so I believe it’s pretty much common knowledge at this point that 2025 is going to be full of expensive failers especially for Marvel Studios under Walt Disney of course we know that everything going on between Bob AER and the board of directors are really in a constant shakeup right now about the direction of the Walt Disney Company and all of it the all of its divisions essentially after the recent firings of Pixar as well as other divisions that are going under the same exact type of situation that’s going to progressively occur throughout the rest of 2024 leading into next year this is Mike zero subscribe if you are new and like this video to see future updates you can also follow me at Mike 01 I thank you also very much for the great and kind support so at this point we know that Deadpool and Wolverine is the one Marvel movie that really stands any chance to making a decent profit now we know that the ticket sales The pre- Tick sales are really breaking a record at this point which is a good son for sha ly and Ryan Reynolds Rett Reese and Paul werick who worked so hard on this project who took a stand against Disney and how they got Disney to agree with their overall demands on really just caving into really following up with making this movie a pure R-rated movie now with that being said and all we know that there’s a lot of drama that came along with Deadpool and Wolverine and everything in between now on top of that here we know that everything related to all of the different cameos in this movie and all the different plans for the MCU has been nothing more than a mess all right there’s been a lot of uh drama happening between different actors and actresses producers Executives I mean the list goes on and on however all right with Bob berer beginning to panic over the f selling divisions at the Walt Disney Company while at the same time lying to the shareholders and customers one major development now has much to do with Taylor Swift who is actively involved with a series of negotiations with the Disney heads and Marvel Studios on not just a major role in the MCU but also recently fell into heated arguments with Disney after they decided to cut down her surprise cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine after a recent test screening for the film wasn’t that well received for the second act of the film that is going through a phase of fine-tuning right now as we speak it turns out that Swift’s role or more specifically two roles in Deadpool and Wolverine have been edited drastically not just in order to reduce the running time of the film but to also respond to the recent test screening that held tons of criticism the one major scene that was cut completely for Swift that was decided officially by Bob aiger was the negative reception of Swift’s of course Swift playing herself as the performer and singer everyone knows on stage for a concert where both Deadpool and Wolverine are reportedly fighting mutants and during a brawl in the crowd now this scene was taking place in the real world universe and was going to last a whopping 5 minutes long in length however to make matters worse for this drama piece at Marvel Studios is that the test screening for the film failed miserably only at the point where Swift’s concert scene popped up this has now officially cut out completely and Ryan Reynolds reportedly Had Creative differences with the Disney heads from making that call since he knows Swift very well even though both of course Ryan and Swift and of course the two of them also had their minor differences on the set about her two roles in the film that sparked outrage from Taylor and is already beginning to demand the Disney heads to reinstate the scene or to at least put it in the director’s cut now at of Iger and the board held a recent emergency meeting that took place over the direction of the MCU that Swift’s presence would bring in fans as far as they are concerned but didn’t want to overdo it at first for the Deadpool film Swift is still being paid for the scene however this is sparking aggressive arguments between Swift and those involved in the decision to delete the scene now director Shawn Levy reportedly had no problem with deleting the scene entirely since he wants to please Marvel fans as much as possible and in the end wanted to keep Taylor’s presence down to a bare minimum with a simple Cameo instead however shockingly Taylor is already in the talks with Marvel Studios to take part in a major Marvel project that is not associated with Deadpool and Wolverine and that Deadpool and Wolverine was basically her foot in the door to the MCU for a new Marvel character that fans have never seen before in liveaction now right now the battle between Swift and Disney continues as she is endlessly demanding Disney to include her scene playing herself in the planned Deadpool and Wolverine director’s cut for this holiday season leading into next year now before I move on about that all right this is a prime example of how Disney’s getting very greedy the fact that they’re using Swift and her audience to kind of drag in viewers to Deadpool and Wolverine I think it’s a cheap move to be honest guys I don’t know about you but look there’s no lying about the fact that she does have an audience that follows her I will never understand it myself I will be very open about that never understood it completely especially with her at her age right now but when you look at everything related to the fact that Disney is dragging her audience dragging her presence into Deadpool and Wolverine not just for one Cameo but how they almost had her involved in two cameos in Deadpool and Wolverine that was overdoing it as far as I’m concerned now we know that there’s been a lot of Rumblings that the one Cameo where she’s not playing herself in Deadpool and Wolverine is reportedly the dazzler all right we talked about this before in the past uh that was the one uh major giveaway a couple of weeks ago where on the set they had a costume that was pretty much near similar to The Comic version of the dazzler where Swift actually got to visit the set because of Ryan Reynolds going in there with her but what’s interesting about this again is that we know that de p and Wolverine regardless all right they want this movie to succeed this way in 2025 when they’re dealing with all of the complications and the challenges for movies like Captain America 4 blade Fantastic 4 and Thunderbolts they are going to be able to point the finger at 2024 and say look hey I mean we’re capable of doing something good right that’s what they want to say so moving on all right the film was originally going to be near 3 hours long in length and was of course shaved down due to the recent cutbacks it is now a tad over 2 hours long now swip’s arguments created awkward drama behind the scenes of Deadpool and Wolverine as it is of course the fact that she continues to talk for taking part in a Marvel series apart from this movie and that’s another thing that I think is going to only really infuriate a lot of fans out there if you have her star in a Marvel series I don’t really know how regular Marvel fans are going to react to that I mean I’m sure that people are going to be like just raising their arms in the air saying like Disney what the heck are you doing and walking away of course but at the same exact time I don’t think it’s going to save anything I don’t think it’s going to drag in any audience that are Marvel fans quote unquote it’s only going to drag in Taylor Swift fans to really kind of make this desperate attempt to convert them to Marvel fans that’s Disney’s little cheap tactic little cheap move to kind of enhance the MCU and it’s not going to work at all in the least as far as I’m concerned so I would really love to hear you know what everyone has to say about this ongoing scenario because we already know that Ryan Shawn Rhett and Paul all right the creators of Deadpool and Wolverine really I mean fought through and through to prevent as much uh nonsense from spilling into this movie as possible anything ranging from Dei to cringeworthy dialogue to unnecessary scenes that really just took away from the flow of the film I mean they really have have really stood stood up against Disney like we’ never seen before but anyway I would love to hear what you all have to say about this Below in the comments and if you guys did enjoy the content for today make sure to drop a thumbs up on this video to support the channel and I will catch you guys later [Music] h [Music]

With the new Deadpool & wolverine trailer now out to the public…one major development now involves more to do with those like Ryan Reynolds, Taylor Swift and even Bob Iger along with Kevin Feige…..one crucial update to this drama now involves taylor swift going up against disney after numerous cutbacks were applied to deadpool & wolverine.


Music in the outro is by Benn Down The Divider (Reprise) from his Zombies III Album.

Animated Intro Designed by https://www.youtube.com/user/w0r3xDCze



  1. They just don’t learn they are trying so hard to push swift into a place where she doesn’t belong this is going to piss off everyone even swiftys because marvel fans don’t want her and her fans are going to be upset she didn’t have a bigger role 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  2. Taylor should SWIFTLY leave Deadpool & Wolverine and THE REST OF THE EFFEN MARVEL UNIVERSE! Give us the Rolling Stones or maybe even the Tubes! 😉

  3. We only get 2 hrs of deadpool?
    I'd totally sit in a theater to watch three hours of Ryan Reynolds deadpool. Especially after they've fought so hard to make it a good movie.

  4. I don't much value the opinions or tribulations of manufactured pop stars. Swift is nothing but an artificially made and branded commodity for the sole purpose of separating
    13 year old girls from their money. Frank Zappa was right about all of this.

  5. why are people complaining about this? it was conformed 1 month ago that she would be playing the role of the dazzer and that her role would be reduced to a 1 min cameo by ryan reynolds. also do people remember a movie from 5 years ago called avengers endgame where one of the most hated actresses of all time had only a 2 min cameo called brie larson.

  6. Putting Traylor Trash in your Movie is definitely a deal breaker for me! Sorry if I'm not an overly dramatic, emotionally stunted girl who's tone deaf and bitter about every guy she ever opened her legs too! What's the difference between Taylor Swift and a jumbo jet? Not everyone has been in a jumbo jet!

  7. I’ll defend Taylor swifts scenes, the cameo as the dazzler is a must. It doesn’t need to be long. but out of all the current pop star influences Taylor has a huge influence, whether it’s a sheer love or complete hatred. You all gonna react.

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