Comedian Aamer Rahman absolutely roasts Gal Gadot
#israel #palestine #galgadot #aamerrahman

representations in p man 1966 the first
Black Panther comic tchala king of an
unconquered African nation
1941 Wonder Woman an Amazon Warrior from
the mythical island of
themira woman smart enough to lead the
Justice League strong enough to fight
Superman and I know some of you are
still not happy that galado was cast as
Wonder Woman okay I don’t agree with you
but I get it okay I get it
is it bad that galado was Miss
Israel literally the poster girl for
state it’s bad
okay is it bad that in
2014 in so-called operation protective
Edge when Israel murdered over 500
Palestinian children including those
four kids playing soccer on the
beach is it bad that galado got on
Instagram to say # love
IDF is pretty
bad is it bad that in the middle of a
genocide in front of a live audience
galado said people asking for a
ceasefire have no
heart it’s pretty
bad is it bad that when galado does
interviews promoting her movies she
talks about her time in the IDF as some
cool girl boss thing that she did and
how it makes her better at doing stunts
and because she’s a white woman with a
vaguely exotic accent Hollywood and the
media accept this as something
normal it’s pretty
bad but you
know it’s complicated right sometimes
you got to separate the art from the
artist okay look I get it I disagree
with all those things galado has said
and done yeah but I also believe in rep
presentation I think stories should be
told by the people who’ lived them and I
think those Wonder Woman movies are
stories think about it Wonder Woman is
an Amazon from
themira and
galado is a woman from
Israel also a fictional country built
around the myth of a superior race and a
society that’s obsessed with war so
matters it’s fine it’s fine I grew up
Israel is a fictional country I grew up
in Australia Australia is a fictional
country United States Canada New Zealand
all every settler colony is a figment of
some some Europeans imagination it’s
fine in
2021 when Israel was ethnically
cleansing East
Jerusalem galado got on social the rest
of the show is about galado by the way
thank you for coming thank you so much
for coming galado got on social media
and made this statement where she said
something like my heart is breaking I
just want to live in peace with my
neighbors she refused to use the word
Palestinian I was like Wow neighbors I
feel like the word neighbors is doing a
lot of heavy lifting in this statement
is that what’s going on G little
dispute imagine invading someone’s house
killing most of the people there locking
some of them up in the basement where
you starve and torture them kicking the
rest out in into the street and when the
people in the street protest to get
their house back your reaction is
hm my neighbors are so
loud why are they so
unhappy why don’t they live in their
house now I know some of you think that
was a pretty average impression of
gadoo a bit a bit hacky yeah and I
agree I agree with you I guess on an
objective acting scale you could say it
was a a galado level impression of
galado so galado says that she wasn’t
actually a
soldier in the Israeli military yeah she
says she was a fitness
instructor which I feel like is going to
be a weird thing to explain to your
grandkids right like like imagine it’s
2064 and galado Do’s grandkids come home
from school and they’re like Grandma gal
we learned about the history of
Palestine today were you in the Israeli
military were you in this fascist
genocidal Army that we read about it’s
going to be weird for her to be like
well sweetheart technically yeah I was
but it’s complicated you got to
understand I was in the yoga and pilates
division okay I wasn’t in the death
squads I was doing mindfulness
meditation with them okay I found it’s
it’s always good when you’re stealing
someone’s land to incorporate a
gratitude ritual into your daily
routine look for legal reasons I should
say that I am not at all accusing galado
of being involved in any war crimes uh
except the time she sang imagine during
the pandemic she should have been in the
heg immediately immediately for that


  1. Her grandparents would be proud of her. She is a good human and kind to her fans. Met her once. Love her how down to earth she is. She is a real life wonder woman

  2. Hmm. So they taking hostages is fine?i've been in Israel as a workers. Such nice peoples. If you strike a lion, it will strike back for sure. Common sense. Astaghfirullah bro. Didn’t expect you would get brainwashed as well.
    May Allah give you hedayat

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