October 4th: Justin Bieber was seen wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Middle Eastern headscarf, in support of Palestine, while leaving the Chateau Marmont.

Posted by No_Opportunity_2319


  1. storminthedark on

    Can I say I really hate how the movement for a Free Palestine has been centered around celebrities. I think this is a good thing and if Justin has an awareness that innocent people are being slaughtered at the hands of a genocidal regime then that’s something, but he’s leaving a hotel that forced maids to handle used drug syringes, had staff members being pressured by poolside guests to lotion them up, had sexts and slurs and relentless sexual propositions from colleagues or guests thrown at them etc. He’s also likely surrounded by Zionists either way with his association with Scooter even if he’s truly empathetic and cares about the Palestinian people. The stans will use this as a tool to praise him and to tot up points in whose fave is the most morally sound, which all takes away from the actual conversation around Palestine. These rich people are all so divorced from reality.

  2. Well, I’ve gotta say I’m surprised and happy to see somebody of his status wearing a keffiyeh. He’s on the right side of history, unlike so many of his contemporaries. Good for him.

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