1. [He also continues saying](https://www.buzzfeed.com/mychalthompson/trevor-noah-single-successful-40-years-old)

    > “I’m like, ‘This idiot got married six months ago. They don’t even know this person, and you’re going to tell me that I can’t come with my best friend, who I can tell you every intimate detail about?'”

    > As the conversation progressed, Trevor pointed out that a committed and strong relationship can exist between people besides your married partner. He noted that sometimes, **”the most significant others in your life are your friends.”**

  2. MeanFreaks on

    I do have some suspicion of long-term serial daters who never get married, only because “dating” around for 40 years sounds like a living nightmare. But actually being single-single, or long term relationships, those I do understand.

  3. totallycalledla-a on

    I married young and got so creeped out by the amount of people in my life who revealed themselves as weirdos in the coming years acting like they had joined some special club they thought I was in. For a lot of people being chosen by someone else is the achievment of their life 🙄. He’s right about the plus one thing too. Makes no sense.

  4. ExplanationLife6491 on

    He’s so on point. Society is very distrustful and suspicious of people who don’t get married. And he’s right, being married and divorced is seen as more honorable than just opting out.

    It’s weird.

  5. Cold_Breadfruit_9794 on

    I don’t trust people that think that way, or try to push people into starting families. On a societal level this propaganda is pushed, so you’ve got to find the people that aren’t that level of judgy.

  6. talk-spontaneously on

    He makes a good point. This is something we don’t talk about enough.

    Not everyone is in a fortunate enough position to ever get married. And some people generally just don’t want to for their own reasons and that is also okay. No one should be socially penalised for it or thought of as less than.

  7. lizerlfunk on

    I’ve been married twice. I married my college sweetheart at 22 and we were married for 8 years until he died at 32. Then I married someone I’d known for six months and had a baby with him, and while I can’t say that was a mistake because I have my child, I sure wish I wasn’t tied to this person for the rest of my life – because you can get divorced and you’re still tied to them forever. There will not be a third marriage. Sometimes I date, sometimes I don’t have the energy, but my life with my daughter is pretty satisfactory and I am not willing to bring a romantic partner into her life. Being single is fine.

  8. millenZslut on

    Yup! As I get older and essentially everyone I know has paired off, it sometimes feels like a cult I’m not a part of. Coupled people tend to be distrusting of single outsiders.

  9. Predatory_Chicken on

    It’s interesting. I always feel like successful good looking men are spared that feeling of being less-than or a failure, for being single. Guess no one is spared feeling like a loser for not meeting every single expectation society puts on us.

  10. TropicalPrairie on

    I work with an older lady (early 50s) who told me she doesn’t associate with people who are unmarried because their lifestyle is too different from hers and her husbands. Even mentioned dropping friends because of this as though it were acceptable and says her marriage counsellor (through her church) encouraged it.

    Honestly people like this are just total small-minded, small-world wackos.

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