Ana de Armas turns 36: How the Oscar nominee jumps between dramas and action movies



  1. From the article:
    > 2024 will be a year of rest for Ana de Armas, the actress who turns 36 today and is in one of the best moments of her career. Although for some actors a year without releases may be a bad sign, in her case it seems understandable after spending almost a decade in Hollywood, where she arrived after another ten years of acting in Cuba (where she was born) and Spain.

    >During this time, the actress has developed into a versatile talent, primarily in dramas and thrillers, working close to well-known actors such as Keanu Reeves (in *Knock, Knock*, her English-language debut), Miles Teller and Jonah Hill (in *War Dogs*), and acclaimed directors such as Denis Villeneuve (in *Blade Runner 2049*), and Rian Johnson (in *Knives Out*), which propelled her on her way to an Oscar nomination after working with Andrew Dominik on the controversial *Blonde*, inspired by the life of Marilyn Monroe. However, the actress has not stuck to these types of roles and has tried to branch out into action roles, similar to other performers such as Scarlett Johansson, Charlize Theron and even Cate Blanchett.

  2. idontwantausernam1 on

    I’m sorry… she’s 36??????????? I thought she was like 25 this entire time

  3. Purple-Haze-11 on

    I wonder what it would be like being inside of her……I bet it would be the best 3 seconds of my entire life.

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