Jamie Lee Curtis Quits X/Twitter: ‘God, Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change’

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. > Jamie Lee Curtis is no longer on X. The Oscar-winning actor announced on Instagram that she’s deactivated her X account, writing in the caption: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.”

    > Curtis did not provide a specific reason for leaving X, but her decision comes at a time when organizations such as the Berlin Film Festival and news publications like The Guardian have announced they will stop posting on X due to the rampant toxicity that exists on the Elon Musk-owned social media platform.

  2. Yes. Another unhinged moron bites the dust. Go hollywood keep it up makes the future so much brighter. Learn nothing lol

  3. I was an avid twitter fan but stopped using it during the first Trump term to preserve my mental health. Not sure why anyone aside from wannabe christofascists, neonazis, and those that profit off of them would still bother with that cess pool?

  4. Don’t blame her.

    I kept blocking Musk and somehow he kept weaseling his way into my feed with Trump nonsense.

  5. I cancelled twitterX back in August. It takes a few weeks to complete. Meanwhile I kept getting messages saying someone was trying to login to my account. They kept saying log in to change password. That would have reset the time needed to cancel my account. I’m sure it was all bullshit to keep the account open.

  6. Good reminder to deactivate mine. I can’t deal with 4 years of Leon’s middle school sense of humor infiltrating the highest branches of the government with his unfunny “trolling”. God help us.

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