Meghan Trainor & Daryl Sabara Watch their Wedding Video Every Night Before Bed with their Kids

[Applause] [Music] can I die now welcome to the show we are celebrating all things love and with us at the desk is someone we love I mean she is such a friend of the show there’s so much like comfort and joy and familiarity she’s a Grammy winning artist whose new album timeless comes out June 7th it’s Megan Trainer thank you oh welcome to Drew news Drew news Drew news I’m writing you a new theme song I love what you have but I’m writing one for you okay are you kidding me it’ll be here in like two weeks I’m doing it thank you Megan nothing would mean more to us in the world both of us what a dream come true would be can you even imagine oh my gosh well easy shall we get into some lydy headlines I’m so excited okay here we go first up the Washington Post reports on a new way to date and it’s called the marriage PCT so if you make a marriage PCT with someone that’s what this whole thing is based on that cute like okay we’ll get married one day if we don’t find other people so there you go so on nearly 90 college campuses every year there is an algorithm that matches students with just one other student you only get one and you get it by doing a survey where you answer about 50 really cool deep questions there’s no photo involved and they end up matching you with that one other person by giving you only an email so it’s as sort of kind of deep and thoughtful and not image based and not swiping it’s like this kind of let’s kick it old world and connect You by other means and apparently it’s really working all these relationships are coming out of this system this is interesting to me well yeah because it’s like love is blind in a way right do you watch that show love is blind of course they do thank you so much I’d love to text you my thoughts on it but the whole idea and he’s going to need you cuz I don’t watch reality she doesn’t watch Love is Blind but it’s it’s about not seeing the person and just sort of getting to know them on that sort of basis but but the thing about the marriage pack I like it I don’t like the idea that’s it’s like if you’re sad and I’m sad then let’s just settle and be with each other I’d rather be alone than be somebody’s backup you know what I mean like would you rather just be with you build your own life than just somebody didn’t find anyone else so fine I had a packed with you let’s get married like you I did it like a safety net you know like a or if it was my way of flirting too before my husband I remember I would do a marriage PCT with people I chose I don’t know if they were like fully in it but I was like like you and me 20 years if nothing happens we should link up yeah I always thought it was like I thought what you doing I don’t feel like people are actually following through on the marriage pack I think it’s something cute to say when you’re a kid or when you’re trying to make you and your friend feel better I don’t feel like it’s some binding nightmare okay cuz that cuz that’s what I don’t like if it’s like you want to be my my gay bestie and roommate when we’re older if we’re both single that’s a pack I can get behind but marry me if nobody else wants you I’m good thanks girl I’m okay but what do you think about the um the matching the fact that they’re finding success that part I like with this measure it doesn’t surprise me that they’re finding success by asking deep uh questions that really get down to who you are and it’s not just on a what you’re doing to me down there kind of vibe right when I see your picture but like what like what are your core values don’t that you think that’s what it’s all really about at the end of the day and what was it like with you and darl like how did you guys feel when you first met each other fireworks really fireworks well well so I came from work so I was all glammed up and I was like H I was in a full outfit and I showed up and he was scrubby and he had a hole in his shirt and I was like hm um and then but I still looked at him like he’s cute even though he’s really scrubby with a hole in his shirt and I look way too dressed up for this date right now um but then we made out a bunch on the date and I was like I could tell by your kiss that you’re the one for me really so it’s like the song it’s in his kiss yeah I don’t know I was like o you’re like the best kisser but I’m the best kisser so like I finally found my match and then I was like I bet other things are my best too how was the conversation that night also like did you did you find like you couldn’t stop talking or you didn’t even need to talk or well they weren’t talking yeah yeah well they were talking with Tong um I love that you made out on the first night that you yeah we were in the back of the car we were on a double date wait you were yeah with with Chloe Grace morett and um Brooklyn Beckham oh my God no way but I didn’t know who he was and I was like God these pop rat here are like on us tonight I was like we Soul V like what’s happening oh my God I have the most embarrassing story uh my best friend is C Diaz I don’t not I’m not dropping a name it’s just her name drop it so but she brings Jennifer Lawrence to lunch and I was like oh my God I love J la I love her to I didn’t know this keep we we um see these guys on bikes outside with cameras and backpacks and we’re like oh shoot how are we going to get out of this lunch like without you know and so we asked the restaurant if they had like a back exit that we could we were like there’s just some people outside we’re trying to avoid turns out they weren’t there for us at all oh no so good we went from feeling embarrassed to feeling really embarrassed oh yeah um so yeah it wasn’t for us at all um so I’ve been there in that moment where you’re like like oh my God very exciting I know sorry was it for me yeah but yeah we were on a double date and um cuz Chloe just knew I was like I I really want to meet a nice guy and she’s like this is the nicest guy I’ve ever met and she set us up so every time we have children we’re like thank you Chloe and so you got Match Made I got Match Made yeah very old n other than Chloe Grace morett I know she did really good thank you Chloe well actually we’re going to get joined by Daryl your husband because this is the Drew love show um he’s coming out here I did not know this he sang music and lyrics like the movie I was in with Hugh Grant at your wedding that’s our love movie [Applause] yeah of course have you seen that yes of course um it was a part of I told him I said I’ve performed for you a thousand times like it’s your turn I’m not singing at the wedding you better perform for me so he learned a whole dance with all of our favorite songs combined and that was definitely in there and that’s the one song everyone’s like oh my God I can’t believe that song made it I’m like it’s the greatest song ever the whole movie is my favorite okay I can’t believe like something that that I was a part have had anything to do in your wedding that makes me so happy well let’s talk to him let’s do this true true love with Megan and Daryl we’ll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y love okay everybody we are back for our Drew love segment because once upon a time a Superstar singer and a spy kid spotted each other at a party and then two years later went on to have their first date of which I have now found out was a setup um God bless people who set people up cuz you know look at cuz we are looking at couple goals right here joining us for a special edition of Drew love it’s Megan Trainer and her husband Daryl Sabara so darl we were just talking about a little first date smoochie toodle um God it’s been a long time since I’ve made out with anyone anyway sorry I digress we kissed um and he says since you kissed Drew it’s like I got to kiss Drew and I was like that’s right because tell her because you’re my first childhood Crush really yeah he was my first childhood crush and you’re his you don’t remember but we met at the ET 20th anniversary premiere on the carpet TR Auditorium in Los Angeles of course and everyone was just tugging on me being like come on let’s go and I was like I have to meet Drew oh darl and here we are you’re sandwiched in between me and Megan talk like about love so you guys were on a date a double date I heard you were kissing in the car I love an automobile make out well the first kiss actually was in the bowling alley we were on a bowling alley date and um she was kind of being like sassy to me and she she rolled she rolled a bowl it was a good one and I kind of just the kind of just like went over grabbed her chin kissed her like that I was like but before this I told my security guard like to like look away and then was that like and I was like you know did you kiss him back did you think like yeah we did a little kiss and then I was like o you know I turned I mean like Chloe was what and we were and I was like 21 and so like immediately I was like let’s go to the bathroom and then we went to the bathroom and I was like you tell him I want to love him forever and then I want a boyfriend and she was like all right relax so yeah we were Ching about it yeah and Chloe was like like six days later she was like do you love him because he loves you and I was like of course I love him don’t tell him that but then we told each other six days later how did you guys we’re weird you know but how did you guys like know that it was safe to tell each other or you know to tell your friends like how did you make it cuz you’re exciting and you’re young and you’re bold and you’re going for it but like what made you feel safe that’s the thing when you meet the right person like there’s no games she yeah no games she like gave me the confidence to like kiss her on the first date and tell her I love her after six days she was like waiting for it I remember the moment about she was just like sitting there and she was being short with me and she had never been short with me in the whole six days that we had known each other and and she walked away and she came back and I said like you know this is kind of crazy but I’m enamored with you and she goes what does that mean and I was like right right okay so I’m falling in love with you and like I just have to tell you now cuz like I thought she was going to say get in line everyone’s in love with me so like I wanted to be like first in line and what did she say she said took you long enough yeah and then I said uh well do you love back and she was like yeah of course I love you back and then month one I wrote a song for him called marry me and it’s on our YouTube wedding video and we watch it every day with Riley cuz our three-year-old it’s his favorite video before sleep time he’s like watch Mom and Dad get married and then we watch her wedding video it’s on YouTube it’s so cute speaking of I watched um the video of you singing up Goes My Heart from music and lyrics the film I was lucky enough to be in with Hugh Grant and I got to tell you you are so good so so good like I like blacked it out I was just lip sying but like I had to perform for Megan and that was yeah there yeah that’s it R go D you’re so silly every time this place but yeah you did so good thank you I just hope I never it was I was you’re performing in front of Megan Trainer it’s like what a nerve-wracking thing my even though she’s your wife she’s my wife now but our first date also we went from the bowling alley and then we went straight to a karaoke that was nerve-wracking so but he acted so cool I don’t know if it was you just fake it till you make it you know he sang your song by El John by Elton John to my face that’s hard I was like don’t pick this one I was like no but he did so good I was like okay what was another moment where you were like oh God I have got it bad for this person look at them do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] x what was another moment we were like oh God I have got it bad for this person look at them do X oh I think it was just the second date when I like cleaned up a little bit the first date I did a lot of apologizing because I was in a very interesting place in my life where I was just like I had a beard and I had holes in my shirt and was kind of like homeless so I um kind of and uh so on the first date I she looked like a dime and I just kept apologizing going I usually look much nicer than this and cleaner than this and you just caught me on a bad day even though we planned this date for a while and um I promise if you give me another chance like I will clean up for you so I shaved I brought like Bachelor style one single red rose and like showed up with just one red rose started laughing like yeah and I just tried to make her laugh cute yeah he’s made me laugh since day one um his Instagram was just a laughing itself it was so cute you’re so sweet he wasn’t good at that but uh I just noticed that I fall more in love with him all the time and I tell him I go oh my God I couldn’t love you more than I do right now and we say it a lot and we get remarried every 5 years that’s my deal we just got remarried on my 30th yeah yeah and then with me I was just like she makes me the best person that I like never knew I could be like just the person that I always wanted to be that’s all I could see potential in that guy by the way it’s an interesting question actually um that I’m sort of heting back to like you know yeah like how I feel like people are we can get extremely stubborn judgmental weird about things and like cling on like as if it’s this life sentence and like we’ve got to stop doing that and be more more open and like the fact that you were like I’ll clean up and you were like he’s got potential like I feel like people really screw themselves out of great things well they don’t communicate that’s why and like we always communicated with red flags so we would just say like red flag double checking like still no red flags and we go no no red flags and if there was one we would say it immediately how would you hand if we ever we barely rarely fight it’s weird but if there is a fight we discuss right away yeah we’re like hey I’m uncomfortable you ready to talk now like immediately and away from the kids but like when we’re solo Doo I’m like I feel uncomfortable because of this how do you feel yeah like I feel weird in my body I don’t want to get back to Center we can’t like hold it for a while and then build it up like even bigger I’ve been holding this yeah and there’s also something different with him that I don’t have with any other human where he can like sense exactly how I’m feeling on the inside with no words with like my full facial expressions or my body language he’s like what’s wrong and I’m like how do you know you know he can just sense that on me and I could do the same with him it’s weird telepathy y intuition intuition soulmate yeah well what advice maybe do you have that just comes from your own personal experiences on you know whether you’re single like me and may enter a relationship at one point or somebody deep in a marriage raising children I I mean yeah raising kids is like a whole another ball game with the marriage but it really tests you but also was I was like oh my God I love how he raises kids it was another like realization for us that like we are the right people for each other because there’s this like there’s this like moment where you in the hospital you like you’re like wow we’re going to do this together it’s like we’re going to crash or we’re going to make it and I was like oh we’re going to make it dude this is going to be great you I mean I’m so glad that you guys found each other and like congratulations on your beautiful family are you hitting the together we’re going on tour the whole family’s going on tour we’re going on tour we’re bringing the kids I won’t be without them for over a week that’s the rule so they’re coming on tour we’re going to have it’s going to be us and some babies and everyone’s going to be on the bus you’re going to stop at like you know your local all the zoos all the aquariums all the toyes okay great so you’re taking the family on the road sticking together this is this is how it should be it’s going to be good well we have a um we actually uh yeah we by the way speaking of that tour we’re going to go to a quick commercial break and then we have a little surprise for everybody about that we’ll be right [Music] [Applause] back I was like where is he I love it I love it okay welcome back before we go I want to give a huge thank you to um my co-pilot once again Megan Trainer we’ve done this show multiple times together and I want to do it many times um and also Daryl Sabara it has been so wonderful thank you hang out and with you this is like this is so meaningful and so much fun you guys all right well obviously the whole family’s going on tour because Megan’s latest album Timeless is available everywhere June 7th and then starting September 4th when the family hits the road to go on tour um Megan is um also participating in live nation’s concert week um which is really interesting Yes concert week is May 8th to the 14th fans can get $25 tickets to hundreds of shows isn’t that amazing um so everyone in our uh studio audience is going to go home with 100 Live Nation gift card to buy tickets to Megan show and anything else you see fit so I hope that you so enjoy that everybody and thank you Megan and Live Nation for allowing us to do that $100 gift card for every single person here thank you so much and everybody we make this show for you so just take it with you take it with you [Applause] can I die now welcome to the show we are celebrating all things love and with us at the desk is someone we love I mean she is such a friend of the show there’s so much like comfort and joy and familiarity she’s a Grammy winning artist whose new album timeless comes out June 7th it’s Megan Trainer thank you oh welcome to Drew news Drew news Drew news I’m writing you a new theme song I love what you have but I’m writing one for you okay are you kidding me it’ll be here in like two weeks I’m doing it thank you Megan nothing would mean more to us in the world both of us what a Dre that would be can you even imagine oh my gosh well easy shall we get into some lovey Devy headlines I’m so excited okay here we go first up the Washington Post reports on a new way to date and it’s called the marriage pact so if you make a marriage PCT with someone that’s what this whole thing is based on that cute like okay we’ll get married one day if we don’t find other people so there you go so on nearly 90 college campuses every year there is an Al algorithm that matches students with just one other student you only get one and you get it by doing a survey where you answer about 50 really cool deep questions there’s no photo involved and they end up matching you with that one other person by giving you only an email so it’s as sort of kind of deep and thoughtful and not image based and not swiping it’s like this kind of let’s kick it old world and connect You by other means and apparently it’s really working all these relationships are coming out of this system this is interesting to me well yeah because it’s like love is blind in a way right do you watch that show love is blind of course I do thank you so much I’d love to text you my thoughts on it but the whole idea and he’s going to need you cuz I don’t watch reality she doesn’t watch love his blind but it’s it’s about not seeing the person and just sort of getting to know them on that sort of basis but but the thing about the marriage pack I don’t like it I don’t like the idea that’s it’s like if you’re sad and I’m sad then let’s just settle and be with each other I’d rather be alone than be somebody’s backup you know what I mean like would you rather just be with you build your own life than just somebody didn’t find anyone else so fine I had a packed with you let’s get married like you I did it like a safety net you know like a or if it was my way of flirting too before my husband I remember I would do a marriage pack with people I chose I don’t know if they were like fully in it but I was like you and me 20 years if nothing happens we should link up yeah I always thought it was like I thought what are you doing I don’t feel like people are actually following through on the marriage pack I think it’s something cute to say when you’re a kid or when you’re trying to make you and your friend feel better I don’t feel like it’s some binding nightmare okay cuz that cuz that’s what I don’t like if it’s like you want to be my my gay bestie and roommate when we’re older if we’re both single that’s a pack I can get behind but marry me if nobody else wants you I’m good thanks girl I’m good okay but what do you think about the um the matching the fact that they’re finding success that part I like with this measure it doesn’t surprise me that they’re finding success by asking deep uh questions that really get down to who you are and it’s not just on what you’re doing to me down there kind of vibe right when I see your picture but like what like what are your core values don’t that you think that’s what it’s all really about at the end of the day and what was it like with you and Daryl like how did you guys feel when you first met each other fireworks really fireworks well well so I came from work so I was all glammed up and I was like H I was in a full outfit and I showed up and he was scrubby and he had a hole in his shirt and I was like hm um and then but I still looked at him like he’s cute even though he’s really scrubby with a hole in his shirt and I look way too dressed up for this date right now um but then we made out a bunch on the date and I was like I could tell by your kiss that you’re the one for me really yeah so like the song it’s in his kiss yeah I don’t know I was like o you’re like the best kisser but I’m the best kisser so like I finally found my match and then I was like I bet other things are my best too how was the conversation that night also like did you did you find like you couldn’t stop talking or you didn’t even need to talk or well they weren’t talking yeah yeah well they were talking with their tongues I love that you made out on the first night that you yeah we were in the back of the car we were on a double date and wait you were yeah with with Chloe Grace morrettes and um Brooklyn Beckham oh my God no way but I didn’t know who he was and I was like God these pop rats here are like on us tonight I was like we are so V like what’s happening oh my God I have the most embarrassing story uh my best friend is Cameron Diaz I don’t not I’m not dropping a name it’s just her name drop it so but she brings Jennifer Lawrence to lunch and I was like oh my God I love jener lawence I love to I didn’t know this keep we we um see these guys on bikes outside with cameras and backpacks and we’re like oh shoot how are we going to get out of this lunch like without you know and so we asked the restaurant if they had like a back exit that we could we’re like there’s just some people outside we’re trying to avoid turns out they weren’t there for us at all oh no so good and we went from feeling embarrassed to feeling really embarrassed oh um so yeah it wasn’t for us at all so I’ve been there in that moment where you’re like like oh my God very exciting I know sorry was it for me yeah we were but yeah we were on a double date and um cuz Chloe just knew I was like I I really want to meet a nice guy and she’s like this is the nicest guy I’ve ever met and she set us up so every time we have children we’re like thank you Chloe and so you got Match Made I got Match Made yeah very none other than Chloe Grace mored I know she did really good thank you Chloe well actually we’re going to get joined by Daryl your husband because this is the Drew love show um he’s coming out here I did not know this he sang music and lyrics like the movie I was in with Hugh at your wedding that’s our love movie [Applause] yeah of course have you seen that yes of course it was a part of I told him I said I’ve performed for you a thousand times like it’s your turn I’m not singing at the wedding you better perform for me so he learned a whole dance with all of our favorite songs combined and that was definitely in there and that’s the one song everyone’s like oh my God I can’t believe that song made it I’m like it’s a greatest song ever the whole movie is my favorite okay I can’t believe like something that that I was a part of had anything to do in your wedding that makes me so happy well let’s talk to him okay B let’s do this true true love with Megan and darl we’ll be right back [Applause] y love okay everybody we are back for our Drew love segment because once upon on a time a Superstar singer and a spy kid spotted each other at a party and then two years later went on to have their first date of which I have now found out was a setup um God bless people who set people up cuz you know look at cuz we are looking at a couple goals right here joining us for a special edition of Drew love and it’s Megan Trainer and her husband Daryl Sabara so darl yeah we were just talking about a little first date smoochie toodle um God it’s been a long time since I’ve made out with anyone anyway sorry I digress we kissed um and he says since you kissed Drew it’s like I got to kiss Drew and I like that’s right because tell her because you’re my first childhood Crush really yeah he was my first childhood crush and you’re his you don’t remember but we met at the ET 20th anniversary premiere on the carpet at The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles of course everyone was just tugging on me being like come on let’s go and I was like I have to meet Drew darl and here we are you’re sandwiched in between me and Megan talking about love so you guys were on a date a double date I heard you were kissing in the car I love an automobile make out well the first kiss actually was in the bowling alley we were on a bowling alley date and um she was kind of being like sassy to me and she she rolled she rolled a bowl it was a good one and I kind of just theall kind of just like went over grabbed her chin kissed her like that I was like but before this I told my security guard like T like look away and then was that like and I was like oh you know did you kiss him back did you think like yeah we did a little kiss and then I was like o you know I turned I mean like Chloe was what 19 and we were and I was like 21 and so like immediately I was like let’s go to the bathroom and then we went to the bathroom and I was like you tell him I want to love him forever and then I want a boyfriend and she was like all right relax so yeah we were children about it yeah and Chloe was like like six days later she was like do you love him because he loves you and I was like of course I love him don’t tell him that but then we told each other six days later how did you guys we’re weird you know but how did you guys like know that it was safe to tell each other or you know to tell your friends like how did you make it cuz you’re exciting and you’re young and you’re bold and you’re going for it but like what made you feel safe that’s the thing when you meet the right person like there’s no games she yeah no games she like gave me the confidence to like kiss her on the first date and tell her I love her after 6 days she was like waiting for it I remember the moment about time she was just like sitting there and she was being short with me and she had never been short with me in the whole six days that we had known each other and she walked away and she came back and I said like you know this is kind of crazy but I’m enamored with you and she goes what does that mean and I was like right right okay so I’m falling in love with you and like I just have to tell you now cuz like I thought she was going to say get in line everyone’s in love with me so like I wanted to be like first in line and what did she say she said took you long enough yeah and then I said uh well you love me back and she was like yeah of course I love you back and then month one I wrote a song for him called marry me and it’s on our YouTube wedding video and we watch it every day with Riley cuz our three-year-old it’s his favorite video before sleep time he’s like watch Mom and Dad get married and then we watch our wedding video it’s on YouTube it’s so cute speaking of I watched um the video of you singing uh Pop Goes My Heart from music and lyrics the film I was lucky enough to be in with Hugh Grant and I got to tell you you are so good so so good like I like blacked it out I was just lip syncing but like I had to perform for Megan and that was yeah there go D you’re so silly every time this place but yeah you did so good thank you I just hope I never it was I was you’re performing in front of Megan Trainer it’s like what a nerve-wracking thing even though she’s wife she’s my wife now but our first date also we went from the bowling alley and then we went straight to a karaoke was nerve-racking so but he acted so cool I don’t know if it was you just fake it till you make it you know he sang your song by John El John to face that’s hard I was like don’t pick this one I was like no but he did so good and I was like okay what was another moment where you were like oh God I have got it bad for this person look at them do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] x what was another moment we were like oh God I have got it bad for this person look at them do X oh man I it was just the second date when I like cleaned up a little bit the first date I did a lot of apologizing because I was in a very interesting place in my life where I was just like I had a beard and holes in my shirt and was kind of like homeless so I um kind of and uh so on the first date I she looked like a dime and I just kept apologizing going I usually look much nicer than this and cleaner than this and you just caught me on a bad day even though we planned this date for a while and um I promise if you give me another chance like I will clean up for you so I shaved I brought like Bachelor style one single red rose and like showed up with just one redose started laughing like yeah and I just tried to make her laugh yeah he’s made me laugh since day one um his Instagram was was just a laughing itself it was so cute you’re so sweet he wasn’t good at that but uh I just notice that I fall more in love with him all the time and I tell him I go oh my God I couldn’t love you more than I do right now and we say it a lot and we get remarried every 5 years that’s my deal we just got remarried on my 30th yeah yeah and then with me I was just like she makes me the best person that I like never knew I could be like just the person that I always wanted to be that’s all I could see potential in that guy poal by the way it’s an interesting question actually um that I’m sort ofing back to like you know yeah like how I feel like people are we can get extremely stubborn judgmental weird about things and like cling on like as if it’s this life sentence and like we’ve got to stop doing that and be more open and like the fact that you were like I’ll clean up and you were like he’s got potential like I feel like people really screw themselves out of great things well they don’t communicate that’s why and like we always communicated with red flags so we would just say like FL hey just double checking like still no red flags and we go no no red flags and if there was one we would say it immediately how would you if we ever we barely rarely fight it’s weird but if there is a fight we discuss right away yeah we’re like hey I’m uncomfortable you ready to talk now like immediately and away from the kids but like when we’re soloo I’m like I feel uncomfortable because of this how do you feel yeah like I feel weird in my body I don’t want to get back to Center we can’t like hold it for a while and then build it up like even bigger we I’ve been holding this yeah and there’s also something different with him that I don’t have with any other human where he can like sense exactly how I’m feeling on the inside with no words with like my full facial expressions or my body language he’s like what’s wrong and I’m like how do you know you know you can just sense that on me and I could do the same with him it’s weird telepathy y intuition intuition soulmate yeah well what advice maybe do you have that just comes from your own personal experiences on you know whether you’re single like me and may enter a relationship at one point or somebody deep in a marriage raising children I mean yeah raising kids is like a whole whole another ball game with the marriage but it really tests you but also was I was like oh my God I love how he raised his kids it was another like realization for us that like we are the right people for each other because there’s this like there’s this like moment where you in the hospital you like you’re like wow we’re going to do this together it’s like we’re going to crash or we’re going to make it and I was like oh we’re going to make it dude this is going to be great you I mean I’m so glad that you guys found each other and like congratulations on your beautiful family are you hitting the road together going on tour the whole family’s going on tour we’re going on tour we’re bringing the kids I won’t be without them for over a week that’s the rule so they’re coming on tour we’re going to have it’s going to be us and some babies and everyone’s going to be on the bus you’re going to stop at like you know your local all the zoos all the aquariums all the toy okay great so you’re taking the family on the road sticking together this is this is how it should be it’s going to be good well we have a um we actually uh yeah we by the way speaking of that tour we’re going to go to a quick commercial break and then we have a little surprise for everybody about that we’ll be right [Music] [Applause] back I was like where is he I love it okay welcome back before we go I want to give a huge thank you to um my co-pilot once again Megan Trainer we’ve done this show multiple times together and I want to do it many times um and also Daryl Sabara it has been so wonderful for like thank you hang out and you this is like this is so meaningful and so much fun you guys all right well obviously the whole family’s going on tour because Megan’s latest album Timeless is available everywhere June 7th and and starting September 4th when the family hits the road to go on tour um Megan is um also participating in live nation’s concert week um which is really interesting Yes concert week is May 8th to the 14th fans can get $25 tickets to hundreds of shows isn’t it amazing um so everyone in our uh studio audience is going to go home with a $100 Live Nation gift card to buy tickets to Megan show and anything else you see fit so I hope that you so enjoy that everybody and thank you Megan and Live Nation for allowing us to do that $100 gift card for every single person here thank you so much and everybody we make this show for you so just take it with you take it with you a

Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara sit down with Drew Barrymore to discuss their real-life love story from saying “I love you” in less than a week to watching their wedding video every night before bed with their children, and everything in between!

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The Drew Barrymore Show is daytime’s brightest destination for intelligent optimism and maximum fun, featuring everyone’s favorite actor, businessperson, mom and cultural icon, Drew Barrymore! From news to pop culture, human interest to comedy – you’ll discover it here with Drew along with the beauty and wisdom, as well as the heart and humor in life.


  1. I just texted my crush all night and I can’t sleep in the best way and all I thought when he passed out was I want to see the full video of Megan talking about the fireworks between her and her hubby . I am only 29 but as a swifty the crushes go hard so high school I know but he is so gorgeous i want him to be mine! Thank you for the upload alchemy just in time to make me feel fearless like he is the one its meant to be

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