Clark Gable and his fateful meeting with Marilyn Monroe

the sex symbol of America in the’ 40s of the last century one of the pillars of Hollywood all this Clark Gable an actor without whom the pictures It Happened One Night Mutiny on the Bounty Gone With the Wind would never have become part of the golden fund of world Cinema Clark was born in the first year of the 20th century in the state of Ohio his father William Gable worked as an oil well driller as he owned his own drilling Rick his mother Ardine suffered from a serious illness and died shortly after the birth of her son at first his father left his grandparents to take care of the one-year-old and then married for the second time he took the boy in with him the stepmother Jenny dlap turned out to be an intelligent and very kind woman she took care of Clark as if he were her own child teaching him good manners piano playing neatness and respect for others while studying at school the boy learned brass instruments and played in the town band as well as attended the school theater Studio his father having leared about his son’s Hobbies bought a farm on which Clark had to work from dawn to dusk so that there was no time left for his favorite activities William believed that this was the way to make his son a real man maybe we wouldn’t have recognized the great actor if it hadn’t been for Jenny she stood up for her stepson explained to her husband that the guy wants to become an artist and William gave in and many years later Gable called the best time to live live in the house of his father and stepmother who turned out to be the most dear to him at the age of 16 Clark decided to start an independent life he moved to the city of eon where he got acquainted with the artists of the local theater once they invited him back staged during a performance and then the young man finally realized that he was not interested in anything but an artistic career he asked for a job at the theater where the only pay was tips he lived in the theater and was happy about it in the meantime his relationship with his father had finally broken down his stepmother had died and Clark had nothing to hold him back he went to Kansas City where he worked part-time as a stage hand in the theater as well as any other kind of work once in Portland Gable began to attend acting classes Josephine Dylan the teacher immediately Drew attention to the handsome student and soon engaged with him alone Josephine was older than Clark for 13 years but this did not prevent them from marrying she saw him as a Hollywood actor and therefore invested in Gable to the maximum Dylan took him to dentists and stylists coaches and speech therapists and after a while the diamond turned into a skillfully cut diamond and Hollywood began to gradually subdue him first there were a few silent films the white man forbidden Paradise North Star and then came the sound Gable who by this time had already divorced Josephine signed a cont with Metro Goldwin Meyer and starred in more than a dozen films in 1931 alone however the actor’s relationship with the studio did not work out and he moved to another Colombia which at the time was considered second rate nevertheless it was there he starred in the film It Happened One Night which brought Clark Oscar for best actor but the tape that made Gable a favorite of all time and peoples was undoubtedly Gone With the Wind his last work in the cinema was the film The Misfits where Gable played with Marilyn Monroe these shootings were given to the 59-year-old actor Hart and two weeks after their completion Clark Gable had a second heart attack the king of Hollywood did not become

Clark Gable is one of the most famous Hollywood actors of the 20th century. He got his start in silent cinema and appeared in hundreds of films, including Gone with the Wind as Rhett Butler. But was he really happy in life?


  1. Apparently when he was a bit actor he rumoured that he would hustle his body to males in the business for work.
    And he was quite the male whore!
    Mind you the studio really protected him once he was a star.

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