William Frawley was forced to play roles #shorts

William folley was forced to play roles that made him miserable when William folley joined I Love Lucy he had a poor reputation many Studio Executives opposed his casting as Fred MZ urging lucill and Desi to find someone else however Desi despite his own reservations was ad demit about hiring William for the role William was hired for the show following Desi’s gut instinct but he was only given the role of Fred MTZ under the explicit condition that he would significantly reduces alcohol consumption this wasn’t the sole unusual requirement it’s also been mention that the contract included provision freeing William from work obligations if the Brooklyn Dodgers reached the World Series lucil and Desi were delighted to accommodate Williams love for sports as long as he upheld his end of the deal by consistently delivering strong performances on the show while William undoubtedly delivered excellent performances portraying Fred MZ as a standup character it’s evident that he struggled with sobriety during filming

When William Frawley joined “I Love Lucy,” he had a poor reputation. Many studio executives opposed his casting as Fred Mertz, urging Lucille and Desi to find someone else. However, Desi, despite his own reservations, was adamant about hiring William for the role.


  1. Lucy and Ethyl were certainly the best characters on the show. Fred was an unpleasant man. I think they could have done a lot better than William Frawley, he wasn't funny at all. The show was great in spite of him. It's hard to believe this man had such a great acting career.

  2. Even at such a young age when I watched the show, it seemed odd to me how much older he was than the rest of the cast. I wish they would have chosen wiser.

  3. How could you Force somebody to To play-acting rolls.They don't like when they agreed to the Terms of the contract and Wilfully signed the dotted line

  4. I think they’re off screen hatred for each other added to the on screen banter. They were brilliant together. If only they could have swallowed their pride and hate, the spin off would have been classic tv.

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