WINNER of American Idol 2024 Abi Carter – EVERY Performance!

who is this how are you I’m doing so good hi who are you my name is Abby Carter Abby Carter and how young are you 21 21 yeah okay and where are you from Indio Indio California ah well we know it we know it it’s the Coachella Valley so you’ve been to the festivals right I by the grace of God got to go to Stage Coach this past time I think Luke was there were you there obviously she didn’t catch my show she heard something on stage and ran the other way I was there only on the last day I don’t think how was it there that well tell me tell us about your life growing up in India wow oh I came from a very religious family I’m the second oldest of seven kids wow uh she a single mom and no oh wow did she raise all seven of You by herself uh practically wow and uh why are you here choosing us to possibly launch your life I have been a fan of American Idol my entire life and so I think I’ve been telling myself since I was a kid when I got old enough I would do it and I guess this is just me doing it well what are you going to sing for us uh what was I made for by Billy ish wow I love that song so much I’m glad to it’s such a beautiful song and she does it so amazing so amazing please do it so amazing I hope I can do it justice for you in your style go ahead go for itk so good take your time get it right take the [Music] keyboard I used to float now I just fall fall down I used to know but I’m not sure know what I was made for was I made for taking a drive I was I deal look so alive turn out I’m not real just something you paid [Music] for was I made for [Music] I don’t know how want to feel but I want to try I don’t know how to feel someday I [Music] when Day end all the enjoyment I’m sad again don’t tell my boyfriend it’s not what he made [Music] for was I made for what was I [Music] for they’re Clapp No Doubt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um and we don’t have to vote she killed it listening my sister’s talented man is she there yeah she’s down there somewhere man oh there’s a large opening here I didn’t notice until now thank you for being an example of singing from your heart what were you made for you were made for this 100% know to say that may be the winner of American Idol that’s Luke she’s top 10 right I said I just so L I said that’s the winner that may be the winner of American ID right there I’ve never heard the crew clap seriously no yeah the crew’s never clapped just don’t change just sing from your heart oh my God your life’s going to change Superstar the you wanted to change I’m speechless I don’t even know what to say right [Music] now don’t hurt her don’t hurt that child invested we’re invested [Applause] [Music] wait all the leaves are br and the sky is great I went for [Music] work on a [Music] winner I be safe and all if I was in a l [Music] California [Applause] Dreaming on such a win stopped into a church I passed along the way [Music] well I got down on my knees and I pretended to pray you know the preacher likes the call he knows I’m going to stay he knows I’m going to stay oh c dream on the [Music] wday the Lees [Music] of and the sky is great I and for going stay if I didn’t turn I leave today cnia dream dream SE win day your winers your winners day [Music] welcome boom boom boom boom [Applause] [Music] Oh the greater where feed may fail so I will call upon your name and keep my eyes above the waves when Notions rise my soul will rest in your Embrace for I am yours and you are mine [Applause] [Music] Spirit Le me where my trust is without for and me walk upon the waters wherever you would call take me deeper than my feet could ever wonder and my PR be made stronger in the presence of [Music] [Applause] [Music] myor spirit Le me with my TR is without B let me walk upon the you would [Music] call [Applause] [Music] me my father took me into the city to see a Maring B so I get the feeling that she’s watching over me and other times I feel like I should go through it all the rise and fall the paries are the streets and when you’re gone you want you all to know we’ll car all car on oh you’re dead in God believe me I’m just a man I’m not a hero I’m just a boy to sing that song just I’m not a hero car [Applause] oh car [Music] I don’t even want to speak after that you just said so much and that song Katie when I cheated and looked down that you were singing a mym song I was like what’s happening and I’m literally crying listening to you and you like transported me into a whole different realm a whole different energy a whole different dimension it was so good if you love Abby or any of these contestants you better vote put your fingers to work and vote for your faves they are not safe just because you like them anytime we have contestants competing in this show and it feels like we’re at their concert I mean that felt like we were at your concert it just showed me a glimpse into a big bright future for you and since your audition I’ve been wanting you to find that magic and you certainly just found it and some just then I I I think Luke hit the right word is it’s it’s magic very few times in life you find that moment where you sing a song and if anyone is breathing you can hear them no one was breathing everyone was quiet and you were in control my dear congratulations Mead in her love is she’s got you you hypnotized you say you love me but I [Music] know when I work so hard to keep you satisfy [Music] I’m about to lose my heart my my my [Music] mind no no no sh I you away from me [Music] sure will stay the I [Music] [Applause] [Music] ever about you all the time [Music] [Applause] to come down when are you going to land should have stayed on the farm should have listened my old man you know you can’t hold me forever didn’t sign up with [Music] you not a present for your friends to open that boys too young to be singing the [Music] blue so goodbye brick road where the dogs of society H you can’t find me in your pet house I’m going back to my back to the how and old owl in the woods hunting the horny back oh I finally to side and my future lives beyond the yellow brick [Music] [Music] wow wow the complexity of everything that just went on there from playing the piano to where that song starts in your vocal range to where you took it the fact that there is a world class band behind you that didn’t have to play you just held the whole room I mean that is pro pro Beyond far beyond your age in in years I U I am absolutely um kind of when you can take an Elton John song and make it your song and and actually to the point of just Jean you said it right if you can make those lyrics Elton John’s lyrics your lyrics You’ve got something I’m going to say to everybody in this class and everybody including you everybody if you want anyone to win you have to vote and I’m telling you this class is something to vote on it’s a great class vote you guys [Applause] vote eight from from day one it’s always been you and there’s been like a couple of like little you know things in between but tonight it’s always been you you sing with such an Angelic frequency and I think a lot of things are going to happen in the future when you sing and a lot of people will need that song you’re amazing and I can’t be safe times I try to swim again brought me down upon my knees oh I beg I beg and come out things I said shoot an apple off my head and trouble that can’t be named the tiger waiting to be T you [Music] you [Music] oh confusion never stops closing walls and tiing clocks come back and take you home I cannot stop that you sing come out of what my S C and opportunities and my of the Cure [Music] singing oh [Music] and nothing else Compares no nothing else Compares [Music] you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you thank you well thanks thanks for taking my advice and you know getting out there I mean you’re in the crowd you’re navigating steps you’re you’re connecting with fans and uh that was great good job to to get out from behind that Piano thank you when you when you get that close to fans there are two little fans behind me here when you started off looking right at them I thought they were going to hyperventilate I mean they stop breathing but that’s what performing is all about I think you’re staging the way you’re now presenting yourself walking the stage you’re on fire you’re on fire this is probably the last time I will ever say this in my life but I think Luke was actually kind of right you can’t do a whole performance behind performance behind the piano you were still authentic to yourself and it was still Angelic good job thank you [Applause] [Music] how can you see to my eyes like open doors leading you down into my car the life become so without [Music] a my spirit sleeping somewhere cold until you find it [Music] there wake me up me up inside my name me for all the my blood to R before I come save me from nothing ien and St without your Touch without your love [Music] daring you can bring the light back to the me wake me up [Music] [Applause] [Music] right on what say you Katie Perry well what say you Abby I say thank you why I think you chose this song well you’re wrong really Luke Bryan is on the [Applause] board that’s what we’re talking about y [Laughter] my Dr careful careful okay all right that was incredible that’s why she’s laying on the desk uh I actually let start with you Luke when I chose that I didn’t really know it’s like I I created a monster well um L I mean really way to just take it to another level I mean from the time the first note to your approach it was just you knew it was game on and you were here to play and be serious it yes L Richie so so I mean how good is it when you come and you forget this is a competition I’m not at a concert you follow me you were so professional so on it the production was right there with you but I’m telling you you took it to that next level of your life that was amazing thank you thank you so much you just kicked down all four walls of the box I thought you were in that was something brand new and that was the best performance of the night so far [Music] Abby your dets with the the world meev I just got to get you out the cage my young l r going to spark toight My Songs Know What You Did in the [Music] [Applause] Dark [Music] fire I just keep riding with never the pretty angers guys i’ got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see this the end go do everything you let B up B up on fire [Music] I want know what you [Music] did in the dark dark I had to last on my mic pack back into my body and you caught it perfect okay hold on you guys where has all this energy been where has all this physicality been like if you did that all the whole time you’ve been on American Idol there would be no question like why were you saving that for the almost last show you can do that I didn’t know and you can lasso your ear headphone thing that’s wild you’re I’m scared for my job that performance made me scared for my job yeah you know what’s funny is when we have you know every time we tour we have stuff attached to our belts and they do come flying off but we have people come out and help us I was like somebody come help her it with me but you know but the thing about it is you know uh being on stage just unpredictable stuff happens and you know you just uh you handled it like a pro and we don’t even need to talk about that because the performance was amazing right and I mean like Katie said I mean we thought you just played piano and sing we didn’t realize that you know fireballs and stuff happen it was you it was you giving me the Evanescence song this past week I didn’t know I I know the combination of last week and this week oh my God you know what I what I what couldn’t get over it most of the time we know how to do that with a mic cord you spin the microphone around and then you pull it in I’ve never seen it done with the pack that is unbelievable that was good what I will tell you what I will tell you though is your confidence you never broke character you never broke character as far as we were concerned it was not happening you not only did this but you put it back on oh my God you didn’t miss a beat we were watching that backstage so smooth did you even have to think about that didn’t seem like it it took a while it was in my hand for a little bit but yeah yeah yeah did you see this move right here Ryan yes yes oh come on uh and Luke Things fall from your your belt when you’re performing yeah lots of stuff happens to me I saw a beer once some cheese it I mean all kinds of things I mean you got to just roll with the punches that’s it yeah I mean fish flight stay hello me who wondering if after all these years you like to meet to go [Music] over everything say it’s I’m suppos to heal you but I done much healing there’s such a difference between us and a mil from the other side I must have called a thousand times to tell you I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done but when know call you never seem to be War hell from me outside at least I can see that [Music] I’ve and to tell you how sorry for breaking your heart but it don’t matter it clearly doesn’t tear you apart [Music] more to me [Music] so so so way to go when you just take hello once and then you take hello twice and then you make an Adele song Hello and then turn it it was so in fact that’s the best I’ve ever heard you I’m when I say it it was so so delicate it was so Soulful it was so I mean it was personal you follow me and that will keep a qu a crowd coming back year after year after year that was amazing thank you so much that was Angelic frequency right there absolutely it was beyond it was on another level and if you think that your faves are safe and you’re not voting you’re wrong it is so tight right now you have to vote it is anyone’s game thank you I think you made Lon Richie forget he wrote the original hello I know I I I I I was trying to think he wrote the original I know but she just crushed she crushed latest the latest very well said I mean yeah we that that magic Zone and sometimes you found it and sometimes you haven’t given it to us you just gave that magic thing in your voice the whole performance it was tremendous thank you so much look at this stuff isn’t it neat wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete wouldn’t you think I’m a girl a girl who had everything I’ve got gadgets and gmes and plenty I’ve got who it’s and what it’s G you want think of my boss I’ve got like 20 but car no big deal I want more and I want to be where the people are I want to see want to see him dancing walking around on the what do you call them oh feet up where they walk up where they run up where they stay all day in the Sun and wondering I could be part of that world and I bet you they understand I bet they don’t who and their daughters young women sick of swimming ready to [Music] stand know people know I ask my questions and get some answers what’s the fire and is it the word my turn wouldn’t I love love to explore this out all the s wish I could [Music] be part of that [Music] wow wow oh I’m up sorry I was taking a the magic took you didn’t it right I was I was caught up in the Disney Magic um way to embody that character I mean that song is a character and um it really put me in the moment and it was a beautiful image and you just really you could tell you’ve grown up singing that song and uh it was it was one of your best performances I’ve seen great job thank you your voice your voice is custom tailored for the Disney song book I mean there’s not one song you could not sing and just bring the house down by the way I love the way you took us all the way up and then took us to a whisper that’s just showed you your range of Excellence it was fantastic thank you it’s my sister Ariel’s first live show here today it was the first time that she could come so I’m just I was really happy to sing well Ariel’s one of my best friends too it’s so sweet you really em you really embodied that song Abby and um when you sang burned and gave us that note it was amazing and then you gave us the falsetto was amazing you know it’s been incredible watching you grow it’s like a dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes and your wish is coming true [Applause] [Music] ah listen to the wind blow watch the [Music] sunrise running in Shadows then you love them [Music] you and if you love me now you will never love me again I can still hear you say it you will never break the [Music] chair listen to the wind blow down come [Music] [Applause] [Music] and if you don’t love me now you will never love me again I can still hear you say it you will never break the shame and if you don’t love me now you will never love me again I can still hear you say it you will never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] together if you don’t love me now you will never love me again [Applause] all right so Abby Abby I I got to tell you what what you what you have to know here is that first of all that was such a moving conversation you had with your mother that just can I pass by that one bit thank the second part of this is actually your performance way to strike a pose okay I mean come on you have to give the photographers a chance to get that press shot so we the next town will know what’s coming you did a great job thank you I’m just coming back from that conversation you had with your mom it was so moving I was crying like before I was coming up it was hard to get into character okay I just also can’t believe we met you and you were singing what was I made for like yesterday and you were like you didn’t even you’re in disbelief and now you’re up here you’re owning it you’re showing us new levels every time I think you know if you just shed that last little layer you’re going to be like a billy ish Haley from Paramore That’s the goal I think you’re on your way thank you yeah just your confidence is is like so there I mean to to see you just kind of stare down the the the lens of the camera and really connect and um it’s just it’s just really it’s unbelievable to watch I mean you were this girl just sitting at a piano during auditions and now you’re like going into diva mode here this is such an alter ego I’m learning how to play her [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] down it brings home P for love [Applause] for she says we got to hold on what we got it doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not we got each other and that’s a lot a [Music] [Applause] sh all my [Music] [Applause] I all [Music] [Applause] [Music] all on take my we make it I swear ladies and gentlemen give it up for Mr [Applause] [Music] that we could ever don’t need even try we get just get ofs on broken you don’t try to fix here ain’t no wise you don’t Pi up [Applause] you what I I what I up me I am where I want to be Frid night around song we and we all sing along girl me [Applause] [Music] [Music] piano trying hard to capture the moment this morning I don’t know cuz a botle of V still my head and some gave me night I think that she’s still in my I dream about movies [Music] make I won lay it down in a bed of [Music] roses for tonight I sleep on a b oh I want to be just as close as theoy ghost and let you [Music] down I want to lay you down in a bed for tonight i s on to I want to be just as close the Holy Ghost is the [Music] May of wowo wow wow wow wow well I think they’re saying it right uh yeah that was that was tremendous uh yeah I think the room is saying uh what they feel it was amazing incredible the spoken that’s it the room may be cheering but if you’re not voting from home it doesn’t mean anything so you better vote well your tears kind of say it all and the look on your face but what are you feeling right now when you listen to this crowd this audience I’m so unimaginably [Music] thankful for us somewhere a place for us peace and quiet and opening time to learn time to care [Laughter] somay somewhere I will find a new way of living find a way of [Music] foring somewhere [Music] there for us a time and a place for us hold my hand and we’re way there hold my hand and I’ll take you there [Music] go [Music] all right all right I want to hear myself talk I want to hear myself talk no I’m just playing start back screaming I’m not talking hold up hold on hold on hold wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that I can hear myself that that was a showstopping moment it doesn’t get any better than that when you can take it down to silence and kill the show it’s unbelievable thank you thank you I was watching you uh sing and your hand movements I was like the Statue of Liberty is coming to life she is a America’s own wins American Idol it’s going to be the level the bar is going to be so high so high that was magic I started in a GED place I was young for of Fai no one even knew my name but still I chased R the race do you know what I’ve been through I felt sing with do you know what i’ been through i’ been through i’ been through oh I it taste [Music] Dr with the heart Li I [Music] will CU I can [Music] taste how do you fall in love harder than a bullet could hit you how do we fall apart [Music] F trigger don’t say say breath it’ll just break it shut your mouth run me like a river sh your M baby hold me me like a river like a shut your M me like a [Applause] [Music] r rer [Music] River like a river [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a rer r Riv R like a r like a r shut your mouth me like the [Applause] river the I’ll believe there will be a happy end day I’ve spent too much time in the mirror that little girl would star back now I don’t see her she couldn’t keep [Music] pretending youve done the damage but she’s not unon you brought the fire baby you burn her she wasn’t a fighter so I had to show her people grow up you just Grew Older you thought it was done lesser than [Music] hour this [Music] isn’t isn’t over they’re saying let’s just do it let’s go let’s get it the grand finale has been nothing short of Epic tonight and this season is almost over over the break the final vote closed it was a very tight race I have to tell you that I have your results in my hand will Mosley and Abby Carter here from their first auditions the Hollywood week and Alani for the lights of our studio stage you have given it your all each and every hour each and every moment thank you for all of that heart one of them is about to be your next American Idol good luck Tom dim the light and here we go after the Nationwide live Coast to Coast vote the winner of American Idol 2024 [Music] is Abby car you got it you did it you did it you’re amazing you’re amazing congratulations you did it you did it thank you so much for being who you are every time step on this stage come up with me your growth has been amazing America saw it they voted for you and you are the new American Idol we’re going to have you sing are you ready one more time also for will Mosley everybody our runner up and now with the repri before performance of what was I made for your American Idol winner the one and only Abby [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Carter I used [Music] to I just fall down I used to know but I’m not sure now what I was made [Music] for what was made [Music] [Applause] [Music] for cuz I don’t know how I feel I don’t know how I [Music] [Applause] feel heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music]

American Idol WINNER 2024 Abi Carter EVERY Performance!

0:00 – Audition
5:44 – Platinum Ticket
8:39 – Disney Aulani
10:51 – Top 20
14:47 – Top 14
16:34 – Top 12
20:26 – Top 8
23:57 – Top 7
28:31 – Top 5 Dance Song
32:59 – Top 5 Ballad
36:41 – Disney Night
40:46 – Disney Night P2
44:55 – Finalists Perform
48:00 – Final – Bed of Roses
51:18 – Final – Somewhere
54:48 – Final – Duet with Bishop Briggs
57:31 – Grand Finale
59:08 – Results & Last Performance

#AGT #BGT #XFactor

In the exhilarating season of Britain’s Got Talent 2024, the stage is set for a whirlwind of talent, drama, and awe-inspiring performances. From the best BGT auditions showcasing a diverse array of acts, to the coveted BGT Golden Buzzers that left audiences in awe, this year’s competition promises to be nothing short of spectacular. Follow Top Talent for each episode of BGT 2024, featuring Best auditions and full episodes filled with heartwarming stories, jaw-dropping talents, and unexpected twists. With the esteemed judges including Simon Cowell, Alesha Dixon, Amanda Holden, and the newest addition, Bruno Tonioli, the stakes are higher than ever. The first Golden Buzzer on BGT 2024 already broke the internet with singer Sydney Christmas shocking the judges.

Top Talent features American Idol 2024 Season 22! The season premiered on February 18th 2024 on ABC, with a panel of our beloved Idol judges—Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie—with the iconic Ryan Seacrest hosting the show. Just like previous seasons that showcased talents and celebrity coaches from Taylor Swift, Fantasia, Kelly Clarkson, Adam Lambert and Carrie Underwood, this season promises to be no different. Join us each week for the best-of moments and weekly compilations, highlighting outstanding auditions and the journey of newly discovered stars. Stay tuned for the latest updates from the American Idol Season 22 stage. Subscribe now to be a part of the excitement! ✨🎶🎤

America’s Got Talent: Fantasy is a new TV series in 2024. AGT Fantasy is AGT with a twist! The show features judges drafting a team of acts from the “got talent” franchise. The show stars Terry Crews, Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum Simon Cowell and features the long-awaited comeback of legendary judge Mel B! The competitors include not only big viral acts such as Kodi Lee, Darci Lynne and Tape Face, but also some lesser known contestants for Got Talent worldwide! Top Talent features the best of AGT Fantasy weekly auditions, as well exciting compilations! Subscribe to Top Talent for all the AGT Fantasy League fun!

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  1. Abi reminds me of the early years' winners. I picked them at auditions. Abi has that instant quality. The judges all knew at the same point also. There's good, very good and best stands out immediately. If you feel it in a few notes or a few measures you probably understand music or just think you do.

  2. ABI Sings from Her HEART & SOUL❤❤❤😊❤❤❤❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹☀️☀️☀️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💙💝💙💝💙💝💚

  3. the song "yellow brik roud" was a cover from angelina jordan age 13 bei AGT in 2019/20. she did a cover from elton and he call her after that audition. she won NGT at the age of 7
    aby reminds me to her. i wish her the best on her way. thumbs up.

  4. Abi was a force on the show that no one was going to get near.. Awesome work, America. For us sitting on the other side of the world, unable to vote, you got it right for all of us.

  5. All the christian overtones just turned me off. Sorry. No interest and I won't be watching Idol anymore if this is the path they're going down.

  6. Something wrong with most of her songs' arrangement that made them screamy. Brilliant in many parts and gratty in a lot of parts. She won and she has a year or two to get that confidence honed and her technique cleaned up. I hope she writes because that's the only way to really get ahead in the music industry.

  7. In her innate ability to take familiar songs, filter then through her amazing heart and soul, gift us with something ENTIRELY NEW, REBORN, FANTASTIC, Abi recalls the magnificence of the late EVA CASSIDY. ❤

  8. I would go every day of the week to see Abi in concert. She is 1000% better than Taylor Swift ever wanted to be. Abi actually has a beautiful strong voice unlike Taylor Swift. I'd like to Taylor take on just one of the songs Abi has preformed, it would be a train wreck.

  9. Wishing you all the best Abi!! I knew from the moment I saw your audition you would be American Idol 2024! You should be proud of yourself. 👏👏

  10. Every performance shes so beautiful inside out she sing from the heart it's so emotional love to keep watching over and over again Good luck on your music career I knew it from the very first time she's audition ❤❤❤❤

  11. So Beautiful but too sad for my cup of tea. But hey, sometimes you need to hear some of it and she will be a star for sure!…next Adele!…
    She's a Diva, indeed!

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