by HerRoyalRedness


  1. Might get downvoted but I agree that the documentary did a poor job of portraying him. The framing seemed to be imply that he did something “more” by highlighting the pedophiles around him. They could have focused on a general culture of mistreatment and abuse of all types at Nick; I’m sure there were many.

    I saw someone else say this and I agree: it made it unfair to the victims Dan sexually harassed or otherwise made uncomfortable. The response was essentially “okay and then what?” instead of focusing on the actual abuse he was guilty of and supporting the victims who came forward.

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    Good, I hope it blows up in his face during the discovery phase and we find out all he did to not only those kids but the female staff. People in front and behind the camera are no longer working for him and are not beholden to him at all. I hope by dragging the matter into court and talking about it publicly it nullifies the NDA’s he had his child actors sign before they left his shows and Nickelodeon. He is a disgusting abusive asshole and can’t wait till he gets his just deserts.

  3. Actual-Astronaut-604 on

    I think he came out light in this series. They did a segment on him being a creep and a misogynist, then featured two absolute monsters who make him look tame in comparison, and finally ended with Drake Bell saying Dan was the only one in the business who supported him. The network looks worse than him.

  4. another-assshole on

    Well, this is definitely is going to go bad for him, because quiet on set can pull the same move that the sun did against Johnny depp which is basically to prove they did not difamated him they would call his victims to testify and if a crime was committed no NDA signed can save his ass cause nda don’t protect crimes and it’s actually illegal to force someone to sign an nda to cover up a crime (they would also have to prove the crime in order to make the nda useless)

  5. DrunkOMalfoy on

    Welp I hope this moves forward and in turn exposes him even more. Crusty neck beard!

  6. I think it actually in a way cleared up what he didn’t do – I was surprised that there weren’t any allegations from kids

  7. H2Oloo-Sunset on

    The show kind of conflated three things;

    * There were actual child molesters on sets
    * Schneider was verbally abusive to the kids much of the time
    * Schneider was responsible for show content that sexualized children

    It didn’t really have any accusations that he physically or sexually abused anyone, but someone watching lightly or only reading about it could think that was part of the show.

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