Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga – Doug Reviews

hey everybody sorry I don’t have an Untitled review show this week the uh fatigue the brain fog caught up with me again and I guess while I’m at it I’ll give you a little bit of a health update here real fast um I did see an expert about what’s going on and why the fatigue and brain fog is still with me almost a year after getting shingles now and the assumption is cu we did all these tests and they all came back negative they’re all fine um is that I probably got covid was asymptomatic and that’s probably what gave me shingles about a year ago cuz I guess they are seeing connections that uh Co can activate that especially cuz I’m a younger person to get shingles and the theory is that it left me with either long covid or a mutation of long Co and the shingles fatigue and brainfall that usually follows after it so there’s no clear sign when it’s going to go away there’s really nothing they can do especially with long Co because there’s it’s a newer disease you know they don’t know a ton about it yet uh so and they said pretty much the only way to test for it is to test everything else and if it’s not all those things it’s probably this so I don’t want to go through a ton of tests you know I just went through the ones like the obvious ones that would be really bad and that doctors can do something about and they’re like yeah they’re all negative you’re healthy and everything so I’m just going to have to wait it out and it’s going to take a little bit time I’m sure it is getting better as I always say it is getting better but it will pop up still and knock me out for you you know could be an hour could be half a day but it’s not a whole day anymore it’s not a whole week anymore that’s good but this week it did get in the way uh but I still want to give you my thoughts on uh furiosa here because I was invited to an early screening I definitely want to give my thoughts about it and thankfully it’ll be a quick review because uh it’s pretty straightforward it’s a good movie if you like the Mad Max Universe if you liked the world or the style I should say of Fury Road the last one this is very much in that vein visually in terms of Storytelling it’s a little closer to I say the first Mad Max where Fury Road was very much a very long Chase I think that was kind of the challenge of the movie is can we just tell a story that’s basically one long Chase uh this one’s a little bit more return to formula with it where it’s telling the story of one person you know pretty much the Observer of this crazy crazy world and kind of like the previous Mad Max uh the previous Mad Max movie you forget the main character is in it some times and I think that is intentional I think like Max furiosa is definitely supposed to be the Observer of the Strange World the movie definitely gets lost in its apocalyptic apocalyptic future and these crazy weird characters that I love I love being in this world I love seeing the cool designs and everything uh but with that said there is still not only a story following this character but a story that spans uh years you know over this lifetime if I’m right I don’t think I’ve seen a Mad Max movie that’s really done that before where they’ll definitely follow the character for like you know a couple days or couple weeks or something like that but I haven’t seen one that spans over a year so that’s something that’s a little new to it the film itself doesn’t have a ton that’s new again it’s just kind of combining stuff that we’ve seen in the other MX movies but haven’t been combined in this way and what’s interesting about the style this time around is at first I was a little distracted by the fact that the CG backgrounds were a little bit more fake or at the very least the keying was a little fake and at first I found that a little distracting but then the more I watched it particularly the style of it it had a little bit more of an exploitation film vibe to it kind of like the first film was if you compare the first film to the later films they’re very very different at least in style uh so and the reason I think that is cuz there’s also shots and maybe they did this in Fury Road I can’t remember where they’ll have you know maybe somebody driving or something like that or an action sequence and maybe the camera will track in a little bit but then they’ll use like a digital Zoom to go in on the camera I don’t even think it’s a zoom on the camera what that means is that if you’re going to track in on something you know you move the camera closer to something if you’re going to just zoom in the camera stays still and you zoom it in and that digital Zoom is you don’t do anything with the camera just on computer you bring the image closer there’s a lot of that in this film and I’m 99% % sure it’s intentional and I think it does give it a little bit more of an exploitation film Vibe and I like that uh it took a little getting used to but but I do like it the action is still great again not quite as consistent as Fury Rog because it’s not just one long chase scene but still pretty great the acting especially from Chris hensworth he’s just having a ball in this movie I mean he just went all out and created this very strange original character from scratch it’s really not like anything I seen him do before and it’s very over the top very silly very funny and very threatening too he’s kind of like I don’t know pompus guest Don maybe you know he has this voice going on a lot of the time I’m not even kidding he really does this voice a lot at the time and it works for me I can see some people maybe being distracted by the fact that he’s doing this voice but I just thought was really entertaining and he just threw himself into the role the only thing I didn’t like about is that they give him this fake prosthetic nose and it looks bad it’s really distracting they might have given him fake teeth too I’m not sure he definitely does this a lot you know kind of thing so they maybe they gave him fake teeth but that didn’t bother me too much uh but because I saw it on IMAX I could see sometimes on the close-ups like where like the fake nose would stop and the real nose would begin you know like where they use the little spear gum to connect and everything and it was just super super distracting and it’s not needed I think his performance is enough to really transform it into a totally different character because everything else about him just looks like typical Chris hensworth like the Beard’s a little longer maybe a lot longer than what we’re used to but really the performance is what sells it uh Anya Taylor Joy is good as fosa it was very easy to buy her in the role the one issue I have with her character though I actually didn’t mind too much that again you forget sometimes she’s in the movie because again I feel like that’s part of the world and part of just the identity of the world is that you can literally get lost in it to a point where you kind forget the main characters even there uh but the thing that did throw me off is that she talks very little in the film which is fine but she talks so little and then when she does speak she does her speaking roles very well and you know she’s legit intimidating and everything but I’m thinking to myself man she talks so little in this that when she does it’s almost distracting I would have preferred either the do have her talk throughout most of the movie I mean she doesn’t have to give like these big speeches or anything but you know make her a little bit more verbal or don’t make her talk at all until like maybe she gets her revenge or something like that like she makes a vow to herself or something because you read the character differently I mean she is so expressive I mean that’s something that’s just always great about she has these very expressive eyes you know it’s very uh these Great Expressions all the time and I’m feeling like man if they want to just ride that out throughout the whole movie that might have worked even better because there is so much visual storytelling in Mad Max particularly the last one Fury Road uh just threw so much at you like so much story just in the visuals and what people were wearing and how they held themselves and how the environments were in the different places that they go and that is here but there’s more dialogue in it than at least probably more than Fury Road and again I get making her mostly quiet but I feel like you could have just really just gone all the way with it like maybe she decided not to talk until she finally get her got her Vengeance or something like that so it definitely has the harshness as well this is a very mean tough gritty movie uh there was a part of me that I kind of thought well okay it’s technically not a madmax movie it’s a madmax saga it’s in the madmax world so I thought are they going to go are they going to do something different are they going to do something lighter with it and they really don’t uh they go really really aggressive and really really silly it’s super over the top the uh I won’t give it away but the way she loses her arm is so ridiculous um and with that said there are moments where characters definitely make bonehead moves again I feel like that’s kind of in all the Mad Max movies as well there are in that moment where she loses her arm I’m asking wait n how did that happen but how did nobody see that happen in this there’s a few moments like that but again I think the idea is to get lost in the action in the world in the environment in these weird crazy characters that either some either do too much talking or no talking whatsoever and again just let you know the attitude and um you know the way they react to everything do all the talking it’s not quite as good as Fury row Fury row is still my favorite and I have the unpopular opinion that the madmax movies only got better and better as they kept going uh I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be better than Fury Road uh I think the fact that it was a spin-off film it didn’t want to keep the MX story going I was kind of going like okay well that gives them permission to experiment a little bit more and surprisingly they don’t experiment as much as I thought they would but for me that’s not a big deal because I love this world uh I was kind of the same way with the second Sin City movie everybody loved the first one and then didn’t get into the second one and I just love that world so much they have they just give me more the same I’m very okay with that so I really like the second Sin City and I really like this I think everything is giving you pretty much what you want to see out of a movie like this it’s a good IMAX movie I did see it on IMAX I actually had an earlier screening I could go to but it wasn’t on IMAX I’m like no I’m seeing it on the biggest screen I can it’s worth it the only downside is like I said you see the little makeup on Chris hemworth uh in his nose that doesn’t always look great um but they definitely lean more into the idea also that this is you know that there’s Legends in this world that the continuity in these movies isn’t always straightforward and that’s intentional again there’s sort of different stories told about these characters and even the ending without going into spoilers uh it does play up the legend element it’s a little bit Choose Your Own Ending and I like that I think that works in this environment in this world that does have so much lore and you know different types of lore and different stories being told so all of that is great um I think the one thing that probably holds me back from absolutely loving it CU like I said I do love this world is that like I said there could have been a little bit more I don’t want to say chances taken but they could have especially with a different character a character that’s not madmax they could have done a few more different things I wanted to see a little bit more new from it because if you are going to tell a story like this why not just do it with madmax you know why not just go more into his origin or something like that not at all to say I don’t you know that I enjoy furiosa I like both uh shery thin and imer Anya Taylor Joy’s take on the characters but I would have liked if they experimented just a little bit more with it but yeah again even just giving us a Mad Max Style movie that you know is very similar to the ones we’ve seen before or even just combining ones we’ve seen before like I said with Fury Road and the original I’m very okay with that I feel like people that like these movies and like this world will get into this one I don’t know if it’s going to be anyone’s favorite but I think it’ll still for me it’s still pretty high up there um it’s I’m again I’m one of the few that really liked uh Thunderdome that was my favorite before Fury Road honestly so it’s somewhere in between uh Fury Road and Thunderdome for me I do like it more than Road Warrior I do like it more than the original but it these movies definitely are the type of films where it’s kind of pick your poison because the original is much more lowbudget and and gritty I mean there’s not a desert Wasteland or anything like that but as they go more and more onward they get to more of the big budget and the deserts and stuff like it looks more apocalyptic but the first one has that lowbudget feel to it and like I said that exploitation Vibe so it’s a little bit of choose your own poison and I like this idea of combining sort of the different styles or even the different Legends if you want uh one of the things that they say in this movie they always say they’re looking for a land of abundance what this is It’s a film of abundance I never really got bored watching it it’s a very long film I never really got you know tired of the length of the movie or anything because there’s always something amazing to look at even some of the replacement actors like they got a different one to do uh Morton Joe I think the original actor isn’t with us anymore and he looks exactly the same I mean we we dress up Rob my brother as the character he looks just like the character it’s actually not hard to recreate how that character looks but the voice is very different and he still sounds great and again I like that I like it wasn’t an imitation I like he was doing his own thing I mean they even replace Max in the movies and you know they don’t sound anything alike but that’s okay I want them to give their own spin on the characters and they really really work so um it’s definitely strange it’s definitely weird it’s definitely super violent and super aggressive and uh very very mean-spirited uh but I again I think that’s what you’re looking for in a Mad Max movie or a Mad Max spin-off and uh I had a good time with it I don’t know where they’re going to go after this if they’re going to do another Mad Max spin-off movie or another Mad Max film I’m not sure but anything George Miller wants to do in this world I am for it a million perc cuz I just love coming back to this place and looking at all the different costumes and props and things going in the background and the foreground and the designs of every place so it is just a feast for the eyes in that way in that respect I mean just the World building in it is so much fun I mean I feel like you could just make a film just having someone literally walk through this world and nothing happens and it would still be incredibly entertaining that’s like how rich and interesting the world is and the character uh characters that you discover so yeah I really enjoyed it what did you all think did you think that this is just in the same vein as the madmax movies and it’s what you’re looking for and you’re so happy returned to this place or are you sick of these films and you do want something more original or I should say new from this series or maybe you’re like a furios is not interesting enough we want Mad Max he’s the you know better one to focus on or you somewhere in between where you’re like yeah you know what it’s no Masterpiece but kind of gives me all the blood guts and Glory that I’m looking for in a madmax film let me know what your thoughts are and I’ll see you next time take care

Doug gives his thoughts on George Miller’s return to the world of Mad Max…without Mad Max. What are your thoughts on Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.

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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is a 2024 post-apocalyptic action adventure film co-produced and directed by George Miller, who co-wrote it with Nico Lathouris. It is the fifth installment in the Mad Max franchise, serving as both a spin-off and prequel to Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), focused on the character Imperator Furiosa, originally portrayed by Charlize Theron. The film stars Anya Taylor-Joy and Alyla Browne as younger versions of Furiosa, alongside Chris Hemsworth and Tom Burke.

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