Johnny Knoxville sued for $3 million for allegedly tasering Prank Panel producer

Posted by positivisme


  1. positivisme on

    From the article

    >JOHNNY KNOXVILLE tased PLAINTIFF on his side as they both ran full speed, **resulting in PLAINTIFF’s body freezing, losing all motor skills, and collapsing with his entire body in a rigid and tense state**, Curry says of the alleged attack on September 2022 on the Prank Panel set at Saticoy Studios in Van Nuys, CA.

    This unprovoked action by JOHNNY KNOXVILLE caused a break in PLAINTIFF’s fibula as well as a torn ankle ligament, both injuries occurring to his left leg. For the next two and half months, PLAINTIFF was bound to crutches, a leg scooter, and a boot, then another two months with an ankle brace. After that, PLAINTIFF moved on to six months of physical therapy, where amongst other things, he had to relearn to walk. 

    This attack was unprompted, surprising, and inherently dangerous. There was no plan for PLAINTIFF to appear on camera and at no time was PLAINTIFF an active participant in any scenes. Rather, **PLAINTIFF was an unsuspecting member of production who fell victim to JOHNNY KNOXVILLE’s inexplicable and inherently dangerous behavior.**

    And also

    >As well as alleging he was deliberately tasered by Knoxville on the *Prank Panel* set over a year and a half ago, Curry says not only was he injured by the incident, but **the show and producers tried to cover it all up**. A cover up that purportedly includes **threatening texts from Knoxville himself** and others stamping Curry down for speaking up. The cover-up also seems to include **denying Curry access to footage of what happened between him and Knoxville.**

  2. Normally you can’t sue over workplace injuries (yes—people think you can—but that’s why Congress passed workers comp laws, so that the system pays you, not lawsuits). To get around WC takes something outside the scope of employment, and with negligence and/or intent. Which, if the filing is true, this would be.

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