GTA Radio Funny Compilation (DJ Cara Delevingne Crazy Quotes)

here’s a question for you what does every woman have and it start with a V and that she can use it to get what she wants I know you’re thinking of one thing you sneaky bastard but no it’s not her voice it’s the victim [Music] card it even though you pretend you don’t I am so tired I barely slept last night I was thinking about someone what a waste of time don’t be like me if you ever feeling down just remember there is Love without sex and there is sex without love and there is you without both the world with crime and Corruption here is a life hack for you if one day you have to escape from the police by car carry a car seat with a baby doll in it and throw it out the window the cops will be forced to stop and safe the baby and you can escape man this life hacks are getting weird me is okay can we please talk about that one friend who never answers his phone no matter if you call him once or 15 times he won’t answer I’m not calling you for nothing go to your phone and answer another day another life hack by DJ Cara if you get caught staring at a woman and her boyfriend gets confrontation just say I am sorry she reminds me of my dead girlfriend that way you got a perfect view on a juicy ass without problems [Music] nice do you rather have an obedient gay son who loves rainbows or a rebellious daughter me personally I’m having 10 cats and dying [Music] alone a town where property prices and rents are too high here is a life hack for you if you want to keep property prices and rents low in your area shoot a gun in the air every day people will think the area is Criminal and no one wants to buy property [Music] anymore this is nonstop pop hey it’s Cara here on Non-Stop pop FM spinning tracks for everyone in Los Santos including those Riding Solo big shout out to our single listener yep you who’s so single even NPCs are swiping left don’t worry I’ve got the perfect track to keep you company remember you’re in great company because hey you’ve got me up next we’re keeping the Vibes high with Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia single or not this one’s for you this is nonstop pop FM you love it even though you pretend you don’t listen up folks it’s Cara on Non-Stop pop FM dropping truth bombs if you’re still stuck in a cycle of comparison measuring your worth against others it’s time to hit pause and remember you’re a limited edition don’t let anyone dull your [Music] sparkle sunny days in Los Santos it’s Cara on nonstop pop FM with a spicy idea to shake things up want to add some excitement to your neighborhood set up a mystery prize scavenger hunt hide quirky items and leave fun clues for your neighbors to find watching everyone Scramble for Hidden Treasures will bring lots of laughs trust me a little Adventure can turn any ordinary day into an unforgettable Thrill [Music] Ride if you’re more invested in Celebrity relationships than your own you’re seriously missing out on your own life turn off the gossip channels and start paying attention to the people who actually matter to you no one cares about the latest celeb drama except the tabloids why waste time obsessing over strangers love lives while your own relationships are on the back burner you’re turning into gossip obsessed zombies more fascinated by celebrity breakups than your own connections focus on your own story it’s worth living now let’s get back to the tunes you love here’s lady Hear Me Tonight by Mojo all your favorite pop hits from the 80s ’90s naugh and today best station ever 100.7 FM nonstop pop if you’re at a concert and spend the whole time filming you’re completely missing the point put down your phones and actually enjoy the music no one wants to see your shaky grainy videos on their feed anyway seriously what’s the point of being there if you’re just going to watch it through a screen you’re turning into screen obsessed bastards more worried about likes than living in the moment trust me the memory you make will be way better than anything on your camera roll so let’s unplug and actually experience life now back to the music you love here’s lady Hear Me Tonight by [Music] Mojo all right listen up it’s Cara on nonstop pop FM now I’ve got to say I’m getting real tired of the younger crowd these days always glued to their screens swiping away any chance of meaningful conversation and don’t even get me started on their socaled influencers more like misguided Role Models come on kids let’s unplug and reconnect with reality for a [Music] change this is nonstop pop FM you love it even though you pretend you don’t hey there it’s Cara shaking things up on nonstop pop FM let’s talk real talk if you’re cozy in your comfort zone you’re missing out on the thrill of growth it’s time to crank up the volume on change and embrace the discomfort of [Music] progress all right everyone get your thinking caps on I’ve got a tricky riddle for you to puzzle over here it goes I come in a lot of different sizes sometimes I drip a little if you blow me it feels really good what am I no it’s not the dick you pervert it’s the nose classic pop hits from the last 30 years it’s the best music 100.7 FM nonstop pop nonstop pop all right Los Santos this is Cara dely coming at you from non-stop pop FM shout out to our dedicated listener tuning in yeah you with the bank account balance that makes my empty shampoo bottle look wealthy hey don’t sweat it here’s a pro tip maybe avoid the casino unless they start a charity fund for the financially challenged but don’t worry I’ve got plenty of tracks lined up that won’t cost you a cent all right I’ve got something special coming up for you next it’s a track that’s guaranteed to lift those spirits and get even the most broke Gamers feeling like a million bucks get ready to groove to the Timeless Vibes of modjo with Lady hear me tonight let the smooth Melodies wash over you and remember no matter what’s in your wallet we’re all rich when the music hits hey non-stop pop FM listeners it’s Cara here keeping your speakers company because let’s face it someone has to shout out to our single listener out there who’s convinced they’re playing the game of Life on hard mode you might think you’re destined to be the Lone Wolf forever but don’t worry I’ve got a track list here that’s like the perfect relationship no commitment needed and keeps you dancing all night let’s kick it off with something to remind you that being single just means more room on the dance floor that dance floor never EMP it’s 100.7 FM nonstop pop music music from the ‘ 80s 9s naugh and today hey party people it’s Cara on nonstop pop FM so everyone’s going nuts over the latest Smartwatch another Gizmo to tell us to stand up and breathe Just What We Needed because we totally need more screens in our lives but hey keep those steps going and those notifications buzzing because your wrist won’t vibrate itself stay awesome tech fans itcs on with long way I was serving in those Civics and you were trying to keep me from winning but I did it I did it

#gta #gta5 #radio #caradelevingne #music

Non-Stop Pop is the best radio channel in the GTA series, and Cara Delevingne did an excellent job on it. Here is an 8-minute compilation of Cara being Funny and Crazy. Tune into it
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