She could never go away, I don’t think, especially with the multiverse, think she’s I think she’s aware of what she’s what she’s done. but I think there’s more to to be had with her. Welcome back everyone It’s Charlie, Marvel just finally announced the Vision Series White vision is coming back. It’s official now. They just hired a showrunner. I’ll explain what’s going on we also found out when Scarlet Witch is coming back in another big announcement for another series, Marvel’s Wonder Man, which has a lot of Easter eggs for white vision in the comics of course I will do videos for when it releases So be sure to subscribe to get everything it is meant to be a sequel series to WandaVision, just like the Agatha Coven of Chaos show Or technically, it’s called Agatha All Along. I think that’s the official title those episodes will be coming later this year. They just had a small trailer video for it So I’ll do a breakdown of that as soon as possible. but it is wild it’s taken them this long to move on another sequel from WandaVision If it was so successful, like they greenlit the Agatha Show right away. But it took them forever to deal with White Vision. But the big news they announced this morning is they hired Terry Metallics, who just did Picard season three probably one of the most banger seasons of Star Trek. Anything from any Star Trek series. If you haven’t seen it, I would recommend checking it out. But just season three, that’s the only season that he did. He didn’t do the previous seasons. The episodes are scheduled for a 2026 release based on their production schedule, like their writers room actually just assembled right now. Like they’re actually physically started working on the show episodes themselves. thankfully, Marvel has finally revealed what they’re going to be doing with the character after the events of WandaVision. There were so many questions about that. he’s an Iron Man based character because he comes from Jarvis, Iron Man’s eyes, so a lot of people wondered if he’d show up during Armor Wars. but he kind of just flew off at the end of WandaVision, never to be heard from again until the next big Marvel project and Marvel just kind of waited to announce what’s actually going to happen. So if you remember in the finale, it was revealed that Tyler Heyward had been gaslighting Scarlet Witch that whole time in an attempt to get her to reactivate visions dead body with their chaos magic because they couldn’t do it using traditional means. sword had taken Vision’s body after Avengers Infinity War in Avengers Endgame, and tried to reactivate him using traditional mechanical means because he was worth billions and billions of dollars because of all the vibranium and technology in his body. the big X factor, though, to make another Marvel reference, was the mind stone in his forehead. Just because it was so important in creating his more humanoid personality. Like vision was meant to be the baby of Jarvis and Ultron, combined with a ton of vibranium and the mind stone. It was a very critical piece in Avengers Infinity War that they talked about. like how can we remove this without completely destroying him? It was a big Shuri storyline. People still wondering about that? What did Shuri do? Division. Was it going to work if Thanos hadn’t just ripped it right out of his forehead? in the storyline they adapted for White Vision on WandaVision, was basically taking it right out of the comics. in fact, right now they’re just calling the One Division sequel series for White Vision right now, Vision Quest, because that’s literally the name of the comic book story that White Vision comes from. and it’s basically what you saw happen during the course of WandaVision. They explained with his backstory, Vision gets destroyed, then put back together Humpty Dumpty style. But when they bring him back, they didn’t have Wonder Man’s brain patterns like they did the first time to give him his personality. So he came back as this very cold, unfeeling robot. This is where we have some Wonder Man Easter eggs, because obviously they changed a little bit for the MCU backstory. They use the mind Stone to give him the personality instead of Wonder Man’s brain patterns like they did in the comics. wonder man is a marvel character developing a series for right now. They just had a big announcement. I’ll explain in a second. But his real name in the MCU is Simon Williams. His day job is basically being an actor in Hollywood. Like he’s an LA based Marvel character, kind of like She-Hulk. when they created vision. They used his brain patterns to basically give him his humanoid personality so that he’s the vision that you think of when you think of vision from the comics. they put him back together during the Vision Quest storyline, he comes back as this cold, unfeeling robot, kind of like White Vision does on the series, like Minus the Mind Stone. He has no personality. He’s basically more like a robot than he was before. so the MCU Vision Quest series will mostly be about him dealing with all of Vision’s original memories that Hex vision unlocked during their final fight, which really wasn’t that much of a fight. It was more of like a Shakespearean argument, like a gentlemanly disagreement that they had between the two of them, like two nuclear bombs arguing with each other. which is a very vision thing to do. You remember all the Ship of Theseus memes? After hex vision had finished unlocking all those memories inside white vision. Because white vision basically is the original vision just minus the mind stone. he flew off into the distance to just process everything. in the whole idea is he’s going to be slowly remembering who he is and what his life was before. as part of that, Elizabeth Olsen Scarlet Witch is supposed to come back. They didn’t say how she’s going to come back. I think it’ll be a combination of different ways, like all the different ways you could bring an actor back. like. They have flashback scenes of her as he’s remembering things with her. then you have her actually coming back like the Scarlet Witch that we saw at the end of Doctor Strange two Multiverse of Madness. She didn’t die. If that wasn’t clear. we always knew she’d come back. The whole idea with Scarlet Witch is that she basically pulled down the Darkhold temple that Chthon had built. the big flare up of chaos magic there when the rock crumbled in on itself, was basically a small protective bubble forming around her like it was her own unconscious sense of self-preservation. They just automatically protected her from all that damage. so at least until they bring her back, she’s kind of like in this hibernation state. sort of like this weird limbo state. she was always going to come back for either Avengers five, Qing dynasty, but definitely Avengers six Secret Wars. It might not be two Secret Wars, but she can always come back for Avengers five as well. I know a lot of people also asking if Billy and Tommy are going to come back too, because they were little kids when the series ended, in a couple years go by, they’re going to be way bigger. my assumption is they’d invoke them in some way, but I’m not expecting a ton of scenes with them. they’ll also be using them in whatever Young Avengers series or movies that they wind up doing with that team of characters that they’re slowly putting together. But I think they’re waiting on Young Avengers till maybe after Secret Wars, just to give the kids more time to age up so that they can actually play teenagers. the funny connection to Wonder Man in the MCU, though, because obviously they’ve changed some of the backstory of Wonder Man. is it? Marvel just announced that Yahya Abdul-Mateen, the person who plays Black Manta in the Aquaman movies, the person who played Doctor Manhattan, also DC comics. So also another comic book character, is going to be their wonder man, which is actually a big surprise going from DC to Marvel. I guess that doesn’t imply good things for Black Manta inside the DC universe. everyone press F to pay respects for Black Manta. what they’re doing with the Wonder Man character in the MCU though, is there going with more of his actor storyline? So the whole idea is that Simon Williams day job is an actor, and they have a lot of these fake in universe Marvel parody movies, like the ones that you saw in Spider-Man Far From Home. James Gunn also had a version of this, like he did a version of Simon Williams Wonder Man in Guardians of the Galaxy two, but it kind of wound up being a deleted scene, like Nathan Fillion played a version of Wonder Man for him as Simon Williams. With all these fake Marvel movies, like he played a version of Tony Stark. He was in a bunch of other movies. they also got into this during Loki season two episodes. but part of the episodes take place in the 1970s, and during that particular episode they have a bunch of fake in-universe movies mixed with real movies from the 1970s, including King Goes First, movie. they even did a little bit of that during Moon Knight with Moon Knight’s backstory, like, there was this fake in universe movie that helped inspire one of his personalities. so Marvel’s just rolling with that idea and just developing their version of Hollywood inside the MCU, where a lot of these movies get made The showrunner of Wonder Man is also Daniel Cretton, the person who did the Shang-Chi movie. He’s also the person who’s directing Avengers five, Qing Dynasty. I’m not expecting a ton of crossover between MCU Wonder Man in the White Vision series, though. they’re much more connected in the comic. So it’s more of an Easter egg kind of thing. eventually. The idea, though, is that white vision will become more like the original vision without just completely resetting everything to what it used to be like. He is kind of a different character now, even though he has all of his original memories back. the whole white is it as he’s processing all of his memories, all that put together in his new parts, basically that form his body well result in him being a completely new person? So his relationship with Scarlet Witch when she comes back will also be a little bit different. Like, this is her vision, but kind of not her vision at the same time. So I don’t know if they’re going to continue to have a romantic relationship when she also comes back to. that’s one of the reasons why you didn’t see vision during Doctor Strange two in Multiverse of Madness. The way that Elizabeth Olsen explained it, though, like this was her own sort of in-universe explainer. this wasn’t something that Sam Raimi told to her. This was just something she came up with on the spot. when our Scarlet Witch went to the other universe to steal her children from the other version of Scarlet Witch. The reason why there was no vision in their Westview house is because, for some reason, that version of vision in that version of Scarlet Witch had broken up. like the 838 universe version of vision. Was not talking to this version of Scarlet Witch anymore. They weren’t together as a couple There were also a lot of memes about that at the end of WandaVision as well. Nami, and Wanda. We don’t talk no more. the other big question a lot of people had going into Doctor Strange two was why Scarlet Witch wasn’t looking for vision as well. Like we knew White Vision was out there, had all of Vision’s original memories. Why didn’t she care about him? the real answer is because Marvel was developing the spinoff series where he processes his memories end, they wanted to focus the story more on her finding her children. the in universe story based reason for her not looking for white vision, I think, is her emotionally moving on from vision himself, like her vision died. So she knew that white vision was not her vision, which is why she wasn’t rushing to go grab and bring him back. for those of you that are just asking when Scarlet Witch is coming back, we’re supposed to see her during the Agatha All Along episodes. At some point in some references and Easter eggs to her character, what really happened to her? So I’ll do a trailer video for that in the next couple of days. there was also a lot of early speculation that we might see a version of Vivian Vision show up on the series to the child that vision creates for him. Unlike his daughter, during some of the storyline that they’ve already adapted parts of in previous stories, he does create children for himself, so maybe we’ll see a version of that, but that’s just speculation right now. everybody just let me know in the comments what you want them to do with White Vision going forward early theory is that he also will not stay white vision like he will change back either into visions, original colors or a slightly different version of visions colors Just remember he is meant to be the original version of vision that lost and then regained his memories. So technically the old version of vision is back. they’ve been a bunch of brand new Deadpool and Wolverine trailers, click here for all my videos for that, and click here to learn about Thanos coming back in the new Nova series Thank you so much for watching, and I’ll see you guys in the next one!

Scarlet Wich and Vision Return. Marvel Vision 2026 Teaser Trailer, Wandavision Sequel, New White Vision Episodes Explained. What Happened To Scarlet Witch, Elizabeth Olsen, Deadpool and Wolverine & Avengers 5 Teaser ►
Thanos Returns
Deadpool and Wolverine Cinemacon Trailer
Fantastic Four Galactus First Look
X-Men 97 Season 2 Trailer
X-Men 97 Episode 10 Finale
Captain America 4 Trailer
Deadpool and Wolverine Official Trailer
Emergency Awesome New Videos

Covering new Wandavision Sequel Series. White Vision Explained. Vision Quest Episodes Explained. MCU Timeline, Scarlet Witch Returns, Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty, Avengers 6 Secret Wars. What happened to White Vision after Wandavision Episode 9 Post Credit Scene and Doctor Strange Multiverse Of Madness Post Credit Scene.

Why Scarlet Witch is still alive after the Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness Ending at the Darkhold Temple. Cthon God of Chaos Explained. Chaos Magic and future Scarlet Witch X-Men Movies and Crossovers. Young Avengers Teaser. Billy and Tommy Return, Wiccan and Speed.

Marvel Phase 5 and Marvel Phase 6 Movies connection. Other Wandavision Sequel Series and Spinoffs. Agatha Harkness Agatha All Along Trailer Explained. Marvel Wonder Man Announcement. How Wonder Man is connected to Vision and Scarlet Witch. Wonder Man Episodes Explained. And how they’re treating the character in the MCU. Deadpool and Wolverine MCU changes.

Lots more Marvel Trailers coming Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty Trailer, Avengers 6 Secret Wars Trailer & Captain America 4. More Fantastic Four videos soon too!

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  1. Fool me once….Wanda was my favorite character and a true inspiration for someone with lots of trauma and grief. I will not watch them bring her back just to sh@! on her again.

  2. I find that the actor of wonder man is going to be the actor who plays black manta and it's sad that he's not play black manta anymore so it's going to be interesting how he's going to play wonder man. F for black manta

  3. They have to bring back Ultron right??? That’s what I want them to do with white vision

    Because part of Ultron’s dna is inside vision so what if those people messing with vision to create vision unlocked those Ultron dna???? Like we can’t forget part of Ultron is inside vision

  4. I'd much, much rather have Nathan Fillion play Simon Williams and not just because I like Nathan as an actor. I am very much against race swapping of any sort.

  5. White Vision comes back and goes to look for scarlet witch, pulls her out of the rubble, she embraces him and kisses him thereby bringing his original colors back. And bam! The OG vision is back!

  6. I hope they still do the wonderman series,i dont think they will after she hulk flopped cuz it would probably be the same premise, being funny and all @hoodwood_comics

  7. I thought WandaVision would probably suck, but I thought it was kind of brilliant. That White Vision-ship of Theseus stuff was deep. I hope the next thing can be like that, not just kind of empty like Multiverse of Madness was, though parts of that show were cool.

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