She posted another clip of all the incidents, hers included, and captioned it: “Who let the dogs out? aka Cannes Film Fest 2024 security attacking worldwide celebrities on the red carpet.”

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. amomentintimebro on

    Well I for one I’m sure this post will be incredibly normal and not insane 🥰

  2. isaidhecknope on

    Are there any pics of individuals posing on the stairs? All I’ve seen is groups (4+) on the stairs and individuals on the flat portion of the carpet.

    Seems that they just didn’t want individuals posing on the stairs.

  3. iamflomilli on

    Okay now people are just doing it on purpose because it’s getting attention

  4. Ukcheatingwife on

    These celebrities need to realise the festival isn’t about them. You aren’t supposed to linger on the stairs for photos. It’s happened so many times now that I think these C list celebs are doing it on purpose to get their names out there.

  5. RedditUseDisorder on

    It’s entertaining watching the stark difference between how this usher is treated on here vs deuxmoi lmao.

    I think this lady is a bit of a Joey Crawford or any other infamous referee. At times a bit too stringent in her job description but it’s a stretch to discuss racism here when some of the “victims” are also known to be assholes or divas

  6. Spiritual_Boss6114 on



    Please stop acting like annoying children. They are just doing their jobs.

  7. SaintNutella on

    To be completely honest, I don’t think a lot of this is a big deal at all, but this is my take. Probably unpopular.

    The usher is overzealous and apparently takes her job very seriously. I think it’s possible the high stress and level of the event contributed to her decision making. And celebrities in general are notoriously known for being hard to work with and pretty entitled compared to your regular non-celebrity person like us.

    To my knowledge, unless you’re some sort of VIP at Cannes (like starring in a film being showed there) or a model for a brand that has *paid* to pose on the stairs, you’re not allowed to stop especially once you’re beyond the halfway point. This is due to scheduling and also because it ruins this little capitalistic scheme of paying big bucks to pose on the carpet when others do it for free.

    Now, do I think Kelly was unjustified in her response? Not really. The usher steps on her dress and seemingly speaks to her disrespectfully. In this case, I think it’s fair that Kelly stood her ground.

    Massiel trying to get her Jesus cape to unravel for a photo op seemed like it was against the rule and I think it’s inappropriate that she ended up shoving her. Again, I don’t like the idea of a *celebrity* shoving a service worker who is doing her job, even if she’s bad at it and especially if nobody is really in the right here anyways. To Massiel’s credit, I understand that she could’ve been stressed and just had a human reaction.

    People bring up Yoona’s clip but I don’t have enough context I suppose. To me it seemed like she was sort of rushed up the stairs but I didn’t see anything considerably inappropriate from either of them. I don’t have the schedule and without further context, my guess was just that the event was behind schedule.

    This celebrity seems to be trying to go back down the steps which was not permitted so the usher stopped her. Again, could the whole thing be avoided if the usher was less hands on or zealous about her job? Sure, but it’d also be avoided if celebrities would just do as their told the first time and not think that they have a special privilege or right to the staircase because they’re a celeb with a pretty dress.

  8. Visible_Writing7386 on

    The usher is continuously doing too much, getting way too close, but the stars ( i say this loosely) are also making a scene. The actress from another video was continuously trying to get herself and her Jesus veil seth up for more photos, even though there is very clearly no time for that. Also the actress was pushing her back when they were both on top of the stairs. That is ridiculous. We don’t know how long they were on the carpet already or how many photos they already took. I don’t know if it’s fault in the organization, or the stars are not aware of the protocol, but they are all in the wrong lol.. Also, this usher just stays unbothered in handling people lol, i can’t say it’s exactly a normal behavior..

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