1. Necessary-Sample-451 on

    I’m not familiar with Norwegian law so can’t say if he’s getting special treatment or not. But he’s living with his mother and stepfather? Why would they have a drug addled, thieving, violent, raping rat in their home w young kids?

    Btw, I thought he had his own apt that mommy cleaned up in and I thought he wasn’t allowed in the Crown Princess’ home after parrying there w thieves..?

  2. This is standard in Norway. They have a very different criminal justice system. Just clarifying that he’s not being released because of family connections. Scandinavian countries are in a completely different world compared to the US, and even the UK and other parts of Europe, when it comes to their criminal system of law.

  3. Marius is exactly the sort of person a more progressive justice system does nothing for. He may very well be a threat to the woman in his life. I hate to comment on another country’s system when my own is screwed up.

  4. Comic_Book_Reader on

    He got 1 week in custody, and got released today. They originally wanted *2* weeks.

    Need I say more?

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