Lady Gaga On Trans Rights at Chromatica Ball Film Premiere

you know right now I’ve been kind of working on a lot of different projects that bridge music and acting um and all different forms of art so I actually don’t have to do them kind of separately uh as much as people might think uh I I sort of like to work on everything all the time but I do I do find like one of the things that I have to really challenge myself to do is not to fall too deeply into one thing because I can get kind of stuck or lose my way so I’ve actually been really embracing um breaking genre and looking at looking at things in a a way that are a lot less regimented and specific just more um kind of free you know I’m just kind of always on to the next thing uh and I do a lot of my sort of artistic searching in private and a lot of thinking on my own and I sometimes go away and I’m not in the public eye all the time uh but tonight I just really wanted to share a piece of where I am now with my fans and I just love them so much and I’m excited to be me today with them every time I play born this way it is a mixture of a lot of Pride and also some sadness and anger because I feel like in a lot of ways I of course know that we have grown as a society but there’s so much work that we have to do especially with trans rights and uh there’s so there’s so many big things that need to change that uh that song also reminds me that we have a ton of work to do and that we’re not done at all you know I miss Tony all the time I love him so much and I still I still love him and you know I learned so much from him you he he was such a incredible performer and I think what I can say is I I’ve truly sang with one of the greats and one of the greats Tony Bennett was always focused on telling the story so I think I I really can say now in my career uh storytelling is kind of at the center of all my performances because he showed me that he showed me that telling a story always makes the audience the most happy because they feel like they’re like witnessing something super vulnerable and I’m special [Music]

Lady Gaga On Trans Rights at Chromatica Ball Film Premiere. Report by Jodie Mccallum.


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