i never see anyone talking about this masterpiece!! the title really ruined its chances at becoming successful 😭😭🙏 it’s so funny i adore kirsten dunst and michelle williams. the outfits are also so cute i’m just obsessed with their rooms too

by Plenty-Combination36


  1. It looks like the costume designers had a lot of fun dressing the two of them.

  2. EquivalentAd4578 on

    This movie is the best! Omg the outfits, especially the American flag ones! 😍 this was such an impactful movie on 11 year old me, how do I not think about this movie more than I do!? Is it streaming anywhere?

  3. NoExamination5144 on

    This is a great movie. It’s not just the title. I think people old enough to remember the Nixon scandal saw it as a kids’ movie. And younger moviegoers were too young to get the jokes and parody (and the internet wasn’t really a thing yet). The target audience was youngish history/political nerds. Which was me, and my roommate, and a few other people at the time. I’m surprised it hasn’t gathered a cult following though. And I’d love to see Kirsten and Michelle work together again. 

  4. Saaaintniiiick on

    As a 2000s kid from Canada, this was my sole education in the watergate scandal, courtesy of my film class

  5. kaybee2012 on

    This needs more attention ! Finally someone posts about one of the most underrated (best) movies. The comedy is unmatched, hello Dollie’s and dorky Ryan Reynolds. Now I want to watch it

  6. SuchAsSeals42 on

    I haven’t heard much about Michelle Williams in forever, hope she’ll doing well 💖

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