the main reason why Sandra reality became a reactor | nelo okeke London trip

yes my people come and sit down let me just you gu what been going on the recent happening if you never hear let me be the first person to tell you a lot is going on the street of YouTube I’m like who am I not to chip in I mean that’s my job that’s my job to be talking about our sister what they call Sandra reality Sandra Sandra Oh my gosh it’s be 12 days now I see Sandra Mak reaction videos to celebrities I said okay let me see let me let me just give her time maybe she’s just doing it because you know it is her content blog era when I make content blog they don’t know what to post anymore so I said okay let me just give her time but then for 12 days she has been doing this 12 days is almost 2 weeks it’s just two days to complete two weeks I say ahh what’s going on here I took out my time I watch how she’s reacting I said okay now you start to wonder why is she sing from lifestyle to reaction come let me tell you now first thing first Sandra decided to be reacting to celebrity G example she has reacted to Junior Pope she has reacted to eony she has reacted to moread situation I say okay why is she not reacted to YouTubers it’s because she has bigger numbers than USS so you tell me why would she react to USS that people will actually watch I mean she does not want to consent so low stoop so low to that level of come I be reacting to us the small creator is not possible not everybody can do that and I also feel like YouTuber G like that it will not make you go viral but you see with celebrity G because they have tons of friends thousands millions trust me you can easily go viral with celebrity G it is not hard so far you know how to title your video and a good thumbnail as well so that’s why um I would say most of them are doing celebrity G now again netive view don’t they open everybody eye native view don’t they open everybody eye because actually n has reviewed the best n here on YouTube everybody I don’t the open because now here the morning day this is the blood money and I welcome her to the street of reaction but another thing you guys don’t know about Sandra is that Sandra in fact has already been talking on Facebook before she came on here on YouTube Sandra already have a community on Facebook I’m telling you for free I have said it before before and I’ll say it again she already had Community before coming here on YouTube but when she noticed that YouTube was paying her more than Facebook she immediately just switched and abandoned her page on Facebook then Sandra no know say she go feel monetized content for Facebook yes she didn’t know her eye don’t open now to say Facebook get monetization now Sandra say okay let me jump in Sandra started reacting to celebrity G the videos you are seeing on her Channel and claiming it to be her second Niche it is actually from Facebook that she’s importing to YouTube she make that video specifically for Facebook but at the end of day maybe she do not get the views there she tried to bring it down here to YouTube at least to get something out of the effort she made in making those video do you understand so it is not a new thing that Sandra reality is doing reaction because she has been doing win it not today but it is solely on Facebook but now she’s decided to bring it down here to um YouTube although she was not consistent of Facebook before let me not forget that she wasn’t consistent she is just off and on off and on today she go do and tomorrow she not go do she can go a month two month without uploading on her on her Facebook but she will be consistent here on YouTube because at least she get monetization here but for Facebook now she has to start a fresh we she will continue to make video so that she can meet up with her monetization and if you also look at Sandra’s reality she has people that know how to monetize you um Facebook because it’s not everybody that know how to monetize Facebook I have tried it and not work for me I say make I enter house because I don’t still understand that so Sandra hires such people in within her Circle to actually put her through which is the Facebook monetization so those celebrity um G that you guys are seeing on her channel is not solely for YouTube it’s mainly for Facebook book so she’s just bringing them here importing them down to um YouTube recently n KK who is a famous YouTuber here on the street of YouTube went to London for vacation with a family I’m like this is premium om this is oou lifestyle this is oogo Vibes is not meant for everybody you know I cut my time I watch the video but I noticed that uch wasn’t there if you don’t know uch uch is her house help a popular house help here on the street of YouTube she has her own Channel with thousand of subscribers but she’s not consistent is that why we here no it’s none of my business and also not n’s for as well so that’s on her moving back to n they went for vacation I’m like okay this is nice I mean wouldn’t want that for themselves but the thing you guys don’t know as the subscribers or as the viewer is that that video is the throwback video M that video is the throwback video because number one that’s what we content creator we do we do not upload real time we can never share our real time in everything that is happening in real time particularly your location we don’t share it in real time that video must have been a month old or at least 3 weeks old before she decid to update the subscribers which is okay by me because I mean why would you want to update strangers or line that this is what is happening in your life like recently mm so we always do this with this with the YouTu ERS we do throwback video it is not recent which I like secondly why I say that video is Throwback is because if you take a look at it n children they don’t need to go to school so she cannot say school is the section and she will not take her children to London for vacation when she made that video was when her kids were on meid break you know the last mid break that you guys had in Nigeria mhm that was when they made that video and I’m 80% accurate and that’s for a fact so if you don’t believe me do your ma because children are going to school there are other things to consider as well before taking vacation to London there is this video that I saw online I’m like okay this has been trending and nobody is saying anything about it teenagers the way they bully themselves in secondary school nowadays it is quite alarming please if you have children particularly teens try to advise them and tell them how to control their emotions because this video that I watched somebody died instantly in the school as a parent you will send your child to a school the next thing the school the school will call you and tell you come and take your child’s dead body it is not my portion it is not your portion in the name of Jesus so that’s why I say please if you have teenagers try to advise them because this video this video is quite disturbing and to think that people were there watching nobody did anything about it nobody tried to separate them nobody did nothing everybody was fing this is the problem with the social media with the internet everybody is trying to fil content so that they can be say oh I am the original Creator I am the this I am the that everybody is creating content so when they eventually F and the girl pushed the other girl she hit her head like this yeah she hit her head on the bench and that was how she collapsed if you watch the video blood was gushing out from the NES and you know this is very very dangerous that’s the crucial place this place is very crucial for the human part of the body like this head like this very very Cru you can even break your spine if you hit your neck like this from your neck downwards is where your your spine starts from that’s your spine if you break your spine how tell me how do you want to start working again you will become paralyzed so parents please to avoid such case such scenario please and please advise your children it is okay to walk away from trouble and let them not be a troubl maker so guys let me know what you think do you think more YouTubers will actually switch their names from um lifestyle content to reaction I am just laughing because so many of them they will talk down on this Niche but at the end of the they would do it but Sandra is one person that has never spoken or said anything bad about reaction Niche it’s just the way some people say it or react to it that’s what she’s actually against so she has never said bad thing against this reaction n so if she’s back to reaction I welcome her you it sell it go sell more than her lifestyle content is not it’s no fallacy is May fat because that’s you can actually go viral with celebrity juice so for me you get Ginger you need that Ginger if you know all of these things you can go viral just like n anyways guys that’s everything for today’s video let me know your thoughts in the comment section as us I’m going to see you guys the next one to the bless and save bye-bye


  1. Is actually easy to monetize your facebook page I prefer Facebook than YouTube because you get more views if you are into reacting. Me I don switch from hair videos to reacting and am getting the views

  2. Money Dey Facebook ooo and I don enjoy am small when I was in turkey but when I left they demonized me just waiting for them to open monetization for Nigeria by June

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