Sofía Vergara Worked With Voice Coaches to Get Rid of Her Accent (2015)

because you’re you do a lot of comedy on TV and stuff they don’t realize how serious your climb to the top has been it’s been difficult it hasn’t been the easiest climb it’s hard when you have an accent yeah oh yeah and you’re smart you made a decision at one point you had gone to Voice coaches and all that stuff you were trying to get rid of your yeah of course I thought it’s like you know I’ll have more opportunities I didn’t understand why like for example Sal or Penelope didn’t still had those accents and they were working I’m like I’m going to go to LA and I’m going to fix it it wasn’t that easy I spent a lot of money a lot of time then I was doing very bad in the auditions because I was just thinking about the words not the acting right yeah you said that that’s interesting if you spend that much time thinking about how do I get rid of my accent yeah you’re not really acting anymore all you’re thinking about is it’s like almost like an actor who has to spend the whole time me like memorizing their lines those lines have to be you have to know your they have to be like organic and part of you and then when you’re like thinking about oh what is the word that is coming I have to put my tongue here or this and that because that’s the way you you produce the sounds it was an imer and and so I’m like e let’s try it if I with my accent if I get something I get something if no I go back to Miami aren’t you amazed you see a whole bunch of these actors from Australia they come in they have these thick accents and then they play Americans they I’m so jealous right it’s crazy how they do that but no it’s like it’s a talent they have a good ear it’s not you cannot you cannot teach that to not everyone can do it they seem easy no no no no you have to have that in you they put Nicole Kidman in a movie and all of a sudden she she can do whatever she wants I’m sure she can play me too with my accent you know Merl stre was uh known for doing accents for the longest time but you know something even forget putting the accent aside even for a young woman who wants to go into show business in a way they said because your of your beauty that it was even hard for you to get rolls because you you still have to be believable on camera and because you’re so hot who’s she playing it’s well it’s what you can’t play you know uh Norma Ray because you’re too hot but you know what but this is the thing it’s like I I I know my limitations um and I’ve never tried to go against it like you know I’m like just milking it what am I going to do it’s like you were smart you did you embraced your accent you said you know what that’s going to be me on camera and you went for it I didn’t go to my agent and said you know what I sent me to the next casting for Shindler right you know I I knew I’ll pass on that audition

Sofía Vergara shares details about working with voice coaches to get rid of her Colombian accent.

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