Spotify
on Zoom is that an
option or not that’s going to be really
sad if it’s not an
option see it’s justess like a real Zoom
meeting guys if I’m not oh there she
goes okay okay guys we got it okay oh
exposed immediately I listen to a lot of
lowii Beats thank you also exposed
immediately I love deist names I’ve
gotten some crazy ones this one is
perfect Soul crushing small town night I
live in a small town I love Soul
crushing music
um yeah perfect deeper well by Casey
Forever by Noah don’t forget me oh my
God yeah that song hats to there we go
hose your thank you shap rone oh can we
talk about the fact that I didn’t get
tickets to all things go if you don’t
know what all things go is it’s a
concert in Maryland kind of like outside
the DC area um go look up the
2024 lineup specifically for Sunday that
weekend um I tried for two days to get
tickets on first release for that
festival and I didn’t
and it might be the worst things ever
happened to me um yeah just go look at
the Sunday lineup and you’ll know why um
both days frankly Janelle Monae Sammy
Ray and the friends shael rone Renee rap
josier Conan gray and more um I didn’t
get tickets and I’m wrecked about it
thanks where was I going with this oh
right what’s what’s the song um okay
here’s my life advice is make seasonal
playlists so you can see I have this
playist called Spring
2024 um let’s go look at all my playlist
yes I know I said I was going to be done
but you have to suffer with me okay um
playlist hos your spin class great great
playlist it’s basically all his hype
songs great for working out um yeah so I
also highly recommend putting cute
little album covers in all your Spotify
playlists it makes such a good vibe but
I make seasonal playlists every like you
know season spring fall early winter so
that’s like after Christmas basically um
I have been doing this since 2019 so I
kind of have like this chronological
record of the songs that I’ve been
listening to in literal seasons of my
life since 2019 and it’s basically
creates this little time capsule for
yourself of like what was I listening to
what’s the vibe and you know how you
remember these seasons of your life and
you’re like yeah I would love to
recapture that vibe in this moment and
you get to go listen to it
like Okay so this this season doesn’t
have a cute little cover yet but I I
basically just put on any song that I
hear and I’m like hell yeah um so The
Vibes are all over the place we got over
comany by T1 Pilots immediately followed
by B acoustic version also underrated um
we’ll go over that next time B um but so
The Vibes are all over the place hello
you can tell when the album released
um also hello
um but it yeah it just creates this
really cool time capse okay what song am
I going to recommend for y’all o this is
hard oh here’s an Allison Russell song
very good highly
recommend um oh this is a great love
song if you like sappy
Jazzy funky this is a great love song um
glitter and honey interesting Vibes
really cool Vibes um and kind of
captures that desire to be to not be too
sweet I don’t know to be the type of
girl that gets stuck in someone’s veins
like to get stuck all over someone like
glitter yeah I want to be stuck on
someone like glitter like they can’t get
rid of me because they’re that obsessed
with me yeah
um also love Jacob Kier but like Al ker
Kier am I too French I don’t know um
I do David is amazing same vocalist as
Sami Ray and the friends just
interesting storytelling I don’t know I
feel like expert in dying field also
great I don’t know if I
have an amazing wreck off of this one
let’s go shall we
go early winter
2024 H this as a voice note Jacob Kier
can kill me he can he could just murder
me when he wants to because
the sun is God I’m a sucker for songs
about sunlight about rivers about
different wines Cherry wines strawberry
wines any song that has strawberries in
it I have certain themes that I love um
and this is good for one for sunlight
um love angre
um H flash of light yes oh out of my
mind that’s my wreck trusdale I saw
trusdale open for Sammy and the friends
here in Ithaca New York um love Sam and
the friends I’ve obviously shown you
some of their songs tonight and they
were on the docket for all things go
trale opening for Samy Ray and the
friends was I’ve said the word many
times revolutionary these girls are so
unbelievably talented like they could
have been the only act for the night and
I would have been happy if like
literally say like Samy Ray and the
friends just walked out like just left
theater and I only got to see trusdale
that night I would have been fine
because they are genuinely so talented
their music is so fun and interesting
and heartbreaking
and yeah amazing fantastic I just cannot
recommend that enough if you like girl
pop but also like a little bit deeper
than that yeah go for Truesdale um and
out of my mind great place to start they
have this like thing they do again if I
knew music I could like tell you I think
it’s a Harmony um on the part where they
say out of my mind and the mind part
they go uh I can’t say I’m not going to
do it for you but just go listen to the
song and all their songs they don’t have
a very big discography but everything
that they oh are they dropping something
oh no it just looks grayed out LOL um
yeah that’s my recommendation for the
day um and also go listen to all the
hoser songs ever um thank you for coming
to the zoom meeting everybody um don’t
forget to log your attendance um and
next time I want to see more cameras on
thanks very much good night

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