Hailey Bieber says she’s ‘Not super close with my family anymore’ in W magazine interview – thoughts?

Posted by FrequentFlyerClub


  1. dramaqueen09 on

    If my aunt was was Hilaria Baldwin I wouldn’t either. That woman gives me major second hand embarrassment 😖

  2. CriticalSuccotash on

    I’d get as far away from Stephen as I could as fast as possible. He creeps me out.

  3. Good for her. She’s probably better off for it, too. Toxic family can be so hard to break away from, esp when there are so many people saying crap like “they’re family, family is forever blah blah blah”. Being family doesn’t give you the right to mistreat people or manipulate them or lie to them or take them for granted. It took me a long time to learn that but once I did, I was a lot better off too.

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