Scarlett Johansson FURIOUS After OpenAI Uses Her Voice For New AI Companion

from NBC News Scarlet Johansson says she was shocked and angered when she heard a chat GPT voice that sounded like her the her actor released a statement following open AI pulling its sky voice from chat GPT which many people sounded like her this is the degree of insanity in which we are currently living if an AI sounds too much like a celebrity the celebrity complains and then they pull the AI even though it was not actually based on her voice Scarlet Johansson said on Monday that open AI used an eerily similar voice to hers for their new chat GPT 40 chatbot despite having declined the company’s request to provide her voice blah blah blah I guess just of a story is they did offer she said no and so they found someone else who uh sounded kind of like her to use her voice instead but then she was like hey that sounds too much like me oh my God this is this is intellectual property law complete sham it’s got to be strick and it’s garbage all the way down I think uh the reason why I wanted to get into the AI subject and this was certainly an Open Door is that uh the end is here my friends I believe it’s the end uh it was nice knowing all of you and um I am preparing to live in a van down by the river the reason is there is an increasing Trend that uh um Tik Tok videos are are going away you know what people are doing they’re making completely AI generated videos in every way so uh eight years ago between six and eight years ago we had this elsagate Fiasco on YouTube where people were using computer programs to autogenerate videos that they could upload to Youtube that would manipulate the algorithm and they’d make money the problem is at this point the computer generated videos were rudimentary at best they would write a simple program that says like first they created an animation two figures doing taichi and and dancing to a poorly recorded version of finger family a a nursery rhyme then they wrote a simple script saying choose at random these uh uh skins for the figure it could be the Incredible Hulk it could be a Hitler it could be a woman in a bikini any combination of colors and so there was one that was funny where it was Hitler’s head on a woman’s body in a bikini doing ta CHI with the Hulk YouTube quickly saw this and said no no no no get this stuff out of there and deleted it it was up for a little while these view these videos were getting thousands and tens of thousands of views and making money for people but it was so ridiculous they got rid of it AI is improved and now if you open up Tik Tok or Instagram you will see videos that are completely AI generated where it’s like a CGI man and he’s like on a pogo stick and then the voice goes did you know the world record for pogo sticks hops is 1,274 and it’s playing this song it’s like you’ve heard the song I know you have and these videos all have millions and millions and millions of views but they are not crazy someone and and it’s 100% AI mhm the the the uh the the the AI chatbot program pulls a factoid generates a quick video of it and then or it’s like a random selection of Clips related to the keywords and then an AI generated voice says it with text appearing on the screen Auto uploads it and this is replacing all media with chat GPT voice and stuff like this people aren’t going to talk to people anymore they’re not they’re not going to listen to podcast you’re going to get a call from your well in my case I get a call from supposedly my son I need you know x amount of dollars I’m going to you know I mean they’re going to be able to simulate your voice entirely and you could you could use this to rob people to scam them all kinds of stuff I’m just saying you know but also reality you’re talking about the fact that we’re living in a simulation that’s the problem we we we are going to be living in a simulation not even in the Matrix but with a with a with you know people I I love the podcast era it was it was amazing the and it’s going it’s going away right so we had radio everyone listens to radio wow amazing then you get television and all of a sudden everyone in the country is watching the same few shows knowing the same things if you live in New York and you drive to Chicago you can talk about wasn’t what was on you know Jimmy Carson or whatever right and then uh we started moving into the internet era and in this period You’ got decentralization to a little bit where things flattened out and shows like this were able to emerge right but now we’re entering total saturation with AI generation meaning it it at first it was like are you skilled enough to do a show and speak to the masses you got to be you got to have the you got to have the technical capabilities you got to have a producer a sound guy all of these people come together to build a machine to send that broadcast out and it was so hard to do that there were very few and everybody watched the same ones then with the internet became easier and easier and easier so shows like this could emerge still there’s a level of uh work ethic and Technical knowhow you need to record videos produced a show we are now at the point where people are almost entirely we’re not almost en but we’re moving very much into minute sound bite social media so people are just scrolling up scrolling up random video random video random video uh consuming no real information from them and we’re coming to the point where it’s CGI and AI so now the barrier of Entry is zero the value is zero but the dopamine is 100 m so this is uh this is the end and the good news is that it’s going to be Scarlet Johansson who’s Whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you Fade Away into the Matrix fake Scarlett Johansson right allegedly we have Scarlet Johansson there be no original left it’s a there’ll be a simulations with with no original remaining we’re there man this AI music generating stuff it’s it’s nuts it it the the capabilities of AI and what what people are going to do uh with it is definitely something that is I it’s unnerving I guess welcome to the end Phil read it portable non-invasive mindreading AI turns thoughts into text oh so we’re going to not so we won’t this is what this is what uh neuralink is really going to come down to you’re going to be connected to the cloud your brain will be connected to the cloud your brain your thoughts will be known to the to the to the cloud of central database and they actually import impute thoughts to you I feel I feel bad for Elon I feel bad you know he’s working so hard on neuralink yeah and uh they they uh norlink has been talking about one of the challenges they have is that these very thin wires apparently get displaced of course it’s it’s difficult to do and uh what they’re doing with AI is they’re they’re using electroen I believe they’re using Electro enams basically it’s a uh I I I they might be using something much more advanced than that that’s what it I read something on this early and that’s what they were using in they put a helmet on your head and it monitors brain waves that are coming out of your head right and humans have no idea what the waves mean they can’t inter interpret this but the AI can so what they do is they have people watch videos and then they tell the people to say what they are watching the the AI that the the computer then scans the brain waves of all the people watching these same videos and after enough samples the AI says I got it this pattern correlates with these things and they got to the point where I was watching this video and the guy says now we’re at the point where you can put where you can put on the headset watch the video and then the computer will tell us what you’re watching reading your mind yes reading your mind absolutely so they were inferring backwards from those Tri from those tests yeah it’s more than just watching the video though so the more people watch the videos and provide this dat it’s more than just you they play a video of a teenage girl walking her dog what what the the video showed was the AI doesn’t just say a video of a girl walking a dog it shows what the woman was thinking and the woman who was recording saying that woman looks like me and she’s walking her dog and so this is the Observer not the woman walking the dog right it was the it was a woman watching a video The Observers and the AI read her thoughts yeah this is all possible absolutely they’ve been talking about this for 20 years so we’re going to get to the point where more than that kwell you know going back to this this this EEG technology if it improves dramatically and the market will dictate if and and there’s a value for government especially oh yeah they’re going to find ways to minimize their requirements of an EEG so that they can scan your thoughts at a distance and maybe they already can and then use AI to decode what you’re thinking and let show a picture of Hitler and see what he thinks it’s not just that it won’t matter it’s you’ll be walking down Time Square and they will be scanning all of the thoughts and then all of a sudden there will be a guy walking and the cops are going to run out and grab him and he’s I didn’t do anything and they’re going to find a knife but you’re thinking about it so it’s premeditated precog pre- crime y word for a word for a a wild ride uh there’s got to be a way around it you got to be able to there has to be a way to foil hat yes that’s probably right I’m not kidding I imagine there will be some I mean they figured out ways to beat uh facial recognition with masks and different types of face painting I imagine there will be people that are going to be figuring out ways to try to come up with some kind of Jammer there’s already talk about Jammers on uh for drones and stuff like that or or what I I just I don’t think so because um what’ll end up happening is let let’s say they do implement this in Time Square you walk in a Time Square with a Jammer they run in and grab you immedately jam cell Jammers are illegal yeah you have any kind of of of blocking and they look masks are in many places illegal they can actually stop you and detain you for wearing a mask and make you remove it right granted a few years ago it was the opposite they would stop you and detain you the the most dangerous Prospect here is if the government is gets is uses this stuff to uh to control people to read their minds and actually control their behavior what if they’re already doing it yeah I was going to say it’s when if milit if military already developed this technology a while ago they’re always in advance yeah they’re way out ahead of consumer technology for sure this is what I thought was interesting with Colorado um Jared polus the governor just signed into law the bill regulating AI or attempting to regulate it and they’re kind of presenting it as we don’t want you to use the algorithm to discriminate against people so we want you want you to have to like uh Le certain amounts of data and whatever else but he was like you know he’s a Democrat and he was saying like I I understand you want to protect consumers and their privacy but this could really stifle technology and I think we’re at this I mean AI really does represent this this very strange um um knife blade kind of thin razorline point where people are saying you know Elon Musk is pointing out you can use certain Technologies to help people really in need or paraplegics wherever else but on the other hand in the wrong hands or just the in the unknowing hands AI could potentially be destructive uh you don’t know what it’s collecting don’t know what it’s referencing I mean chat GPT is followable it cites things it messes things up uh and so where do we stand because you know if you don’t want government regulation how do we keep all of these things in balance as as the technology races forward thanks for watching this clip from timcast IRL make sure to check out the live show Monday through Friday at 8:00 pm on this channel subscribe and we’ll see you all there

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  1. Why do you think the rush for control by 2030 Tim?
    Skullcap with fine tuned EM sensitive detectors read your mind;
    and so the opposite of making puppets not far off!!!

  2. Gonna be honest…I thought that was her voice on day 1. I used the voice of "Sky" pretty much daily for work and home. It feels kind of weird that I can't anymore. I became attached…and that's weird. Lol.

  3. AI under Asimov rules May work…
    But we all know humans are arseholes.
    So bring it on and lets see what hunter/gatherers had to do to live… against a superior foe HUMANITY built for GREED…

  4. top secret: she raped me in japan in 2002, she was just 17 years old, but she was old enuough to round in her underwear for the whole world to see. i tried to get the fbi to investigate, since we were both in japan at the same time and i was in the hospital where part of her pos movie was filmed (and the hospital is where she took advantage of me, the doctor in the movie is the same doctor that admitted me), of course, the pos fbi is too busy looking at her nude pics to actually help anybody who is a victim.

  5. These actors forget that they sign off their rights to Hollywood and other companies to use there likeness in advertising etc. as they see fit.

  6. Funny how she was not furious when she agreed to have digital doubles made of her for millions of dollars to do nothing and play yet another cardboard cut out version of Mary Sue.

  7. Personally, I think that Scarlett Johansson is being shortsighted here. all she’s gonna do is get ChatGPT to remove an anonymous random voice from their system and they’re probably gonna go out and ask Trisha Helfer to lend her voice to one of their bots and she’s probably going to say yes 🙂

    And she will lose culture irrelevant because she chose to force ChatGPT to remove a voice that only sounded similar to her .

    She’s desperate to make money now because she knows that she’s gotten older and she had the headlights toned down so now she’s no good for most of the parts that made her famous

  8. So… they contacted Scarlet directly about using her voice. She declined them. And so they got an approximation of her voice, without her. That's honestly just invasive and dirty. It comes off like "We'll use your voice one way or the other" kind of thing.

    OpenAi and generative pre-training Ai users have been stealing like this since the letters "GPT" became common knowledge: stealing art, stealing likenesses to do face swaps, voice swaps, etc. This is hardly any different. It's probably why they took it down once she spoke up.

  9. You guys, STOP saying paraplegic! It's QUADriplegics that can be helped with the mind reading technology. A paraplegic still has full use of their arms and hands. Or else just "paralysis" which can be one, two, any amounts of limbs.

  10. No it's not Tim, humans are smarter the you think but yes they are lazy too. So working with AI or not those will be the top content creators. So the field is now wide open, you may be dethroned if you can't keep up. Always remember man/woman created AI not the other way around.

  11. Here's the problem…people sound alike. So, if someone has a voice that's similar to a celebrity's, they are forbidden from getting into voice acting? Yeah, sounds ridiculous.

  12. Just wait folks.
    Some punk is going to AI generate Putin announcing a nuclear launch against the West in tandem to that Ping-Pong freak in North Korea, and the planet will shit itself and retaliate in kind…
    I suggest that everyone begins by assuming that everything presented to them via that rectangular thing that you all are holding in your hand at this moment is an outright lie designed to elicit an outrageous response giving governments the authority to step in and shut down healthy public discourse.
    This AI crap is going to spin out of control and take on a life of it's own to the degree that your most trusted sources of truthful info will soon be replaced and generated by some pimple-faced blue haired loser in Mommy's basement just for a laugh.
    Enjoy the ride, folks.
    Talk to your neighbors face to face.
    Reject everything that the government spews as the lies that they are.
    Social Media is an imaginary concept created by narcissistic pricks who cannot otherwise function within society.
    Fuq AI.
    Intelligence is NOT an artificial thing!
    It's an human attribute acquired through life and experience, and no machine can duplicate that except when presented to the minds of weak, gullible humans.
    Johansen needs to just suck it up. She chose to set herself up into the public spotlight. She does not own royalty rights to anything that resembles her or sounds like her. She ain't THAT unique in the human respect. She may feel "special" and entitled, but after 66 years on this planet, I've met dozens of so-called "Scarlett's" and they all look the same upside down to me.
    AI is making it's debut right now for the sole purpose of manipulating the minds of the lazy fuq's that been fed a steady diet of video games and techno garbage since kindergarten.
    Do not fear AI.
    Fear the voters who were 10 years old eight years ago who's brains have been turned to oatmeal through the Marxist system of public education.
    They will be your next generation of overlords and they are pissed because they haven't had every comfort handed to them at your expense, and they intend to extract their fuq'd up notion of justice from folks they've never met.

  13. Find out what frequency the brainwaves are running, look up what the physical amplitude of the signal is, have a wire mesh slightly smaller than that frequency amplitude is and have it embedded in a beanie and grounded. Faraday cage for the win.

  14. Serious legal question, do you own the copyright or whatever to the specific set of frequencies you output from your mouth, independent of you speaking? If so, do you own your image? What if someone draws a picture of you, do you own that?

  15. The approached her repeatedly and even the day before release tried to get her to agree. There is good reason to believe they deliberately created the voice as near to hers as possible. They offered her a lot of money.. she thought it over then said no. She wasn't after money..

  16. Well, they’ve justified everything else. The conspiracy theorist have been talking about for decades they might as well justify tinfoil hats. 😂

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