Actor Danny Trejo has one of the most famous tattoos in the world, but when Danny revealed it to his co-star Salma Hayek, she was shocked to learn the truth behind its uncanny resemblance to her face.

Danny was an ex-criminal and one of the most feared and dangerous actors in Hollywood, but Salma looked past Danny’s dark history and saw the truth.

How did Salma learn to stop fearing Danny Trejo and see him for the man he really is? How did Danny overcome the darkness that was his past to become known as the hero is today?

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The Disturbing Story Behind Danny Trejo’s Tattoo of Salma Hayek
#dannytrejo #salmahayek #celebrity #lifestories

a lot of people know you got the world’s most famous tattoo right it’s been shown in hundreds of movies he was badass women are attracted to it Rihanna licked it oh I’m jealous you got this uh great tatto what is that of you must have met people who have had you tattooed on them actually I have but the weirdest one was Dan Treo he started working and of course he landed on the movie that I my first movie that I did you were a criminal yeah they told me you’re going to meet this prisoner that is now an actor and he’s was a little bit afraid Shah God she just stunningly beautiful and when he saw me for the first time he ran towards me and ripped his shirt off and I showed her my tattoo I said I knew you before I knew you that’s a picture of you honey and sure enough there was a a picture of a woman that looks exactly like like me Salma then did something that surprised even Danny she invited him home Salma soon learned that Dany wasn’t just an ex-criminal he was the most feared inmate in America’s most dangerous prison sand Quenton never know what to expect be advis I’ve got about six on six I’ve seen inmates stabbed in the net throat slice this was the only prison in the state to use a gas chamber some of the most violent people in the world man may have been responsible for as many as 35 killings believe me if I started murdering people there’d be none of you left Dany was so feared that even Charles Manson asked him for protection it was hard to believe that he had been that person before his life of crime Danny was a boy who liked to play with girls my aunts and girl cousins adored me we did everything separately from the men we played make believe and dress up and played with dolls one day my uncle Rudy came in the girl’s bedroom saw me in a dress and went ballistic we treos had to be masculine in every way at every moment and all of us sudden I move in with my dad so [ __ ] really changed it’s 1951 the tro family are having a barbecue everyone is avoiding the fact that 6-year-old Dany has been locked in the car my aunts wanted to help but they were too scared to get involved so everyone continued picnicking while I watched Dany had learned that being a man meant never showing weakness so he stayed quiet in the scorching heat I started falling asleep or passing out but I fought it so hard I leaned back against the seat then curled up on the floor I was losing Consciousness but suddenly someone came to help my uncle Gilbert was the only person who wasn’t scared of my dad though dany’s father had told everyone to leave Dany in the car Uncle Gilbert pulled him out my dad was yelling at him about it and Gilbert told him to lighten up was a hero I prayed to God let me be like that in the years that followed Uncle Gilbert offered Dany something his parents didn’t


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