Kristi Noem Doubles Down on Killing Her ‘Less than Worthless’ Hunting Puppy: ‘I Decided What I Did’

by Exciting_Potato_6717


  1. Dizzy-Receptionx on

    She decided what she did, and the rest of us decided she is a psychopath. I actually teared up reading this story a few days ago. I just couldn’t believe anyone could be so cruel. I had to go hug my husky and let her know how loved she is even if she doesn’t always listen.

    RIP Cricket. I hope if there is an afterlife, they are in a better place, chasing birds to their heart’s content.

  2. This is a calculated move on her part because as is said regularly “the cruelty is the point”.  She knows there are a bunch of antisocial personality folks just like her. She’s still in the Trump VP race and those people will eat this up. 

  3. I seriously side eye anyone who doesn’t respect the lives of animals. To kill a puppy rather than try to rehome them, then to admit it so proudly is insanity & I really believe she should be barred from office

  4. FuckLysander on

    This absolute fucking subhuman lowlife scum.

    The fact that every new conservative that shows up in the national spotlight is somehow worse than the last is insane. It really is a race to the bottom.

  5. GrayHairLikeClaire on

    I had to go hug my cats when I first read that awful story and now I’ve got six hours before I can go home and hug them again.

    I cannot fathom being this cruel. Cricket, I know you’re in the endless fields of Valhalla and I hope all those chickens taste amazing.

  6. julisjulisjulis on

    I choose my choice!!! I choose my choice!!!!! but in a much more horrible versiob

  7. Federal_Street_8895 on

    I’m still amazed editors left that story in there. Does this even appeal to Republicans?

    Killing animals for no reason is serial killer behavior.

  8. Aggressive-Story3671 on

    Again. Imagine MAGA’s reaction if a Democrat did what she did, and gloated about it

  9. Cmonlightmyire on

    Well, we’ve gone from “Puppy killing evil” being a metaphor to being a reality.

  10. down_by_the_shore on

    This is so fucking bonkers. I just can’t imagine a world in which someone, let alone a politician running for office, finds it acceptable to admit (let alone celebrate?) killing their puppy. Just fucking and completely insane. 

  11. Likeatoothache on

    She knows what she’s doing and who this sort of thing appeals to, it’s ghoulish.

  12. freaks like her exhibit sociopathic behavior towards humans *and* animals. they love cruelty, they get off on it. the target truly does not matter.

  13. ApprehensiveLuck2671 on

    “I decided what I did” uhhhhh how do people even learn to speak like this? “I made a decision and I acted on it” is not an obscure phrase

  14. The article states she described the dog as untrainable because it had bit (multiple?) people. I thought it was somewhat standard to consider euthanasia if a dog is that aggressive.

    Not saying I’d shoot my own dog, or she shouldn’t have exhausted more options, but this seems a bit blown out of proportion. I wouldn’t include this story in my memoir, I also wouldn’t consider her a deranged animal hater.

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