Dwayne Johnson TRANSFORMS Into MMA Fighter in The Smashing Machine First Look

Benny safy writing and directing smashing machine with a24 with my best buddy Emily Blunt Dwayne Johnson enters a whole new ring with the pro wrestler turn movie star showing off his transformation into an MMA fighter on Instagram it’s our first look at Dwayne’s real life role in the smashing machine The Rock seemingly wearing facial Prosthetics to become mixed martial arts star Mark Kerr here we go Mark Kerr quickly going after his [Music] opponent yet no surprises here Dwayne hitting the gym before stepping on set who’s overseeing the biopic the Benny safy half of uncut gems directing Duo you and I know I like these guys the safty brothers their movies are incredible and the quote from Benny is winning is the enemy the actor and his director overseas last week at can they say we’ll see Dwayne on screen struggling with addiction winning love and friendship what the movie is saying is once you feel that Joy you also know okay you got to be careful cuz that Joy only lasts this long Benny safy writing and directing smashing machine with a24 with my best buddy Emily Blunt the very first time we met uh we instantly clicked Dwayne hoping to click again with his Jungle Cruise co-star Emily Blunt playing Mark’s wife as they navigate the 2000 set world of UFC fighting I used to enjoy calling him very sort of sweet cute things like he he text going all right I’m leaving now I’ll see you on set and I was like okay cupcake they’re FR of me fun going all the way back to 2019 at d23 and to have them go crazy and react that way and to have them go crazy for for for me no it was sort of Fairly lukewarm after a while it was like the initial like oh there he is and then it was like where’s she 10,000 I take you there myself I am my best Captain oh and you’re most smartest you never know how it’s going to be when you meet somebody you know you’re familiar with their work and um I had seen all of Emily’s movies she had watched none of mine so that worked out perfectly as for WWE fans it’s now literally the family business for the behind the-scenes stakeholder Dwayne showing up last month at WrestleMania alongside John Cena if you’re a what The Rock is you have fans of WWE they’re they’re excited but they’re thinking why why now number one why is very simple Michelle is that I love it I love what I do I love this world of wrestling I love pro wrestling I was born into pro wrestling I will always be a pro wrestler at heart and in Attitude too as well I’ll drop elbows on these fools around here don’t get it twisted don’t do it [Music] [Applause] [Music]

Dwayne Johnson reveals a first look at his physical transformation for ‘The Smashing Machine’ on Instagram. The WWE star turned actor now looks to the world of MMA, playing legendary fighter Mark Kerr in the Benny Safdie-directed biopic. Dwayne is joined by his old ‘Jungle Cruise’ co-star and playful press tour frenemy, Emily Blunt.


  1. He looks awesome can’t Walt and hope emliy BULT wii be awesome too and all the others people in this movie going to be awesome not a fan of ufc but still watching it because the rock in it and got fighting in it

  2. thats so weird , mark kerr is 55 years old , dwayne is 52 and he suppose to play a younger kerr ? hahaha dudes looking like nearly 60 in that pic

  3. You know whats way better then this? The rock, whos worth millions! Begging the rest of us to send him money for the maui fires. Glad the biden admin was there and sent them $700!! Those people were just so blessed to have the rock and oprah!

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