Dua Lipa Reveals “Training Season” was Inspired by a Bad Date | The Drew Barrymore Show

I want to talk about radical optimism first of all this image is so powerful it needs no words because it evokes so much thoughts and feelings but I would love to know what your intention was for it so this image to me it was um we were shooting for about 3 days for all the imagery for the album and we had taken two only two pictures of this shot it was really an accidental picture my immediate response to it was like that to me says radical optimism and there’s something about it that I feel like I look very calm collected and to me what feels really strong in what should be very dangerous Waters with a shark nearby and radical optimism to me is about being calm and graceful in the midst of the chaos in the midst of the madness it’s how do you walk through the fire when things aren’t going your way that’s when when you’re outside of your comfort zone that’s when you do the most growing that’s when your most like emotional maturity happens you have to go through the bad things to get to the good part I think that is the true essence of radical optimism through and through it’s it’s you know not necessarily being like you have to be happy all the the time but it’s more that things will always get better if they’re not good right now it will get better you just have to move through it cuz this is how you learn how you progress how you become more yourself how you understand yourself better and the world around you all right training Season the [Applause] song it’s pretty sweet is it about a bad date I think you could say that it’s really okay so so training season is this is like me in my singledom I went on a couple dates all terrible and I went into the studio with my friends Kevin to and Caroline and I went in and normally every studio session starts with a little chat a little gossip what’s happening what what’s been going on in my life and I just go guys training season’s over I’m done training up these boys no more and so that what started off as a joke turned into a lyric which then blossomed into a song and then we have training season which was almost like a manifestation because I believe that the words that I write I have to be careful what I write because sometimes I feel like they can come true because they become a mantra then I say them over and over so I just got to be careful you know I’m like willing this onto [Laughter] myself now if you’re done feeling like you’re training and we can all Embrace that I would like to learn from that I feel like I’m on that Tipping Point as well I have continually throughout my life made it about the other person I’ve also spent many many years being single and I have been so incredibly happy I I’ve made finally an investment in myself the way I have invested in others my whole life talk to me about being single well is it how should we feel about being single I think singledom is so important I feel like um so often when we find ourselves that we’re single we wish our singledom away looking for someone whereas when you’re alone who you are in the silence when you’re doing things that only you want to do when you’re taking care of yourself to hang out with the people that you love without wondering you know what someone else might want from you you’re constantly taking care of you that’s when you do your most learning that’s also when you become your most I don’t know you’re so self-sufficient that when somebody does come along you’re not codependent nor are you looking for a relationship that’s codependent or needing something of you because you can both be independent in your own and when you come together it’s wonderful so that time that’s spent alone is so vital to your growth and so important to enjoy the time that you have with yourself when do you love yourself the most I think loving yourself for me has been um has been a journey you know the the when you’re younger you have all kinds of insecurities and you’re you’re learning to to love yourself every day but to me I’m like if I can love myself a little bit more every day be thankful for my body that’s brought me here that allows me to do what I love that allows me to travel and dance and perform I should be grateful for it and um for you know you you kind of pick a thing that you love about yourself and you know how you are with other people I think that is also a way you know how you are with others is a way to also love yourself but also to take the time out to take the time alone to give yourself that Grace to not be hard on yourself um that is incredibly important I think when I show myself compassion and Grace and when things don’t go right and I go it’s okay you know baby steps if if you just do 1% better than you did yesterday maybe you’re on the right step you know you’re on the right path it doesn’t have to be 0 to 100 just one little thing that’s a little bit better than yesterday we have to be kinder to ourselves we we have that little voice it’s again it’s the same thing it’s we got to be careful what we say to ourselves because we’re going to end up believing it and so the more nice things we say to ourselves the more that becomes the Mantra that we want to channel and you start feeling better evidently it just naturally happens so why don’t we make the mantras and the things that we say to ourselves nicer so we can progress and grow rather than say demeaning negative mean things because you wouldn’t say that about someone else the things that you say about yourself fair you’re never going to say that about someone else so actually think about that for a second and be your own best friend and be nice to yourself and say lovely things and see what happens

Dua Lipa sits down with Drew Barrymore to talk about her new album, “Radical Optimism”, the story behind the album cover art, and how “Training Season” was inspired by a bad date she had.

#DrewBarrymoreShow #DuaLipa

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The Drew Barrymore Show is daytime’s brightest destination for intelligent optimism and maximum fun, featuring everyone’s favorite actor, businessperson, mom and cultural icon, Drew Barrymore! From news to pop culture, human interest to comedy – you’ll discover it here with Drew along with the beauty and wisdom, as well as the heart and humor in life.

Dua Lipa Reveals “Training Season” was Inspired by a Bad Date | The Drew Barrymore Show http://www.youtube.com/thedrewbarrymoreshow


  1. Dua is pregnant mark my words. I have a sixth sense for stuff like that. Come back for me later if I was wrong but I doubt it lol

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