Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth and George Miller promoting “FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA” in Sydney, Australia

by mcfw31


  1. PeterNinkimpoop on

    Has the buccal fat returned or was it never removed in the first place? Is that often cited photo of her looking extra gaunt just bad lighting or what

  2. Rated_PG-Squirteen on

    Anya looks like she put a little weight back on, which is great to see.

  3. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    She looks beautiful and they were there. Dudes please dress nicely for the red carpet, a little effort would go a long way.

  4. DekeCobretti on

    Did you know that George Miller wrote Babe? There is a rumor that he took over th prduction the movie too. Anyway, much obliged.

  5. ATJ and Chris Hemsworth are such a visual mismatch but in a fun way. They look like they would be paired on an ANTM photo challenge about juxtaposition.

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