Pamela Anderson Opens Up About Her Decision to Go Makeup-Free: ‘I Feel More Myself Than Ever’

Posted by mcfw31


  1. > In an interview with The Sunday Times published on Sunday, Nov. 10, the actress and model, 57, opened up about her decision to go makeup-free recently and how she now feels “more myself than ever.”

    > “I didn’t realize it was going to start all of this, all these people really relating to me,” she continued. “It’s a great message — we are good enough just the way we are. I have to remind myself of that every day.”

    > “Now I’m playing myself. Now I feel more myself than ever,” said Anderson.

  2. ghostfreckle611 on

    Easy to be against something, when you’ve gotten all that you could from it… and can no longer benefit from it.

  3. burnerburner802 on

    I love her and think she looks so gorgeous without makeup BUT I do just want to highlight this started when she acquired a skincare line (sonsie). Still a great message but she’s def doing it to promo the brand as well…

  4. And she looks 10x better than the celebrities half her age addicted to face/lip fillers. She’s aging gracefully.

  5. I’ve been watching some of her recent interviews and she looks liberated both inside and outside. What a breath of fresh air, I love her

  6. The truth is she’s old now, so why give a fuck.

     Still looks good for her age makeup free.

  7. cowboyAtHeart03 on

    Do whatever it takes to make it big and money with no shame, then when older regret it later by trying sonething to get your dignity back.

  8. Good for her. She was one of the core people of my youth that I admired and who “inspired” me through adolescence. If she wants to cruise now, I’m all for it. She’s a beautiful woman, makeup or not.

  9. AnukkinEarthwalker on

    Still beautiful. Great she did this.. especially now when people constantly hide themselves behind filters…even extremely beautiful people. It’s sad.

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