And The WINNER of American Idol 2024 Is…

the winner of American Idol 2024 is 5 years from now what’s Abby I would like to go a little more Indie a little darker with happy tones storytelling definitely yeah my only advice that I’d give to you stay true to who you are my bonjovi song that I’ll be singing tonight is BET of roses beautiful I know how I was feeling and what I was writing can you tell me a little bit of how you see this lyric being with somebody but wanting something else and wanting somebody longing for something else my narrative was I want to come home I can definitely feel it from that place as well we could try it from that place but I’d rather you don’t because I want this to be yours now play it for me that way I got the chills now I got it I think that that little tweak was enough to put you in the movie you’re the whole package Cong thank you so [Music] much piano trying hard to capture the moment this morning I don’t know cuz a b v still my head and some bong gave me I I think that she’s still in my a dream about movies they won’t make me when I’m dead I won’t lay you down in a bed of [Music] roses I I sleep on a I want to be as closest the Holy Ghost lay you down I want to lay it down in a b of roses [Music] for i s on [Music] a all I want to be just as close as the holy and lay you down [Applause] wow woo wow wow wow [Applause] wow well I think they’re saying it right uh yeah that was that was tremendous uh yeah I think the room is saying uh what they feel it was amazing incredible the room and have spoken that’s it the room may be cheering but if you’re not voting from home it doesn’t mean anything so you better vote here we go here Stars supporting everyone tonight we just got this special message from someone Abby take a look at this hi Abby it’s Billy I wanted to say congratulations on making the top three on American Idol this this is such a big deal and I’m so happy for you it is so amazing to see you in the finale after you sing my song What Was I made for and your audition um I love you so much I I wish you nothing but the best and I I just can’t wait to see what happens and I I am here to support you forever and I love you have fun she’s down here thank you Billy for watching Abby B Abby Carter everyone we’ll let you take aome to Georgia Southern University spring commencement ceremony William Glenn Mosley I give myself a year to try to make musical career and it looks like it’s working out well this is really great what you’ve done around here unbelievable support that the community showed yeah I didn’t expect all this in a year that’s for sure I know just go and make us proud do the best you can and we love you I love you [Music] all you have a dream you owe it to yourself and try to chase it family’s everything to me good to have you B home buddy happy to get back home for a day or two yeah we going bet you can do it think so we ain’t got but two competitors that’s it we’re down to three a’t we yeah we made it this far I love you I love you too I appreciate who we going to vote for will will who Mo MOS M Good Luck Good Luck give you a hug you going give you a hug give me a hug [Music] this is downtown Hazelhurst this is where all the magic [Music] happens what’s up guys this is small town USA this is what it’s all about will thank you sir you know the next stop is the primary school that I went to and I can’t wait to go in and see all of my youngest supporters many of you have been practicing something special for will so I want you to show him okay are you [Music] ready it’s a different feeling when people sing your song back to you but then when you walk into a school full of kids mean you’re talking about young kids kids and they they know every word you know it’s I don’t have the words to describe it it really I mean it’s just unbelievable yeah thank you guys so [Applause] much all right let me he you one more [Applause] time it’s just been a blur but there’s just one emotion I just keep coming back to gratitude beend [Music] believe you know I think if there’s if there’s one thing that I could tie this whole day off on I just hope people see who I am how much Love’s in my heart and why it’s there and it’s because of this Comm commun man it’s the best place in the world I’ll never believe any different that’s for [Applause] sure thank you guys so [Applause] [Music] much there’s a for sale sign on a big old rush detractor you came Miss it’s the first thing that you you see just up the road a pale blue water tower says I love Jenny painted in bright green hey that’s my Uncle Bill there by the courthouse you’ll be luring the flag When the Sun Goes Down And this is my town yeah it’s my yeah where I was born and I was raised but I spent all my yesterdays I ran off CU I got man it came to blows of my old man I come back to settle down where they’ll put me in the ground this is my town well there ain’t much going on here since they closed the mill but that whistle still blows every day at noon and this is my [Music] town where I was born and I was ready but I keep All my yesterdays where I ran off I got M came to close to my man I come back settle down where they’ll put me in the ground this is my oh this is my time all [Music] [Applause] my wow well will mosle you can make that song your your staple because I’m telling you it’s coming home and having a sellout at your hometown it’s like no other sellout you’ll ever have in your whole career right now but I’m telling you that song said it all for you how I feel about you and I’m telling you these fans out there you got me crying on a song that I don’t even that’s will Mosley singing I’m telling what’s going on I loved it man thank you I love that place thank you [Music] [Applause] so you can say whatever you want to say about American Idol but one thing is for sure it is keeping the American dream alive you can come from nowhere and then be on this stage like will Mosley amen yes um I tell you what uh the way you started that that’s one of my favorite songs I I I’ve always just loved everything about that song and you started it real smooth and and not overdone you were really speaking the lyrics and that tells me man you there’s you have all the tools to go be anything you want uh you know after tonight your whole career you can sing rocking stuff you can sing tender stuff love songs you’re just a wonderful Talent wonderful Talent thank you so much will Mosley it was great to see you go back home and hello to those kids at the primary school hey guys they sent in some of the artwork take a look at this this is this is ansley’s right here that’s her work of art this is Yolanda did this one wow Jeff Davis primary first second graders just like will I was playing three nights at The Forum and I’ll be there for you as the number one single I opened up the curtains of my hotel room window and there was a billboard of the five of us staring back at me into the room and I looked at Dar and I went let’s go to Vegas and get married so make it yours now tell me tell me your story I’ll be thinking about my wife Georgia she’s the reason I’m able to do something like this and she’s believed in me more than I’ve believed in myself I know that your wife can see it in eyes she can feel it in your heart your story is here and here all right brother come on Jack’s going to win his contest so let’s [Applause] go I guess time I heard you suit say goodbye well as my broken heart lies bleed [Music] [Applause] it said you love suicide and I’m praying to God you give me one more chance girl I’ll be there for you these five words I swear to you can you bre I want to be the air for you cuz I there if and I die for you see the St from the sky you words can’t say what a love can do cuz I need for you I didn’t mean to miss your birthday baby I was there to those candles [Music] out I for you these five words I swear to you when you I will be the a for you CU I’ll be there for you w oh oh I be there for [Music] [Applause] pretty surreal that we’re all here and the complicated relationship that we started with and you’re top three and you’re still at this Finish Line you’re still pushing yourself you’re you’re still playing Aces you’re like I’m not not going to stop until the very end you sound good you look good no one is blocking Jack blocker thank you not even me I mean that shirt Jack that shirt that’s like that’s that’s still him right that’s what I’m saying I mean it it it it should win an award too um but uh man wa yeah like Katie said way to push yourself way to way to not lock yourself into one lane way to Branch out have some fun and uh maybe win this thing go make some albums and you know you never [Applause] know now I have I have found that what you do is you put it in history so it’ll be there forever all right now I know we started off with a little rocky Jack I always saw your potential you know what I’m saying from the beginning I knew it was you oh you’re putting in history hold on saw it I saw it the time I first remember who had you safe in the arms of [Applause] love everything that has happened since my audition has just felt like a [Music] dream Abby fever is hitting the Coachella Valley she’s won the hearts of America fans coming from all over the us just to a glimpse of her I miss my family and I miss my friends are we going to the trim I have so many great memories with my family up here when I was a kid we would save up our allowance money and we would buy an annual pass to the tra so that we could go up and we would have picnics at the top I’m really [Music] [Applause] excited where a baby it’s just so cool to see that your hard work has been paying off and that as a family we just get to be there to support you each one of you is going to have your times too that we’ll be cheering you on but we are so excited for this time to be Abby time this is where I did my first talent show you belong to the world world my eyes and I can see a world she is motivated to win and I know she’s going to win this Sunday and we’re very excited for you dear Abby you have inspired me so much these past few months you’ve been on American Idol she started out singing at farmers markets and then next thing you know she’s on American Idol in the top three do you guys like singing I want to hear what you guys we say they can say it all [Music] crazy we say they can say I don’t I don’t care they [Music] crazy Abby you embody the spirit of our city in every aspect of your being oh this is today we bestow upon you a proclamation naming you Abby Carter as mayor for the day thank you so [Applause] much I kind of grew up very alone and coming back here this feel feels like having an entire group of friends around me and just wrapping their arms around me and loving me I to the wind to the wind I just cannot thank you enough for all of your love and support this me the world I’ll end up well I think only God Dear Abby my name is Leo and I’m a big fan I watched your audition with my family and it may be tear I’ve watched you at the street fair since I was little now I watch you on American Idol I see you at the concert tonight your favorite first grader Isaiah [Music] [Applause] [Music] AR a place for us somewhere a place for us [Applause] peace and quiet and [Music] open time to learn time to care somay somewhere we find a new way of living [Music] oh find a way [Music] foring somewhere there for us time and the place for us hold my hand and we’re there hold my hand and I’ll take you there some [Music] w [Applause] all right all right I want to hear myself talk I want to hear myself talk no I’m just playing start back screaming I’m not [Applause] talking hold up hold on hold on hold wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that I can hear myself that that was a showstopping moment it doesn’t get any better than that when you can take it down to silence and killed the show it’s unbelievable thank you thank you I was watching you uh sing and your hand movements I was like the Statue of Liberty is coming to life she’s America’s own if Abby wins American Idol it’s going to be the level the bar is going to be so high so high that was [Applause] magic he’s up there with the biggest names in music what song you going to sing for us when they announced that you were the mentor my dad was in the audience I grab my phone I look at it it says it’s my life it’s his favorite song he did it pops hey man I got somebody for you to meet hey golly thank you so much for educating this fine boy on some bonji mus well he makes a horror sometimes I told him it’s my life he gave me the advice that I needed I’m not buying the commitment to the lyric yet give me some more of that teeth this ain’t a song for this ain’t a song for the broken hearted what do you got just sing a song for the brok broken hearty yeah second time through the song he understood what this all meant it’s now or never yeah being in the room with someone of that caliber is special in itself when they think enough of you to push you a little bit like Frankie said I did in my way it means so much more that’s the key brother I appreciate you this a a song for the brook heart no time of PR be departed I ain’t going to be just a f in the crowd you’re going to hear my voice I shout it out loud It’s my life is now there I ain’t going to live forever I just want to Live While I’m [Music] Alive my heart is like an open Highway like Frank you said I did in my ways I just want to Live While I’m Alive my life it’s my life is now never I ain’t going to live forever I just want to Live While I’m Alive my heart is locking open high way like Frankie said I did in my way I just want to Live While I’m Alive my [Applause] life I’m so happy to be back home let’s go Dallas I got hey Jack Mark cuan I just want to say congrats on being named top three in American Idol Dallas is so proud of you and the Dallas Mavericks would love to invite you to perform at halime of our can’t wait to see you there that’s crazy that’s quite the welcome home growing up I watched Idol with my family and I watched Dallas Sports especially the Mavs this is like a place that I shared my favorite memories with my dad really to actually be here on the floor and getting to do something I love for this many people it’s just like a dream come true here on this Hometown Visit please welcome [Applause] Jacker I’ve been bringing Jack to these games all his life it’s just so hard to even comprehend it’s just surreal it’s just so [Music] [Applause] proud that was so fun absolute dream fans thank you so much it’s crazy to believe that it’s just getting started I totally remember watching the hometown visits I remember Bo Bice getting chased through Walmart but yeah no I never thought I’d be I’d be doing [Music] this we’re going to opening bell coffee it’s the first place I ever performed here in Dallas a lot of people that were and there don’t live in Dallas like they came in here just just for that I can’t believe that y’all are all here it means the world thank you guys I’ll see you later love you I wish I could have stayed all day Georgia and I have been together since high school God we are so grateful for these two families that you brought together they have been a blessing to so many she’s my best friend by a long shot I just totally wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t in my corner the way she is we pray that no matter what comes down the road that he is able to continue to sing she’s so supportive and so forgiving and has just loved me so much through a ton of failure a ton of risk may you continue to guide them and give them peace amen amen thank he’s living his Wildest Dream right now I’ve always believed in him but knowing that everyone else is on board now is is amazing oh my goodness I can’t breathe hey this is crazy hi guys what’s up this C Dallas is own American Idol give it up for Jack blers if you don’t know Georgia Georgia is my wife oh yeah please please I’ll tell tell you what she deserves that so much more than I do being up here songs about Georgia I’ll try to make it through without being a w you got a lot of way to bear I’m feeling like I want to do this for a long long time and as long as I can keep doing it I’ll be singing songs Don’t eyes this day it feels like a dream come true I’ll never forget this give all of M love you so much All My Exes Live in Texas Texas is the place that I dearly love to be well All My Exes [Music] in that’s why hang my head in t [Music] [Applause] W down in Tex can want me to push sweet never she forgot that [Music] I [Music] lity lives in temples got the Lord looking for me oh All My Exes Live in Texas Texas is the place that I love to oh my ex in Tex that’s why I my head in tenness some folks think I’m hiding he been rumored that I died I’m alive and well [Applause] in wow that’s what we talked about we sure did that foot loose Fancy free I can play the guitar with my eyes closed just like that right there is your bread and butter and I think no matter what happens tonight if you win it or whatever that’s what is going to make you a star that’s one singing dancing and delivering yeah I mean that is you’re doing star Maneuvers everything about that was Stars I mean the way you conduct your body language your confidence taking a old George Straight classic and putting your own Jack blocker stamp on it uh that may be my favorite thing I’ve seen you do this season you know you I I saw the sign I I saw the sign in your hometown I mean Jack Swagger that’s all you baby that’s pretty heavy man I mean what I I agree with my judges I think you’re just on to something is called a career keep it going man it’s the party of the Year this is your finale and this is a American Idol [Applause] [Applause] used to work on [Applause] the down [Music] [Applause] on works the down working for she brings home P for Love For Love she says we got to hold on to what we got it doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not we got each other and that’s a lot for good we’ll give it a [Applause] [Music] shot our give it us [Music] all PR living all the [Music] pring on the ground take my head we’ll make it i s it all ladies and gentlemen give it up for Mr John are you and I the think that we could ever F you don’t be even try we get PA and just get by sons of sons bricks on bricks what broken me don’t try to fix I’m here there ain’t no wise in here you don’t pick up but you can’t live my the tell me [Applause] I what I want cuz I got what I need this my friend that stand up for me like where I am where I want to be [Music] my night goes around like a song Sweet L and we all sing all my B girl she in me this week as your top three traveled back to their hometowns they had a special surprise lined up for some music programs that are near and dear to their hearts take a look at this we’re headed back to Jeff Davis High School tonight I get to surprise an organization that’s really uh near to my heart I’m going to call my buddy Mike out here talk give it up M the Texas music project put together places for kids who are in hospitals to have access to instruments we’re headed to see Ts for tomorrow I’m super excited because I know something they don’t you guys don’t realize how much y’all mean to the atmosphere of the whole school this wonderful program tools for tomorrow promoted after school Arts programs and I was so lucky to be a part of it and so on behalf of the CMA foundation on behalf of American Idol ABC and the CMA Foundation we are so excited to offer you this check with the $20,000 check for the pride of Carland and present you donation towards tools for tomorrow of $20,000 $20,000 to Texas music project y give it up for the Texas Music being able to give this donation was really special cuz I really do believe in the power of music you know what music did for you and this is going to transform students Generations from now I really appreciate it I know they appreciate it incredible way to give back and support their communities a huge thanks to ABC and the CMA foundation for enriching lives across the nation through the left it all on the stage in those first two rounds but who will continue on in the hopes of being your next American Idol good luck to all three we love each one of you Tom dim the lights and here we go the first person to take a coveted spot in your top two after the Nationwide live Coast to Coast vote is Will Mosley congratulations will great here we go the final person still in the running to be your next American Idol is [Music] [Applause] Abby zocker you’re the best you are the best whose single is available right now let’s CL that single yeah down come on congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is it the way I talk sweet the way my skin is soft or how I can be a trip make you keep your fingers crossed is it the way that I praise you the way that I please you or how fast I change my mind and get scared that I might leave you could spend your whole life but you couldn’t Mak woman she’s always been the perfect Mist spend your whole life but you couldn’t describe what makes a woman and that’s what makes a woman to me is it the way you rest your head on my I shoulder when you sleep all the way you’re knock the day any no T-shirt and jeans is it how you say your prayers or how you show you mean know is it something in the air or something you just breathe in you spend your whole life but you couldn’t describe what makes a woman she’s always been the perfect Myer spend your whole life but you couldn’t describe what makes a woman that’s what makes a woman to me oh yeah yeah [Applause] is it the way we keep the whole world turning in a pair of heels yeah that’s what makes a woman 143 I love [Music] you there it is Jack clocker come on we were small town man to be my mama loved her her daddy loved me we burned up the road between her house in mine we kissing her driveway and by the time I hit the highway she’d called to tell me good night one more time and she’d say love you miss you me it boy I’ll see you when I’m dreaming and I can’t wait to feel you hold me again till then I’ll be cting down the minutes I’ll be climbing up these walls your kiss I want it need it love you miss you mean it baby come on years went by Pages got turned but I never never did forget about her made one night out of the blue myone L up that my heart did too she said I don’t know about you but I love you miss you mean it I still see you when I’m Dreaming I can’t wait to feel you hold me again to then I’ll be cing down the minutes I’ll be climbing up these walls your kiss I want it be it love you miss you meet it baby ladies and gentlemen Mia Matthews [Music] everybody there’s a leing Dallas I hope you’re on it if there’s a train moving fast down the tracks I hope you caught [Music] it cuz I swear out there Ain where you ought to [Music] be so catch your ride catch your cat don’t you know I miss you back but don’t you walk to [Music] me baby run cut a path across the Blue Sky straight in a straight line you can’t get here fast enough find a truck and fire it up lean on the gas and off the clutch leave Dallas in the dust I need you in a rush so baby run baby run cut a path across the Blue Sky straight in a straight mind you can’t get here fast enough find the truck and fire it up lean on the gas and all the down in the I need you in rush so Baby R baby [Music] run oh baby [Applause] run come onbody welcome to American Idol the heart on the city street was be light from the knon turn the dark today we were too high to think of sleeping we had to get down the mag got way everybody say we will r with the night is the shadow just you and me until the morning later say r with a night yeah you were looking so good girl hence we turn you me on the town with it all I hang out the fire was in us we were burning [Music] hey we were going to go all the way we never had it out we move on with the night pain in the shadow just you the [Music] [Music] [Music] morning you and me we out the town we were r with the night in the shadow just you and I until the morning yeah [Applause] yeah we’ve been up since day one we’ve been chasing the sun on see feeling what feeling when we touch we stop time we were dancing skylines it’s amazing what a feeling follow anywhere you go follow don’t make me wait till tomorrow don’t way without you jump in the drop top CU we taking up got time on lock it’s all we got we free and we got nowhere to be and we still just kids from no town still just kids that are messing around of we found W jump in the cuz we Tak time we got we fre we got know where to be [Music] ladies and Gentlemen let’s bring KO to the stage KO come on help us bro first time great time second time was a black third time I fell in love now you got the right [Music] baby you got the [Music] bab help s all that I needed was you oh girl all right and all that I wanted was you [Music] you come on say what [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah first kiss was sweet kiss second kiss had a Twist third and your fourth kiss I don’t want to miss see it in your walk tell them when you talk I see it in everything you do even in your you got the baby love the way you turn me on woo you got the the reason why I sing here we go k [Music] [Music] it you say can’t hear you come on hey come [Music] on started in a g place I was young full of Faith No one even knew my name but still I chased ran the race do you know what I been through I felt forsaken with TR do you know what I been through oh i’ been through oh i’ been through oh I can tast [Music] try with the heart of the lion oh I will s GI cuz I can taste Tri Tri [Music] [Applause] how do you fall in love harder than a bullet could hit you how do we fall aart faster than a pin trigger don’t you say don’t you say it don’t say don’t you oo sh breath it don’t just break it so shut your mouth and run me like a river shut your mou baby stand and liiver hold me he make me th like a river like a river shut your mouth from me like a river love to the Sher I to the T River like a river like a river shut your mouth and ring like a [Music] [Applause] river the river shut your baby stand the make me like a river like a river like a river shut your mouth me like a river the together one last W like R like the r shut your mouth andup it like a river [Applause] [Music] if you got a chance take it take it while you got a chance if you got a dream Chase it cuz dream won’t chase you back you’re going to love somebody hold them as long and as strong and as close as you can till you can yeah you can tell your old man you do some large amount fish and another time well you just got too much home on your plate to B her cast a line you can always put her a check in his hand till he can’t you can keep putting on forever with that girl whose heart you hold swearing that you’ll last someday further down road you can always put a diamond on her hand come on till you can how you feeling [Applause] tonight if you got a take it take it why you got a chance if you got a dream chaste it cuz a dream won’t taste you back and you’re going to love somebody hold up as long and as strong and as close as you can take care [Music] [Applause] so take that phone call from your mom and just talk away cuz you’ll never know I back you w till you can’t some don’t wa on tomorrow cuz tomorrow may not show say you’re sores here I love you and you never know if you got a chance take it tell it why you got to ch if you got a dream tast it the dream won’t taste you back if you’re to R some hold I’m as and strong and close as you care take care let’s break some noise American I don’t [Music] only time no a man decides after 70 years that what he goes there for it’s to unlock the door while those around them criticize and [Music] see do on breaking wall I see you my friend I touch your face again Miracles will happen as we [Applause] trip but we’re never going to survive we get a little crazy no no we never survive unless you get a little bit crazy yeah no no we never Sur I Le to get a [Music] little a full of people only so I want to fly isn’t that crazy and a wful of people only so much to fly isn’t that crazy is that crazy is that crazy but we never going to survive unless we get a little crazy no no no we’re never going to Sur unless you’re a little crazy don’t we never going to survive we get a little crazy oh no no no no one never going to survive all I’m a little [Music] crazy no no never unless get a little B [Music] [Applause] I was born a call minor daughter in a cabin on a hill and butcher we were poor but we had love that’s the one thing that Daddy made sure of he shoved cold and make a poor man’s dollar my daddy worked all night in the M all day long the Fielding [Music] cor M rocks the babies at night and read the Bible by the cor light and everything would start all over come break of [Music] more yeah I’m proud to be a CL daugh I remember well well where I to water the work we and not would sleep cuz we were never put your Loretta I’m proud to [Applause] [Music] be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] daugh I’ve been a rock I’ve got my offensive I never let them down when it comes to love I keep my senses I don’t get kicked around sing it sister I she want you br into my soul the damage is done now I’m out of control how did you get to me no one on whatever help bring my heart away your home no one us on whatever wor no to me like no me like [Applause] you no one on earth whatever Happ break my heart the way you yeah no one wor no one no no one no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I like to dance and it looks like this I like to dance and it looks like this a I like to poping and hit you with a little bit of robot got to hit it get it love it live it get a little silly with the lycal Ridiculousness I like to shake the leg I like to move my head I like to walk into a part you with a pure a little move goes a long way like a s train line in the hallway it’s your way my all day my kind of magic it’s auta I feel like dancing I feel like dancing even if it’s raining I’m not complaining I feel like danc I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel daning feel daning now everybody free I like to dance and it looks like this wo I like to dance and it looks like this we like to dance and it looks like this come on smile with yourp smile with yourp smile with your hi kind of magic a I feel like dancing feel feel like dancing when it’s I’m feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing feels like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing I feel like dancing we feel like dancing we feel like dancing we feel like dancing feel like dancing feel like dancing we feel like dancing we feel like dancing we feel like dancing [Applause] [Music] I love you Lord for your mercy never fails me all my days I’ve been held in your hand from the moment that I wake up until I Lay My Hand oh I will sing of the goodness of God I love your voice you have led me through the fire in Darkest Night you are Clos like no other yeah I’ve known you as a father and I’ve known you as a friend I have yes Lord in the goodness of God yes Lord Hey cuz all my life you have been faithful oh yes he has all my life you have been so so good every breath that I am made oh oh I will sing yes God of the goodness of God your goodness is running after it’s running after me oh yeah your goodness is running after it’s running after me with my life laid down I Surrender now I give you [Music] everything your goodness is running out it’s running goodness and mercy shall follow all the days all my life you have been F all of my life God’s been faithful my life you have been so good so good with every breath I am every breath I’m a of your goodness of your mercy God you’ve been good You’ been I will sing of the goodness oh God Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah from walking home and talking Lord to see an and evening close with [Music] you for n touch and getting [Music] drunk just sing up and waking up with you from throw clothes across the [Music] floor to teeth and clo and S Doors are you and this is all we’re living for then why are we doing it doing it do it [Music] anymore I us to recognize myself F how Reflections change when we’re becoming something else I think it’s time to walk away so come on Let It Go TR say it be what don’t you be you helping me everything that’s BR leave it to the fre why don’t you be you I’ll be me and me so come on Let It Go just Let It Be why don’t you be [Music] I me oh and everything is leave it till the breeze let the AES fall forget about me come on Let It Go just Let It Be why don’t you be I’ll be me and [Music] [Applause] me will a little love and some dearness walk up the water rather above the M with a little be hands some Harmony we’ll take the world together we’ll take them by the head I I am for you I want to run with you I want to run with you hold my hand want you to hold my hand oh my BR to a place for you to be oh my head anything you want to be good I want to love you the best that the best that I can [Music] [Applause] [Music] last night I tried to leave cried so much I could not believe she was the same girl I fell in love with long ago she the back I sat down on my couch anding oh my please help me you oh my head and Let Her Cry If tears fall down like R let her sing if it is is all the pain let her go let walk right out on me and if the sun comes up tomorrow let her [Music] be let her be [Applause] [Music] you and me we come from different world you like to laugh at me when I look at all the girl sometimes you’re crazy they wonder why I’m be call the do B me there’s nothing I can do I only want to be with you you can tell me your only want to be with you yeah I’m fangled up in blood I only want to be with you only want to be with you only want to be with you I only want to he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you far we’ve been traveling far without a home but not without a star on the boats and on the pl they com to America never looking back again they coming to America they’re coming to America they’re coming to America oh they come to America that come into America today today [Music] today we [Applause] be I can’t begin to know it but then I know it’s growing strong [Music] was in the spring then spring became the summer who I believe you come [Music] along and touching hands reaching now come on touching me touching you sweet [Applause] [Music] care good times never seem so good so good so good so good been in CL I believe it never W now why we care everybody [Music] s sweet [Music] car Good Times never seem so good good good oh down incl to believe they never want sweet [Music] we right now we’re going to pay tribute to our own Idol Pizza eating Queen who also happens to be the first lady of Pop Miss Katy Perry taking the stage medley of her hits Please welcome the ladies of your top 12 SMS [Music] good you make me feel like I’m living a te stream the way you turn me on I can’t sleep let’s run away and don’t ever look back don’t ever look back heart stops when you look at me just one touch now baby I believe this is real so take a chance and don’t ever look back don’t ever look back I’m going get your heart racing in my skin je be a Teenage Dream tonight let you put your hands on me in my skin jeans be a Teenage Dream tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are you were going to come to me here you are you better choose carefully I capable of anything of anything and everything make me your life make me your one and only but don’t make me your enemy your enemy you’re in so you want to play with magic boy you should know what you fall baby do do this cuz I’m com you like a are you ready for ready for a perfect song Perfect your mind want your [Music] [Applause] [Music] mind no place where the grass is really greener warm wet and wild there must be something in the water [Applause] sipping Jin and Juice laying underneath the palm trees the boys break the ne trying to creep a little sneak peek at us you could travel the world but nothing comes close to the golden co party with our eyes you’ll be falling in love oh cforia girls we’re Unforgettable Daisy to bikinis on top Sun kiss skin so hot don’t melt your Popsicle for you Girls We’re undeniable find fresh we got it online West Coast bre present now put your hands up cforia Califoria girls CIA cforia [Music] girls I love you Katie you’re top 12 Ladi honoring KT Perry that was fun yeah who are you I’m will Mosley where are you from I’m from Hazelhurst Georgia take us home honey I keep telling myself it’ll be football ended for me and that’s where I really picked up the guitar it’s been a blessing in disguise stage yes Mr will mlin told myself that I was going to take one year and go chase music and if it didn’t work out then I was going to go back and get a real job you kill that within the first year looking real promising that we’re going to give year or two a shot I think you’ll be in the finale we knew from the very first not you’re not just doing this for one more year you’re going to do this for the rest of your life that’s what we’re here for [Applause] he was 17 quarter back on home team on the back Ro in between his fifth and sixth B then he saw those blue lights and couldn’t walk that streight line his daddy cursed and Mama cried when they buil him out of there he got in the truck they said you got what you deserve brought him a Buton up and Drug his but to CH said boy you need the good book back all you’re running around got to slow down a little you’re living just a little too fast you got to meet the man somewhere in the middle sometimes you got to take a step back look at you and ask who you are down in your heart you ain’t that far off track it ain’t that hard to get back you just need to do F back life don’t stop and no one’s perfect the straight nrow throws you curs it if you’re anything like me sometimes all you need is the good B [Applause] uh all I can say to you is um you’ve come a long way for a guy who I did not sit through all of your you made it congratulations thank you sir I greatly appreciate well good for you uh picking a song that is a storytelling song that’s the voice that you have tonight you’ve saying the best I’ve ever heard you sing and you’re just I think you’re going to be a star no matter what happens thank you so much [Applause] DAV I I know you’re a football player but I’m going to make a basketball analogy the ball is in your court I mean you take this as far as you want to Buddy and we wish you and love you and wish you nothing but the best great job thank you D who is this hi who are you my name is Abby Carter [Music] hi what were you made for you were made for this all the cre don’t hurt her we wanted to upgrade your ticket from gold to platinum stat in face this doesn’t feel like my life this doesn’t feel real [Applause] that’s what performing is all about you’re on fire you just kicked down all four walls of the box I thought you were [Applause] in told myself the right Li somay believe it there will be a happy [Music] ending I’ve spent too much time in the mirror that little girl would stare back now I don’t see her she couldn’t keep [Music] pretending you done UND damage but she’s not unbanded you brought the fire baby you BN her she wasn’t a fighter so I had to show herete R you just Grew Older you thought it was done L than hour this isn’t over isn’t [Applause] over this season is almost over over the break the final vote closed it was a very tight race I have to tell you that I have your results in my hand will Mosley and Abby Carter here from their first auditions to Hollywood week and Alani for the lights of our studio stage you have given it your all each and every hour each and every moment thank you for all of that heart one of them is about to be your next American Idol good luck Tom dim the lights and here we go after the Nationwide live Coast to Coast vote the winner of American Idol 20124 is [Applause] Abby Carter you got it you did it you did it you’re amazing you’re [Applause] amazing congratulations you did it you did it thank you so much for being Who You Are every time we step on this stage come up with me your growth has been amazing America saw it they voted for you and you are the new American [Applause] Idol we’re going to have you sing are you ready one more time also for will Mosley everybody i r her up and now with the repre performance of what was I made for your American Idol winner the one and only Abby [Applause] Carter I used to just fall them I used to know but I I’m not sure now what I was made for what was made [Applause] for cuz I I don’t know how I feel [Music] I don’t know how I [Music] feel [Music] heart I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Abby Carter your American Idol thank you to Luke Bryan Lan Richie and the always incredible Katie Perry thank you for watching thank go ahead who is rattling the Dan what the hell is going on sorry who is that you that is enough who is that I chill who is that hey hey are you good who the is that come yo come here get this take him take him out of here [Music] oh my God sorry what’s your what’s your um are you speechless on on I actually I think you’re actually speechless right speechless very good okay aah uh question have you ever auditioned for this show before when yeah I was on it in season 12 as a little old boy named Adam oh really so this is new how many years ago is that I think five years ago how far did you get into the show I made the top 50 and why do you think you got let go I didn’t have my stuff together I was just a chubby little Latino boy shirts I need to see what this before and after is oh my God go W no way no way no way that’s you girl I want to know what y’all are looking at well welcome come on have you kissed a girl and liked it no I’ve never been in a relationship really I I can’t kiss a girl without being in relationship come here B come here wait hold on come on come on come here right now you you can’t come here right now come here what on the cheek mhm you didn’t even make the Smo s okay let me start over let me start over Okay Okay went did you get come on and he fell down he fell down he went he went he went M me oh my go well that’s that’s a first oh my gosh is this rock and roll yeah I I did see some hip thrust I saw some things that my my Minister parents had to shut well I’m I’m a minister too so it’s okay you are you sure are a minister and you can preach to me anytime you want [Applause] no no no no no K ktie ktie back back over here I mean you she’s losing sequins it’s uh Katie py pull yourself on pull yourself pull yourself I got it I got it um you okay girl he made a roar yes sir [Applause] weird I think you’re a little bit annoying you think I’m annoying I think you’re both annoying and good wait do you like me well first of all you are likable and I think that you may not think you are and that’s why you’re putting all this on right right cuz honey I am I’ve been insecure Jones for a long long time and I know all about it okay I know all about it look it I do this sometimes cuz I don’t feel like I’m enough I also think no one has ever believed in you ever but hold on Erica there’s Erica there’s a lot there but some people don’t have anything so it’s easier to strip it out than build it up so I say yeso um I couldn’t wait another day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jah you love my life oh my God man will you marry [Music] me a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right get off the stage a gunman walked into my school uh I was in art room one and he shot up art room two before he made his way to art room one uh lost a lot of friends uh eight students were killed uh two teachers were killed and uh it’s just really been Negative Man Santa fe’s had a bad rap here since 2018 what you doing Katie our country has failed us facts this is not okay you should be singing here because you love music it’s true not because you had to go through that I agree you didn’t have to lose eight friends I hope that you remind people people that we have to change m i SS i s i i something like that so tell us about where you live everybody knows everybody I get barbecue ribs at the gas station half slab or full slab full I eat a full slab you sure do cuz I do too me too are you the country version of me everybody said I look like you were we separated at Birth something like that care something like this you have an attitude problem in a good way I think I’ve been pretty respectful and I like it okay but you are no longer allowed to play it safe yes ma’am wow I’m sorry this is very cool okay so tell us who you are where you from I name it oh sorry okay my name is Margie okay what the heck is happening to me wait wait this has been the full day of my life already and I haven’t even sung for you you’re [Music] awesome did you just make a box of your head yeah I saw that yeah so you have yet to finish your name my name is Margie Maye I’m 25 years old is that your real name yeah Margie Ma I’ve never seen anybody with so much energy okay how many cups of coffee did you drink today I had about I had a cup I had a cup a cup I don’t ever drink coffee again you guys are crazy all right let’s do this okay all right I hope I don’t forget the words I like this this is your spot are you scared of me are you okay I’m totally afraid of you Marjorie wow yes ma’am do you know where I live [Applause] happens it happens in a live performance they’re going to tell you it’s happened to them before that was the best performance you have ever given no no no no no no Hunter Hunter Hunter Perfection is an illusion yes it’s an illusion it doesn’t matter that shows that you are human and vulnerable and everybody relates to that and it’s it’s amazing it’s emotion that’s what music is and I know this is a lot of pressure but it’s not about perfection it’s about resonating with people and you just did what an incredible an incredible song Choice an incred listen Hunter you connected with us you kept your eyes open your heart open you were so connected that you forgot where you were and that is perfect yes you my friend nor you made it all the way to the Showcase round what are you doing it’s a little surprise you mean you’re going to keep my word for real well you say it and it is Gospel and so we’ve got something special we have adopted you your very own alpaca oh this here Noah is his Hollywood standin but please say hello to look at thata face I’m shook listen this so cute oh my God so you can name him Yanni or Laurel or whatever whatever crosses your mind it’s Laurel for those of you who don’t know it’s Laurel okay well here’s the official oh my God adoption papers my friend wow my word is my bond oh congratulations last time you were being chased by one you guys should get reacquainted yeah no no no the last time I had one of those was chasing me in someone’s backyard you can’t not love it you can’t not love it see this one’s quiet this is going to end much better for all this is win you over again are you okay she’s okay are you all right she’s all right she’s all right okay get her get her there you go baby Bill take it from here mermaid L was telling a story that when he’s in concert yes that uh in Australia in Australia he was given a boot of someone in the audience and asked to pour beer in it no chewy no it’s called a shoy yes learn something new every day what you got down there no no no no no no [Applause] no it’s a slippy it’s a slippy the fact slippy I didn’t know Snow White drink Vodka go I just what she wants and she’s got seven mats to help her you guys are really pretty oh man thanks what I’m sorry thank you very much we’ll take that we don’t wake up this way but uh Lionel is frozen this way I’m I’m frozen I can dig it and what do you do what’s going on I’m a garbage man I work on the back of a garbage truck so what kind of Performing experience do you have I don’t have any I think going back garbage truck that’s it have you ever fallen off the back of the garbage truck I’ll come close but I ain’t going to lie to you when I got a a grip I ain’t letting go wait wait wait wait ah I ain’t squeezing this so you have no experience whatsoever none whatsoever if I said to you warming up and practicing you don’t know anything about it you just hit it like I just hit what you tell me to and Katie has to sneeze you have allergies today got no I’ve got a cold I’m just going to stick this up here there no days off in Katy Perry land never is there been a day off you think that you guys are just going to Lounge when you make it forget about it oh no sing Firework with that in there She’s [Applause] suffering Katie Katie what what Katie what are you doing what do you guys do late at night for fun cow tipping what are you doing no what are you [Laughter] doing [Laughter] okay sorry we’re tired it’s late and I’m C you can’t unsee that I’m so sorry you know what I should let Lono do his first C stuff go on behind the scenes that you know is completely off the cuff and just happening you kind of have to be ready for you know something to go wrong or you but at the same time you got to stay the heck out of the way I don’t think that they knew that we were actually getting them cuz Katie said it as a joke and then we were like hey here are these roller skates go have fun and then Katie and Luke just start going and Security’s like what are we supposed to follow them and they’re just kind of going everywhere everybody’s watching but it was just a really fun like genuine moment so Katie you know skating around she takes a little spill we’re you know a little worried but you got I mean she’s such a great person to to do stuff like this it’s like you know we we’re panicking behind the scenes to make sure that she’s okay but she’s show me one of yours I’ll show you one of mine okay here’s one of mine okay I can quote the entire movie of me and girls from start to finish no it’s like it’s it’s like gross that I can do that no I mean like really no like truly I could start wherever you want me to well mine was not like that mine was more awful do you want to see it Len I’m afraid but yes I’d love to see it so you can quote mean girls I can look like a frog do it it’s disgusting you can look like a frog nobody’s going to want to make out with me or any of that well who cares I got to no just look horrible ready come come to us on this side oh oh God it’s a tree frog yeah touch it here touch it oh this is bad this is oh Jesus what are you doing stop it oh my goodness anyways it’s not about weird T like that that definitely didn’t get me there but it’s probably going to take me out melt in your mouth won’t let you [Music] down the calories it’s the [Music] cheese the calories comeing in hot comeing in hot it’s the cheese that was so nice I enjoyed that Lord your dream boat yeah my eyes lit up what’s your name Dreamboat my name is Trevor Holmes and I’m I’m 27 years old and I’m from from Thousand Oaks California what’s your story do you work I’m actually doing construction right now which not fond of but I’m doing it to help support my mom she suffers from lupus so I’m a part-time songwriter part-time construction worker wanting to be full-time musician uh but sometimes you got to pay the bills you’re so hot oh you’re like this isn’t real no I mean here’s the thing first of all like only hot guys are typically named Trevor is that right yeah well that’s one of the names Trevor is hot he does construction on the side and he loves his mom I do very much so um Trevor yes ma’am don’t call me ma’am I’m sorry I’m just I respect you so much don’t respect me I’m sorry I’m sorry don’t respect me she don’t want you to be a nice don’t don’t respect me oh thank you God [Music]

And The WINNER of American Idol 2024 Is…

1. Abi Carter – (Bon Jovi) – 0:10
2. Will Moseley – (hometown visit) – 5:09
3. Jack Blocker – (Bon Jovi) – 12:32
4. Abi Carter – (hometown visit) – 16:35
5. Will Moseley – (Bon Jovi) – 23:44
6. Jack Blocker – (hometown visit) – 26:52
7. Bon Jovi & Top 3 – 33:18
8. Top 3 Idols Give Back – 36:58
9. 3rd Place Result – 38:34
10. Jack Blocker & Katy Perry – 39:52
11. Luke Bryan & Mia Matthews – 42:17
12. Lionel Richie & Top 12 – 46:17
13. NKOTB & Kayko – 49:11
14. Abi Carter & Bishop Briggs – 52:36
15. Triston Harper & Cody Johnson – 55:18
16. Jayna Elise & Seal – 57:53
17. Emmy Russell & Wynonna – 1:00:28
18. Julia Gagnon & Jason Mraz – 1:03:50
19. Roman Collins & Cece Winans – 1:06:19
20. James Bay & Kaibrienne & McKenna – 1:09:30
21. Will Moseley & Hootie & The Blowfish – 1:12:03
22. Nick Fradiani & Top 12 Guys – 1:15:32
23. Katy Perry Tribute – 1:18:41
24. Will Moseley – (winner’s single) – 1:22:56
25. Abi Carter – (winner’s single) – 1:26:18
26. GRAND FINALE -1:28:40
27. Bonus – 1:32:41

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Creator and Executive Producer Simon Cowell returns to the judges’ panel along with Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum and Sofia Vergara. Terry Crews, who made a big splash as the host of the inaugural series “America’s Got Talent: The Champions”, joins as host for “America’s Got Talent.” With the show open to acts of all ages, AGT 2022 continues to celebrate the variety format like no other show on television. Year after year, “America’s Got Talent” features a colorful array of singers, dancers, comedians, contortionists, impressionists, magicians, ventriloquists and hopeful stars, all vying to win America’s hearts and a $1 million prize.

Talent Recap is the #1 independent website which is exclusively dedicated to the fans of the most popular talent shows around the world. As passionate fans of these shows, we provide news, analysis and fan engagement on America’s Got Talent, Britain’s Got Talent, The Voice, The X Factor, American Idol, The Four, The Masked Singer, The World’s Best and its contestants.

America’s Got Talent 2021

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  1. YES the winner is ABI ! We voted for her, we loved her all along, and now we will follow her & we will love her even more ! Congratulations Abi nothing can stop you now, and we're excited to see where it leads you but we are very sure that you are destined for success & that your future shines brighter than the sun, never stop believing in yourself stay humble and smiling !

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