Travis Kelce reacts to teammate Harrison Butker’s controversial speech: “I cherish him as a teammate. I think Pat said it best where he is every bit of a great person and a great teammate”

Posted by Sufficient_Motor_458


  1. OkayishFlamingo on

    “And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, that’s just not who I am.”

    I guess it’s easier to think this when the shitty views don’t affect you and your rights and your place in society. Cool. I’m definitely judging though.

  2. Ahh religion. If your religion teaches you to have objectively abhorrent and shitty views that means your religion is objectively abhorrent and shitty. Not that it’s okay to be a horrible person cause of your freedom to believe whatever dumbass shit you want.

    I’d already suspected that Travis is the same kind of dude as Butker though so it fits.

  3. RonSwanson1081 on

    Yet another “well, he’s nice to me and my friends, so I have no reason to think otherwise.” It’s okay to criticize your pals, sometimes.

  4. ScientistFit9929 on

    If a religion teaches you to hate a whole gender of people you’re in the wrong religion. His views are NOT Christianity, he’s a fundie and should just own it.

  5. capitalistfailures on

    Imagine having a pop star girlfriend or tons of female family members and still defending men that have no respect for the women in your life. Does he really think the women in his family are safe, or does he just not care about their wellbeing? I’ve said it before but men are the biggest enablers of abuse toward women. They will even accept their own family to be abused and mocked if they’re women.

    Also, Taylor Swift is the biggest pick me hypocrite and fake feminist right now. If she had any self respect she would ditch this airhead. But she won’t. Because she doesn’t care about women unless it directly benefits her.

  6. Actual-Astronaut-604 on

    “He’s nice to me” is such a shit attitude. You know who was nice to me? My elementary school classmate’s father. He’s in prison for multiple sexual assaults now, but he was nice to me!

  7. Makes sense, isn’t that effectively Taylor’s stance on most issues too? It doesn’t matter to them until they’re personally affected. Birds of a feather and all that.

  8. amberissmiling on

    If you are homophobic, you are a piece of shit. You are not a good person, I don’t care how often you go to church and how much you pretend to care about other people. If you are homophobic, you are a piece of shit.

    If you take up for homophobic people that makes you homophobic as well, and congratulations, you are now a piece of shit too. Them’s the rules.

  9. Cheyanne1111 on

    Oh, good, another thing I can put in my arsenal when someone asks me “why don’t you like Travis?”

  10. DarthVadersVersion on

    What a completely unsurprising response. 🙄 Honestly, did he even need to respond to this? I could have told you what he’d say anyway.

  11. alittlebeachy on

    It’s really been a week of the Chiefs being trash—Patrick, Andy, and now Travis, although I never expected any different from any of them.

    But I’m so sick of people, especially white men, think we have to respect every one’s opinion because “that’s the great thing about America!” No, that’s fitting for things such as pineapple belonging on pizza or not, not peoples rights. And, I’m so sick of the notion “well they’re nice to me sooo.”

    I would also like to remind people that Travis adopts and drops black culture as he sees fit

  12. earlyviolet on

    “he is every bit of a great person”

    Sir, I would like to submit his recent misogynistic comments for the record to demonstrate that he, in fact, is not.

  13. JenningsWigService on

    He won’t condemn someone else’s abhorrent comments? Seems like proof that he is Taylor Swift’s soulmate!

  14. I remember when this sub dug up all his fatphobic and misogynistic tweets. This dude is the worst

  15. Wait but the Swifties said that Travis would come to Taylor’s defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /s

  16. We need to stop calling bigotry, sexism, homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc “views”, “opinions” and “beliefs” they are none of the above. What they really are, are all the words I just listed. If peoples bigoted behavior keeps getting excused because it’s their “belief” then the world will never progress.

  17. i hate people like this. just openly admitting that fascist views are nbd and hey, they’re nice to me so whatevs.

    we’re already doomed as a species, but just knowing there are so many people out there who don’t even give a shit is just…sad.

  18. GarySparkle on

    Character isn’t about judging people based on how they treat you. Characer is about judging people based on their shitty treatment of others.

  19. Huh? How hard is it to disavow a man talking down to a room full of women graduating? Embarassing

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