Newly Uncovered Documents Suggest Trump Was Right About John Kerry & Iran

why is no one talking about this more because this seems like treason to me Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson are uncovering evidence that former Secretary of State John kry may have thed law enforcement efforts to arrest Iranian terrorist suspects tied to that State’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs their op pressor reads in part quote the records provided to our offices show that the obama/biden administration State Department under the leadership of John kry actively and persistently interfered with FBI operations pertaining to lawful arrests of known terrorists members of Iranian proliferation networks and other criminals providing material support for Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs the Senators wrote in letters to the state and Justice departments as well as the FBI the records also show that doj and FBI leadership apparently allowed it to happen until the Trump Administration altered course records reveal the Obama Biden State Department forced the FBI between 2015 and 2016 to stand down on arrests in eight cases one of which involved an Iranian subject on the terrorism watch list due to ongoing Politics the state Department’s Brazen political calculus led the FBI to determine they would have to sit back and wait until all the US and Iran negotiations resolve themselves before arresting the Iranians the the Trump Administration lifted the state Department’s block on FBI arrests upon taking office resulting in the successful capture of two of the Iranian targets end quote and what were these ongoing politics that thwarted these arrests and harm National Security Obama’s negotiations over the failed Iran nuclear deal or jcpoa that’s what from Ukraine to Iran looks like President Trump was right again what I’d like to see with Iran I’d like to see them call me you know John Kerry speaks to them a lot John Kerry tells them not to call that’s violation of the Logan act and frankly he should be prosecuted on that but my people don’t want to do anything that’s only the Democrats do that kind of stuff you know if it were the opposite way they’d prosecute him under the Logan act but John car violated the Logan act he’s talking to Iran and has been has many meetings and many phone calls and he’s telling them what to do that is a total violation of the Logan act and while G’s now Alle alleged to have stopped the arrest of Iranian terrorists for political reasons we’re now getting more information from House Republicans that the CIA reportedly blocked the IRS from interviewing interviewing certain Associates close to Hunter Biden that’s of course the sugar brother he’s sometimes called Ken Morris and we’ve talked about him before the Hollywood producer and entertainment lawyer who met Hunter at a fundraiser in 2019 and all of a sudden he started dropping Millions on on Hunter to help him with his child support his legal fees and luxurious living arrangements in California as reported by the Washington Free Beacon this resurrects the question about Morris is he tied to Intel in some way why did he become Hunter’s fixer and why is the CIA appearing to protect him joining us now to discuss all this and more is Republican Congressman Aaron Bean the US Representative of Florida’s fourth congressional district Congressman thanks for being back tonight herea it’s great to be with you it’s sickening just listening to your monologue of of how low the swamp can go uh thank you for covering it and thank you for bringing it to light not getting hear it anywhere else no and I appreciate you actually doing something about it for us up on Capitol Hill I know the fight is huge but I appreciate your part in that so I mean lots of big developments as you’re talking about but I want to get your thoughts on what we’re hearing about the CIA allegedly interfering in an IRS investigation in order to protect the bidens well we shouldn’t be surprised uh how low can they go they can keep going just when you think they can’t go any lower uh it’s what they do they’ve weaponized uh almost every section of law enforcement and uh and all of our agencies are all weaponized uh to attack Trump to attack uh to attack everything that’s right to violate the law it’s uh it’s a shame that we even have to have this discussion there used to be uh high on a hill the FBI the CIA we just trusted them knowing that they were going to put America first uh Cara we can’t trust them any longer no we can’t and you know this this Ken Morris guy I guess he’s even he’s more than just a a Hollywood type guy Ryan I know I think he’s cut Hunter off financially now but again the questions are why did he bankroll Hunter for so many years and why isn’t even the IRS not that I’m some big lover of the IRS whatsoever but you know why aren’t they even allowed to investigate

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  1. Philip Haney a DHS whistleblower during the Obama administration developed a database on Islamic terrorists and was fired and Obama deleted his database.

  2. Isn't Kerry's daughter married to an Iranian? Kerry has always been a traitor, even since his Vietnam days.

  3. Maybe this is why they are after President Trump looking for anything to convict him stop the democrats from allowing them to continue this witch hunt criminal cartel Obama Biden and Kerry! Arrests should take place!

  4. Like I always say, the media demonizes Trump all the while the opponents are doing things far worse than anything 45 ever did. It is treason and they should be in prison if not worse. It's disgusting.

  5. What amazes me most is that people don’t recognize the country is already lost, and there is no fairness or legitimacy in elections left? But we prefer hope to despair, don’t we?

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