Megan Mullally Says She and Husband Nick Offerman ‘Never Had an Organic Burning Desire’ to Have Kids

Posted by skyisscary


  1. Additional_Score_929 on

    Wanting to have kids shouldn’t be the norm. I respect them for being open about this. I personally never want kids, and I don’t agree with societal pressure for people to have them. Not everyone is fit to be a parent, and having one is so fucking expensive.

  2. LurkerByNatureGT on

    1) Good for them doing what’s right for themselves. 

    2) the fact that she still had to clarify this is infuriating.  “ The Will & Grace star clarified, however, that she isn’t “anti-children,” despite never starting a family.” 

  3. Thick-Definition7416 on

    Why is this even a question reporters ask?! Imagine asking that to someone who has fertility issues that they’ve kept private?!

  4. coffee0verdose on

    My take is that you shouldn’t have kids unless you REALLY want to — regretful parents don’t make good ones

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